McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: realrebel on March 25, 2009, 05:25:57 PM
i cant beleive what happened all the fuss a few weeks back at the meetings
surely there was a few of those people there to second it
whos ur man that was chairing the meeting in rocestown was he not from drispey?

He was.


Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 05:13:29 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 05:03:24 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 04:57:24 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 04:52:13 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 04:46:15 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 03:50:18 PM
Reillers, you say its nothing do with money and all about the County Board. I and many others see it different. We are all old enough and wise enough to make our own minds up on it. And your constant whining, repetitive posts (eg Joe Deanes reading of the arbitration ), and totally dismissal of everyone else is sickening at this point.

I think history will see it alot differently from your take on it.

If you made even the slightest attempt to use the fact to build your opinion and support it with fact then I would have no problem with you sharing your opinion and would just take it as that, your view. But NO WHERE in any of this dispute has there been any evidence of it being about money. Yet you and your lot continue to bitch about it, with NO evidence, proof or backing at all, but ye take it as fact. That's my problem, especially when you know ye do it and continue to do so.

And you, saying that I dismiss posts, you continue to say that about me and GAA..etc. So get off your high horse on that one.

As if I'd waste time trying to discuss anything with you.

I'll give you one fact.... once Gerard McCarthy was out of the job, the Cork Hurlers went back playing and one of them went on TV telling saying that they'll have to work alongside FM and the CB and that hopefully something will be put in place.

But its all about the CB  ::)

You're now acting like OM, try actually replying to the post instead of trying to ignore questions that you can't answer. There isn't a shread of proof to back up anything you've said.

I see very little evidence that is was always about the County Board. A lot of talk that it was but no outcome to suggest that it was. And I'm refering to the clubs, I'm talking about the players.

This was about the players getting their way, always was and will be till the next time they throw the toys out of the pram.

Us in the clubs have seen plenty of it in Cork, thinks you'd never see. And then of course there's stuff that has been brought into light their personal agendas, reappointing McCarthy for one, the CB basically saying we don't give a shit what the clubs think on more then one occasion, to the press, them not being able to answer any questions directed at them fully, usually responding by we've not heard anything about it, being their only media dealing and then going off into their meetings where NO media is allowed 99.9% of the time unless FM has something up his sleeve, then only written media is allowed. You've known delegates who have been removed from their posts because they were found out to have voted against what their clubs voted for. You've got their actions during the 3 incidents in 2002, 2007 and 2009, all to back up how spinless they are. And you've got last night as well to back it up. The list goes on and on.
Ye've absolutely know proof to suggest they're in it for the money, the only thing that was a half attempt as proof was when asked the only thing they produced was an article that was about 2 years old.
All ye, OM especially, do is whinge and bitch but NEVER produce or back up ye're statements with anything remotley near to being proof or evidence.

Get over yourself, ye would swear that you's are the only people to have suffered at the hands of your county board. I can show you a young lad who missed out on playing in an All-Ireland final with his school mates because of our county board. He was a county minor at the time and we knew the CB had messed his suspension (he shouldn't have even been suspended) up. We appealed it many times and had to over their heads in the end and it was eventually overturned by the Ulster council but was too late for him. A county official got in shit over it.

We followed all roads open to us, as a club. Our delegate worked hard with our secretary, chairman etc. I can give loads of other examples.

But we sorted it out. US. Not a panel of players.

Reading your latest post it is your clubs who have issues. With their own delegates, with the CB and they have let it get to this state. By the looks of it they are going to let it continue. Good luck to you's, as you would all appear to wallow in the mess and self pity.

Grow a set of balls the lot of you's.


Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 05:34:52 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 05:13:29 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 05:03:24 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 04:57:24 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 04:52:13 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 04:46:15 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 03:50:18 PM
Reillers, you say its nothing do with money and all about the County Board. I and many others see it different. We are all old enough and wise enough to make our own minds up on it. And your constant whining, repetitive posts (eg Joe Deanes reading of the arbitration ), and totally dismissal of everyone else is sickening at this point.

I think history will see it alot differently from your take on it.

If you made even the slightest attempt to use the fact to build your opinion and support it with fact then I would have no problem with you sharing your opinion and would just take it as that, your view. But NO WHERE in any of this dispute has there been any evidence of it being about money. Yet you and your lot continue to bitch about it, with NO evidence, proof or backing at all, but ye take it as fact. That's my problem, especially when you know ye do it and continue to do so.

And you, saying that I dismiss posts, you continue to say that about me and GAA..etc. So get off your high horse on that one.

As if I'd waste time trying to discuss anything with you.

