McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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My sources in Cork tell me that Gerald will resign tonight.

The 2008 panel will be delighted with this news. They've achieved their only goal.

I hope they treat their preferred manager better than they did Gerald. He won't be around long if he doesn't get the results all the same.


I suppose the same people will appoint a new manager then.

Could we be in for another strike?


I can't believe some on here think that little of players and clubs in Cork.
Ye've blamed everyone and anyone except looking at the truth.

The players want nothing but fairness, they want things done right which haven't been done right for a very long time.
Ye have absolutely no proof what so ever that the players want otherwise. Everything, 2002, 2007, 2009, all were done for the betterment of IC hurling.
In 2002 they were treated disgracefully, stood up against the CB and benefited from it greatly winning countless of tropheys.
In 2007 the CB broke an agreement made and the FOOTBALLERS went out on strike, only to be joined by the hurlers as a pay back because of support from 2002. And were made seen like the leaders in all of this because of people like ye.
The footballers then got an excellent manager and did very well.
In 2009 a manager was appointed despite the fact that the players said he was the one man they didn't want to work with in Cork, they had given it 2 seasons and it wasn't working. But the Cb did so for one reason and one reason only, to get rid of the players there, they knew full well what was going to happen, everyone in Cork knew full well that the players wouldn't take that sitting down.
And none of ye have been able to justify that.

Every single one has been justified and genuine, but know ye think so little of the players that ye think that they enjoy this. That they want more, despite the fact that the likes of Deane said waiting the result of arbitration was more stressfull then waiting for his test results. But hey, no, hidden agendas all round, ye think that they'll strike everytime they're unhappy, ye think that little of them?

And what, that means that they want the entire running of Cork GAA, all they want is a CB who does right by the county, which they hadn't. And they hadn't for a long time.
Clubs finally stood up, and I mean finally, they should have done it years ago, but they didn't. The real breaking point was Rule 42, nothing to do with the players there. Just FM doing what he does best-what he wants and tells the clubs to f**k off. But no, now suddenly he's a poor old 65 OAP being unfairly villified.
And no, all the players want are money, aparently they are always in the papers, tv, billboards, however when asked bout it, all Hefo who is the one who continues to insult them and with no backing question personal lives and finances, which is blatantly against one of the rules of the board, but anyway. When asked to proove it, all he could come up with was an article from 2 years ago and a newspaper, shockingly he hasn't replied since when asked what paper.
..lies again, no doubt, like his earlier lies, but whatever.

The players put their sporting careers on the line and were willing to walk away for 2 years, which in some cases would mean ending their careers completley if it meant that things would change in the long term.

Not once has the GPA been mentioned from clubs or players, to be involved in this whatsoever but everyone on here felt free to presume and insult.
Not once have the players shown now or over the years to have a hidden agenda, but hey, lets abuse and insult them anyway, they most do, because God forbid that they are genuine.

Not one person who would be a anti player poster on here has shown to be a genuine poster because despite the fact that the grassroots have shown and given genuine support to the players, ye still whinge and bitch and make excuses just to have a go at the players.
Not one has shown to be genuinely happy with a nearing of resultion. Ye'd rather continue to insult everyone to the hilt.

But hey, I hope ye're proud, ye've insulted everyone who has anything to do with the players or who have backed the players-clubs, fans, journos, ex managers, everyone, there's always a hidden agenda right?
Ye've been double sided the whole time, Gerald and co can insult anyone they like but someone, a respected journo like Humphries (who of course has been biased lately..of course) for comparing them to junior Cs at a club or so called threatening tittle, oh shock horror, how dare they.
Mickey mouse training is an insult apparently from the players, but the things said about Sean Og, well no that's ok right?

Double stanards. These players have given everything to Cork GAA, but no they loose respect from some of ye, but Gerald and poor old FM, not a chance. Innocent as the day is long.

Like I said, what's happened with the clubs would seperate the genuine fans from the ones who just like to insult the players again and again.

Well it's clear isn't it just who ye are.

