McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 10:53:55 AM

The post is irrelevent to the genisis, the actual issues and the current state of this saga.
it's simply another of bud's gpa conspiracy theories which he has tried at several junctures (along with dowling) to hjck this thread with

It is far from irrelevant. Do you deny that the Powerade sponsorship was ever pulled?

If you look at the people posting on this very few (inc yourself) are from Cork. Do you think we give a shit weather Sean Og wears the cork jersey again? No. My concern is what affect this will have on the greater good of the GAA and Budwisers post is related to this.

If you haven't the answer's or even the balls to respond to them, just admit to that. Don't dismiss it out right.


GAA - You've been on here spouting the same old rubbish, the same old party lines - you've had your bubble well and truly burst for you by the saviours of Cork hurling - I expect you not to be in good form - I appreciate how you might be feeling today - I understand that your posts may be even more ridiculous, imbalanced, dismissive and aggressive than they normally are. It's been very traumatic for you I know.

This is not a good time for you. But time is a great healer and you will get over it. It is a great shock to your system - take a wee bit of time out after venting your spleen, take a couple of days off and you should be alright in a few weeks.


Quote from: bingobus on March 12, 2009, 11:07:24 AM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 10:53:55 AM

The post is irrelevent to the genisis, the actual issues and the current state of this saga.
it's simply another of bud's gpa conspiracy theories which he has tried at several junctures (along with dowling) to hjck this thread with

Do you deny that the Powerade sponsorship was ever pulled?

I've asked that question dozens of times and am yet to receive an answer - would you not think that if it were false and someone from the CCB/team management went on national tv defaming the players over the lucozade/powerade sponsorship that men of means like Sean & Donal Og would have a cast iron large six figure defamation case??

magpie seanie

Look - everyone within the GAA who knows anything knows Bud is right. Unfortunately there are many, many people who are interested in the games, maybe play a bit or support a bit who don't have a clue. This uncomfortable truth must be kept from them or else you cannot motivate them to go into thewir clubs and mandate their chairman and secretary to vote against their consciences.

Nickey Brennan and the lads know what's going on but unfortunately they haven't got the balls to stand up and shout stop. Their policy is one of damage limitation and appeasement. History has shown that rarely works. The time is coming when it will bew impossible to fudge this any more. I wonder is the next crisis coming on April 7th when intercounty players wages will be withdrawn?


Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 12, 2009, 09:55:48 AM
I was down there a few months ago meeting a very senior person in a very famous Cork Gaa Club, and it wasn't Youghal which I mentioned I was in at Christmas for the funeral of a Mr. Swaine.   No, it was another club and the man I was talking to had a son on one of the Cork County teams, I am not saying which.  He told me of huge sponsorships that had been done on a personal basis between high profile players, he told me of a joint sponsorship deal that was done with the entire panel and that (to use his words) "Frank Murphy was going mad because none of the money was going to the county board or clubs" .   That's what he told me, it is a famous club and I have no reason whatsoever to disbelieve him.

This is a serious allegation (although I'm not for one moment suggesting that it is true). If there is reasonable evidence to suggest it is true, it should warrant a special investigation on the part of the GAA, if necessary involving the hiring of specialist investigation and forensic accounting expertise and the examination of evidence from witnesses, starting perhaps with Frank Murphy.
Boycott Hadron. Support your local particle collider.


Do you not rememer about 10 years ago the GAA set up a task force to look into "under the table" payments to managers ?

Peter Quinn headed this task force - he's a top accountant - they set about looking for evidence of under the table money being paid to managers.

After about a year of looking for evidence he came back and held a very famous press conference during which he said that during their investigations, they couldn't even find the tables let alone the money that was supposed to be under the tables !!!  :D :D


Quote from: cornafean on March 12, 2009, 11:32:32 AM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 12, 2009, 09:55:48 AM
I was down there a few months ago meeting a very senior person in a very famous Cork Gaa Club, and it wasn't Youghal which I mentioned I was in at Christmas for the funeral of a Mr. Swaine.   No, it was another club and the man I was talking to had a son on one of the Cork County teams, I am not saying which.  He told me of huge sponsorships that had been done on a personal basis between high profile players, he told me of a joint sponsorship deal that was done with the entire panel and that (to use his words) "Frank Murphy was going mad because none of the money was going to the county board or clubs" .   That's what he told me, it is a famous club and I have no reason whatsoever to disbelieve him.