I'll give you one fact.... once Gerard McCarthy was out of the job, the Cork Hurlers went back playing and one of them went on TV telling saying that they'll have to work alongside FM and the CB and that hopefully something will be put in place.

But its all about the CB  ::)

You're now acting like OM, try actually replying to the post instead of trying to ignore questions that you can't answer. There isn't a shread of proof to back up anything you've said.

I see very little evidence that is was always about the County Board. A lot of talk that it was but no outcome to suggest that it was. And I'm refering to the clubs, I'm talking about the players.

This was about the players getting their way, always was and will be till the next time they throw the toys out of the pram.

Us in the clubs have seen plenty of it in Cork, thinks you'd never see. And then of course there's stuff that has been brought into light their personal agendas, reappointing McCarthy for one, the CB basically saying we don't give a shit what the clubs think on more then one occasion, to the press, them not being able to answer any questions directed at them fully, usually responding by we've not heard anything about it, being their only media dealing and then going off into their meetings where NO media is allowed 99.9% of the time unless FM has something up his sleeve, then only written media is allowed. You've known delegates who have been removed from their posts because they were found out to have voted against what their clubs voted for. You've got their actions during the 3 incidents in 2002, 2007 and 2009, all to back up how spinless they are. And you've got last night as well to back it up. The list goes on and on.
Ye've absolutely know proof to suggest they're in it for the money, the only thing that was a half attempt as proof was when asked the only thing they produced was an article that was about 2 years old.
All ye, OM especially, do is whinge and bitch but NEVER produce or back up ye're statements with anything remotley near to being proof or evidence.

Get over yourself, ye would swear that you's are the only people to have suffered at the hands of your county board. I can show you a young lad who missed out on playing in an All-Ireland final with his school mates because of our county board. He was a county minor at the time and we knew the CB had messed his suspension (he shouldn't have even been suspended) up. We appealed it many times and had to over their heads in the end and it was eventually overturned by the Ulster council but was too late for him. A county official got in shit over it.

We followed all roads open to us, as a club. Our delegate worked hard with our secretary, chairman etc. I can give loads of other examples.

But we sorted it out. US. Not a panel of players.

Reading your latest post it is your clubs who have issues. With their own delegates, with the CB and they have let it get to this state. By the looks of it they are going to let it continue. Good luck to you's, as you would all appear to wallow in the mess and self pity.

Grow a set of balls the lot of you's.

And now it's back to insults. Work with your secetary? No one works with FM. The clubs should be able to fight the board, but the players are the ones who've stood up to them, not the clubs, not till now.
But like I said, back to insults. You're getting more like OM by the minute.


Jesus couldn't make you up Reillers

You throw broad brushed insult after insult at the ineptness of the county board exec . You then throw jibes at the uselessness of the delegates to carry out the clubs bidding (based on the fact you have some evidence of a few guilty parties). Someone then tells "youse" (plural) to grow a set of balls and you get all delicate.

Grow a set of ball will you (singular)  ::)
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


 Rule 50
Subject to the Exceptions hereunder:
(a) The Annual County Convention shall elect the
following Officers of the County Committee, who
shall hold office until the conclusion of the next
Annual Convention:

Apparantly the rule above is the rule that the Ballyhea motion ran contrary to so it was unacceptable! So why not wait until convention time, have all your ducks in a row and then try to bring about change! As for what Sean Og saying that Frank would be worked with again, well that gave the impression that the players were ok with Frank and that it was about Mc carthy the whole time. An incredibly stupid thing for him to say as it legitimised Frank big time! As for Tomas Ryan... Was that really going to move things along, his arch enemy is Bob Ryan as they used to be members of the same club and Ryan was allegedly instrumental in helping to spilt the club up a few years ago! Well that would have caused more friction and rows and would have prolonged the dispute further! For fucks sake let  them pick a new manager and give him time  and space to get the team ready and let's see if the board in the meantime are more open with the way they deal with the clubs!


Quote from: cicfada on March 25, 2009, 09:04:47 PM
Rule 50
Subject to the Exceptions hereunder:
(a) The Annual County Convention shall elect the
following Officers of the County Committee, who
shall hold office until the conclusion of the next
Annual Convention:

Apparantly the rule above is the rule that the Ballyhea motion ran contrary to so it was unacceptable! So why not wait until convention time, have all your ducks in a row and then try to bring about change! As for what Sean Og saying that Frank would be worked with again, well that gave the impression that the players were ok with Frank and that it was about Mc carthy the whole time. An incredibly stupid thing for him to say as it legitimised Frank big time! As for Tomas Ryan... Was that really going to move things along, his arch enemy is Bob Ryan as they used to be members of the same club and Ryan was allegedly instrumental in helping to spilt the club up a few years ago! Well that would have caused more friction and rows and would have prolonged the dispute further! For f**ks sake let  them pick a new manager and give him time  and space to get the team ready and let's see if the board in the meantime are more open with the way they deal with the clubs!