I've no doubt this will end in ye insulting me in bulk as per usual, or nit picking my posts, or criticising it, not for the content but how it's phrased.
Anything but look at the truth.
The fact that the clubs have spoken, that the Cork fans have spoken..etc.

But no oh wait I forgot, they're all just mobsters or just soccer like fans. Right?


Reillers do you know nearly all your posts say the same thing? It's like sticking to the party line.


Reillers the below post is just the same rhetoric thats been peddled out for the last 330 pages. The players have had a very easy ride from the media and you can't come up with one iota of fact to disprove that theory. They haven't bene openly criticised by one journalist. If you've never heard anyone abuse Gerald you must live on Skellig Mhichil. Vicious isn't the word for it.
As for calling me a hypocrite- are you having a laugh? Yesterday it was " I didn;t abuse anybody" yet your own posts were pulled up in front of you abusing people.
I'm glad the grassroots have taken ownership but if one of the players mates is appointed manager then the good will all be undone won't it.Please try and post a few coherent sentences rather than the endless ramblings.


Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 06:58:54 PM
Reillers do you know nearly all your posts say the same thing? It's like sticking to the party line.

See above....
QuoteI've no doubt this will end in ye insulting me in bulk as per usual, or nit picking my posts, or criticising it, not for the content but how it's phrased.
Anything but look at the truth.


Quote from: INDIANA on March 10, 2009, 07:01:44 PM
Reillers the below post is just the same rhetoric thats been peddled out for the last 330 pages. The players have had a very easy ride from the media and you can't come up with one iota of fact to disprove that theory. They haven't bene openly criticised by one journalist. If you've never heard anyone abuse Gerald you must live on Skellig Mhichil. Vicious isn't the word for it.
As for calling me a hypocrite- are you having a laugh? Yesterday it was " I didn;t abuse anybody" yet your own posts were pulled up in front of you abusing people.
I'm glad the grassroots have taken ownership but if one of the players mates is appointed manager then the good will all be undone won't it.Please try and post a few coherent sentences rather than the endless ramblings.

QuoteI've no doubt this will end in ye insulting me in bulk as per usual, or nit picking my posts, or criticising it, not for the content but how it's phrased.
Anything but look at the truth.

GO back a hundred pages or so and see how you or OM are going on about how the players have lost the PR battle, a very convenient short memory you have OM. Just to suit yourself.

Well today you made an unbelievably insulting post to me, why not respond to that..thought not.


From RTE :

It is believed that Gerald McCarthy will step down as Cork hurling manager, effective from 9.00pm tonight.

McCarthy has admitted that it has been a long and difficult four months and has decided to step down because he cannot expect his family to withstand the pressure that has been placed upon them in recent weeks.

The pressure that has been applied on him by all sides who wanted him out in the past 6 weeks has been almost unbearable - I think you'll find that in the coming days, some of the tactics used by those opposed to Mc Carthy were very distasteful and almost unbelievable.

The 2008 panel set about turning up the heat from the end of January as soon as it became clear to them that the CB and Mc Carthy were ploughing on without them. The pressure from the journalists was ridiculous. The threats ( some of which were violent in nature ) eventually told.

This must be the saddest, most regretable episode in Cork's long GAA history. But the 2008 panel will be delighted at tonight's news. By fair means or foul, they've got their way. They're a credit to the association for having the courage to make their stand and can go o the grave knowing that they've saved Cork hurling. They've drove a good man,a Cork hurling legend out.


Mob rule has won the day.

Gerald Mc Carthy has stepped down citing threats of physical violence against him and his family.

Mob rule indeed. Hope the 2008 panel are proud of what they've achieved.

There's some big, brave lads down there telling Gerald what they would do to him and his family if he didn't step down. Pity they hadn't the balls to tell him to his face.

They are cowards with no balls or backbone, there is no way in hell they had time to go back to their clubs, they are an absolute fuckin disgrace. And they think we'll take this lying down..


Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 07:05:14 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 10, 2009, 07:01:44 PM
Reillers the below post is just the same rhetoric thats been peddled out for the last 330 pages. The players have had a very easy ride from the media and you can't come up with one iota of fact to disprove that theory. They haven't bene openly criticised by one journalist. If you've never heard anyone abuse Gerald you must live on Skellig Mhichil. Vicious isn't the word for it.
As for calling me a hypocrite- are you having a laugh? Yesterday it was " I didn;t abuse anybody" yet your own posts were pulled up in front of you abusing people.
I'm glad the grassroots have taken ownership but if one of the players mates is appointed manager then the good will all be undone won't it.Please try and post a few coherent sentences rather than the endless ramblings.

QuoteI've no doubt this will end in ye insulting me in bulk as per usual, or nit picking my posts, or criticising it, not for the content but how it's phrased.
Anything but look at the truth.

GO back a hundred pages or so and see how you or OM are going on about how the players have lost the PR battle, a very convenient short memory you have OM. Just to suit yourself.

Well today you made an unbelievably insulting post to me, why not respond to that..thought not.

Sorry mate I haven't abused anyone, I made an observation that the players haven't been barracked by any journalist in the National media, a point you haven't acknowledged when you claim they've been abused by everybody.


Was bound to happen. Feel sorry for McCarthy. Hope the players get the manager they want and then get a good thrashing come the Summer. Toys will probably come out of the pram then again.


Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 07:39:24 PM
From RTE :

It is believed that Gerald McCarthy will step down as Cork hurling manager, effective from 9.00pm tonight.

McCarthy has admitted that it has been a long and difficult four months and has decided to step down because he cannot expect his family to withstand the pressure that has been placed upon them in recent weeks.

The pressure that has been applied on him by all sides who wanted him out in the past 6 weeks has been almost unbearable - I think you'll find that in the coming days, some of the tactics used by those opposed to Mc Carthy were very distasteful and almost unbelievable.

The 2008 panel set about turning up the heat from the end of January as soon as it became clear to them that the CB and Mc Carthy were ploughing on without them. The pressure from the journalists was ridiculous. The threats ( some of which were violent in nature ) eventually told.

This must be the saddest, most regretable episode in Cork's long GAA history. But the 2008 panel will be delighted at tonight's news. By fair means or foul, they've got their way. They're a credit to the association for having the courage to make their stand and can go o the grave knowing that they've saved Cork hurling. They've drove a good man,a Cork hurling legend out.

It's regretable that he has been got up in the middle of this, but at the end of the day he made his bed..
SO now all this is about pressure from journalists. For Christ sake OM. You think that had even the slightest thing to do with a few journos oppinion pieces then you are sadly deluded.
IF that was so, if they had that much pull the players would have walked away a long time ago, they were getting abuse and bullied by the press for months.
You think that FM gives a shit what the press say.
It might, (seeing as you gave it no credit at all) have something to do with the massive mandate the clubs voted on. You couldn't give them any less credit if ye tried.

Whatever is said about Gerald, and he is a legend, but he made his bed and picked what side to lie on. And knew full what could happen, I guess that's what happens when you spend so long working on the PR side of things and not on the important side of it.
The players went to the clubs, Gerald went to the media more then 50 times by now I'd say.
He is a legend of a player and didn't deserve the so called grief he got from "fans" but he made his bed and was fully aware of what could happen.

If people still think that this is just about the players throwing the rattle out of the pram then they really do not know GAA in Cork.


Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 10, 2009, 07:55:47 PM
Was bound to happen. Feel sorry for McCarthy. Hope the players get the manager they want and then get a good thrashing come the Summer. Toys will probably come out of the pram then again.

They didn't throw the toys out of the pram - all they were doing was trying to save Cork hurling.  ;) ;)


Quote from: INDIANA on March 10, 2009, 07:01:44 PM
Yesterday it was " I didn;t abuse anybody" yet your own posts were pulled up in front of you abusing people.

In fact in the one sentence never mind post, he went from emphatically denying insulting his clubmate to admitting he had insulted Bob.