This is a serious allegation (although I'm not for one moment suggesting that it is true). If there is reasonable evidence to suggest it is true, it should warrant a special investigation on the part of the GAA, if necessary involving the hiring of specialist investigation and forensic accounting expertise and the examination of evidence from witnesses, starting perhaps with Frank Murphy.

As far as I recall it happened last year during the strike and hence went largely unnoticed.

Another incident in this case involved a case of powerade been left behind the goals at the start of a game in Cork. When the keeper noticed it, he threw it over the wire behind the goal onto the largely empty terrace.


Quote from: orangeman on March 12, 2009, 11:37:36 AM
Do you not rememer about 10 years ago the GAA set up a task force to look into "under the table" payments to managers ?

Peter Quinn headed this task force - he's a top accountant - they set about looking for evidence of under the table money being paid to managers.

After about a year of looking for evidence he came back and held a very famous press conference during which he said that during their investigations, they couldn't even find the tables let alone the money that was supposed to be under the tables !!!  :D :D

That particular "investigation" was a joke, and it was a big mistake to instigate it solely on the basis of generalised hearsay and rumour. The allegation outlined by Bud is much more specifc. If a number of people have stories to tell, they should be given the chance to put up or shut up.
Boycott Hadron. Support your local particle collider.


That was cash in hand type stuff if this is true and the CB know about it then there must be paper evidence to support it. I haven't read too many of teh recent texts and I'll try to find out more about this but from what I know I don't share your 'sky is falling in' attitude. Seems to me that lads who don't know the full story any more than I do are jumping head first into this because their running out of sticks to beat the players with, it's certainly playing a part.


I don't share your 'sky is falling in' attitude

Makes a change - 5 months ago Cork hurling was dying on its feet and needed saved. Now that it is saved, it would be reasonable to believe that the sky is safe also.


Quote from: theskull1 on March 12, 2009, 10:56:00 AM
care to respond to them hypothecically then?

not a chance. What's the point in giving credence to fairy stories?


Quote from: bingobus on March 12, 2009, 11:07:24 AM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 10:53:55 AM

The post is irrelevent to the genisis, the actual issues and the current state of this saga.
it's simply another of bud's gpa conspiracy theories which he has tried at several junctures (along with dowling) to hjck this thread with

It is far from irrelevant. Do you deny that the Powerade sponsorship was ever pulled?

What has that got to do with the ongoing malpractice at count exectutive level and the actions the cork hurlers took to highlight it?


First it was that murphy and co were saints - the hurlers were way out of order
Then it was the hurlers wereway off the mark - mccarthy is a great manager
Then it was only the way they went about it - the hurlers should have gone through the clubs
Then it was ok to target frank and co - McCarthy had done nothing wrong
Then the clubs route was "undemocratic"
Then the clubs route wasn't in keeping with rules and constitution
Now it was about money all along.

Movng goal posts? you boys are changing the game with every passing day.

If there's particular players you don't like their views on for gpa reasons away from this row then admit it rather than being hypocrites and blowing smoke around the real issue in this dispute


Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 12:06:01 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 12, 2009, 10:56:00 AM
care to respond to them hypothecically then?

not a chance. What's the point in giving credence to fairy stories?

Michael Moynihan from the Examiner who has been on the receiving end of many's an exclusive the on-off strikers reported the matter as such:

"before the Dublin-Cork qualifier game. Eagle-eyed observers at that match in Pairc Ui Chaoimh might have noticed some frantic activity near one goal before the teams emerged, when a crate of Powerade was thrown up onto the City End terrace.

The background? Lost in the controversy of last year's strike was news that the county board's lucrative deal with Coca-Cola had fallen through. Coca-Cola manufacture Powerade but the Cork senior hurlers resisted its introduction, backing the Gaelic Players Assocation-endorsed Club Energise instead."


Fairy stories indeed..


Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 12, 2009, 09:55:48 AM
Here is a rule for you Nicky.  If a senior intercounty team issue a statement that they are going on strike they should within 24 hrs get a registered letter suspending them from the championship and League for two years.  Why?  I am glad to see Dublin Hurling on the rise but according to Reillers and the Shoppers down in Cork  and the papers the Dub's only played a junior c team. They gained points in the league while Clare have now to play the professionals to try and get the same number of points.  When teams go on strike they upset the entire country and Cork knew that before they started.  What happens if the lower teams that got points for nothing and teams that should be in the first division are relegated?  Whose gate receipts, in turn, icome and in turn money required for clubs have Cork affected then? The team that plays Clare should be the team that played Dublin or no team.  Jesus what I would give to be in Nicky Brennans chair today, I would put manners on these f**kers I tell you. !!

Well said!