And then it'll be something else, and then it'll be something else again. The players have to work with Frank, now Sean Og said that they hope they can get a mechanism in place so they can work together in the future. Now personally I don't think Sean Og should be left anywhere near a microphone he is the worst speaker out of the lot of them, he rambles, he says things but means the other, the ironic thing is that the best speaker out of all of them is Donal Og, but like I said, when he goes to talk people don't hear what he says, they just see him and think the worst.
And saying that they hope to find a mechanism to work with him, well what was he supposed to say, he asked for FM to resign before I'm sure, either this year or last year, can't remember, but what was he supposed to say when asked on tv? Aggrivate FM more? Like I said the players have no pull over the CB.

It doesn't matter one bit if they modify it, come back and present it again, it wont work, the CB will find something wrong with it. I could be here all day and I couldn't explain how curropt the CB. It doesn't matter what we do. They don't care about the clubs, they've basically said that it doesn't matter a bit what the clubs think because they, the CCB, have all the power, and the only thing that the CCB care less about is the IC players.

And this line from JOS.

O'Sullivan again defended the board's conduct throughout the bitter five-month impasse.

O'Sullivan said: "We are not accepting this motion. Under Rule 50, we are elected to office. This is unprecedented, I have never heard of it in any other county. I can't for the life of me understand the difficulty with our handling. We've done everything correctly since day one. We've had meeting after meeting, given pages of information. As far as the board is concerned, I fail to see what more we could have done. It doesn't make sense. I can't really see the purpose behind this motion."

It sums up the CB for me. Everything done technically right, but just in bad spirit and morally wrong with a bad attitude.


did you see sean og speaking on the telly on the tv3 thing the other night
he made me laugh  ;D ur right reillers he should be banned from speaking


Quote from: realrebel on March 25, 2009, 09:36:09 PM
did you see sean og speaking on the telly on the tv3 thing the other night
he made me laugh  ;D ur right reillers he should be banned from speaking

Cringeworthy, the whole show was cringeworthy.  :D :D


Good to see you back in circulation Reillers me aul mucker. You that's a man for closely following the media will be interested in Jamie O Keeffe's comments in this weeks Munster Express. Sums things up nicely I suppose. "The players insisted all along that this most personal of disputes wasn't personal, just business.............Now they're the same silent lambs as before the slaughter. No sooner had McCarthy resigned a threathened, degregaded and clearly bitter man than the matter of Mr. Murphy was conveniently dropped; Sean Og, who'd sought the secretary's resignation I don't know how many times, saying he was looking foward to a "mechanism" being put in place so that they could work closely with their friend "Frank" for many more "strike free?" seasons to come.

Interesting to look back on these things from a bit of a distance all right. You might find it interesting to read the full article like a good lad and, who knows, sure you might even work some of your pasting magic on it for us.
Undefeated at the Polo Grounds


Quote from: Reillers on March 25, 2009, 09:22:28 PM
And then it'll be something else, and then it'll be something else again. The players have to work with Frank, now Sean Og said that they hope they can get a mechanism in place so they can work together in the future. Now personally I don't think Sean Og should be left anywhere near a microphone he is the worst speaker out of the lot of them, he rambles, he says things but means the other, the ironic thing is that the best speaker out of all of them is Donal Og, but like I said, when he goes to talk people don't hear what he says, they just see him and think the worst.
And saying that they hope to find a mechanism to work with him, well what was he supposed to say, he asked for FM to resign before I'm sure, either this year or last year, can't remember, but what was he supposed to say when asked on tv? Aggrivate FM more? Like I said the players have no pull over the CB.

Well Sean Og I'm sure would say the same thing about you and a keyboard.  :D
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: realrebel on March 25, 2009, 09:36:09 PM
did you see sean og speaking on the telly on the tv3 thing the other night
he made me laugh  ;D ur right reillers he should be banned from speaking

Thats more like it  ;)


Quote from: bingobus on March 25, 2009, 05:34:52 PM

Grow a set of balls the lot of you's.

What would you have the clubs do? propose a motion of no confidence in the county board?


What would you have the county board do?

Adhere to the rules or not adhere to the rules?



So is that adhere to the rules or don't adhere to the rules?