McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Eoghan Mag

Dowling it is not in the bin as far as Croke Park is concerned. If you can better my 'solution' please do so. Very many people here are fighting over small points but few are willing to come up with a solution that might actually work.  :)


I'm not trying to fight with you Eoghan but I think it's very much in the bin as far as Croke park is concerned. Once bitten twice shy. Personally I don't see a lot wrong with the association as it stands. If certain players want to strike to achieve their own ends and make it out to be a crusade then the association has to be strong enough to deal with that through the procedures that the membership have 'democratically' put in place. I wouldn't know about you but I involve myself in the democratic process of the GAA and think it's unfair that any section of the association should have undue influence above and beyond what the rest of us have.
Let's be honest the only way the 2008 panel can be effective is to hurt Cork GAA and while that might have originally been more of a threat than an intention it's the only course they can see to pursue now.


Quote from: sligeach on February 24, 2009, 09:48:29 PM
Quote from: Zulu on February 24, 2009, 03:50:21 PM
Of course it matters, problems and issues can't be summed up by dictionary definitions,

They don't need to be. Saying its a veto doesn't make those matters or problems any different, its just not referring to them.

Donal Og and company are afraid to use the word veto because of what it means, powerwise.
if there were four candidates nominated the only one the players wouldn't have played for IMO is Gerald.

Well gosh jolly darnit, I have this wee book here and theres a word in this book just for the very situation, isn't that a coincidence ?

Thats a veto.

Good man Silgeach keep reading that dictionary of yours if it gives you comfort, but this is a multi layered long running dispute and the CCB have clearly abused their power. In any genuine process, the people involved take into consideration the others view, and any reasonable person wouldn't impose upon the players the one man they said they couldn't work with. Nobody can or has tried to deny this, so the only logical conclusion is that the CB were trying to antagonize their players by voting for Gerald and when you do that you aren't serving the best interests of the GAA, so how any GAA man can support them is beyond me. Futhermore how anyone can feel that the players should play for men who impose upon them a manager who can't get the best out of them and which will in all likelihood result in weekly conflict is equally baffling. It's funny really all along we heard from pro-CB posters phrases like player veto's and player power, suggestions that the GPA were pulling the strings and that the grassroots man supported the CB through the democratic process, now that it is apparent that man Cork GAA club members do support the players some of you now say that isn't in fact democracy. Strange boys, very strange.


Quote from: dowling on February 24, 2009, 05:12:46 PM
So let me get this right GAA and Zulu.
Are you both saying that Frank isn't and never was a problem?

It beggr belief that you could post the above if you've been following this thread and only minutes after i had posed this:

Quote from: The GAA on February 24, 2009, 01:50:29 PM

Of course they would have played if they had a decent manager who'd give them they best possible chance of competing apponted. thee's no disputing that.

However, that is a symptom of the greater ill. If they had gotten on with it in that scenario then cork GAA would be no closer to addressing the fundamental sickness in its structures.

the fact that frank has once again created turmoil with his pettiness and unwillingness to put the county first has meant that at least one strand of the membership were forced to shout stop. That being the case, should those most directly effected simply resolve their own issue and allow the recurring problem to remain to perpetuate and probably compound the problem in the near future?

If they simply return with the removal of McCarthy then the accusation will be that they are only in it to solve their own issue and did nothing to help the clubs in cork when they had the chance.

Ironically, people opposing them on this thread claim that seeking to address the bigger problem is evidence that they are only interested in themselves


Sean Og and young Donal came across as big self indulgent babies last night. If they won't play so be-go off the stage and let the show go on. Believe it or not the GAA will survive without the striking players. 


'I can go to my grave easy having made this stand'

Wednesday February 25 2009

CLEARLY jaded by the intense focus that has been fixed on the Cork hurling dispute for months, Sean Og O hAilpin couldn't offer even a chink of light as he reiterated the 2008 panel's stance.

The three-time All-Ireland winner looked fatigued and he rubbed his forehead as he underlined their case once more in Dublin yesterday.

Gerald McCarthy recently described the past few months as the worst winter of his life and O hAilpin echoed those sentiments but insisted they were encouraged by Sunday night's meeting with the clubs of the county.

"Gerald isn't alone in that anyway," he said at the launch of Lynx 'Roar Off' yesterday. "You could put 30 players alongside him and the people who pay good money to watch Cork. It has got everyone in Cork and unfortunately it's for the wrong reason. The funny thing about it is Gerald isn't the kernel of the problem and neither are the players.

"We're just a recent manifestation of the problem -- and that problem is the Cork County Board.

"Rest assured that these guys have been seething for the past six or seven years since a bunch of players in 2002 went against the grain.

"People can put forward other analogies, but that's my reading of it. A group of players in 2002 spoke up against the system and that's a black mark against some of our names for ever and ever. Now it's payback time."

But the Na Piarsaigh man insisted that he couldn't enter a dressing-room with McCarthy again as was suggested by Croke Park last week. There was, according to the defender, 'merit' in the ideas put forward by Paraic Duffy and incoming president Christy Cooney as they sought to 'dilute the County Board's influence and the Runai's power'.

Although Sunday's meeting was seen as a victory as far as the 2008 squad were concerned, exactly what it can achieve remains to be seen. Though the clubs can call a special convention, they are not in the position to make decisions on team management.

And despite the obvious toll the dispute has taken, their position remains as entrenched as ever with O hAilpin insisting he was ready to sully his legacy by carrying this strike to the bitter end.

"If this is the way it's going to end for me, then this is the way it's going to end. I would like to finish off on a fairytale ending with my last game in Croke Park winning the All-Ireland like Peter Canavan. But if this is how it ends, this is how it ends.

"I might be remembered for this, but the way I will remember it myself, and that's more important to me, is that I can go to my grave easy having made that stand. I firmly believe in what I'm standing for and what I'm fighting for. I could be the cute Cork boy now and sit back with my three All-Ireland medals, say nothing and go away.

"I could take whatever goes with that as a retired player. But I wouldn't be doing Cork justice if I did that. If the County Board have the full say and walk all over players like they did before 2002 with teams getting hammered and players not having their say, I would be sitting in the stand feeling like s*** for not having done this.

"That's what keeps me sane and keeps me easy at night -- it's a fight I have to get involved in. I have nothing to benefit from it -- but I know other people do. I see Shane O'Neill and Cathal Naughton and these guys, there's good talent coming up in Cork, and they need to be given a fair chance like we were from 2002. I don't think that's too much to ask for, but unfortunately in other people's eyes it seems to be a f****** huge ask."


The end of this dispute will eventually be decided by what Cork team(s) play in the Championship this year and O hAilpin wants the clubs to take ownership of the situation but it's still unclear if he will get his wish.

"What should happen in an ideal world is the County Board should be answerable to the clubs, but unfortunately in Cork it is the other way around and that is the way it has been for the last 30 years. In other counties, at grassroots level, people have a say and that's reflected right through to the top, but unfortunately that's not the case in Cork."

In a difficult few weeks for the O hAilpin family, Sean Og defended the actions of his brother Setanta who was involved in a training ground bust-up at AFL side Carlton.

"Yes, he was provoked but I have no doubt he will come out in his own time. He wanted to come out but he was told not to for the time being.

"This is last-chance saloon for Setanta. He's in the last year of his contract and needs to come up with the goods. He doesn't need anyone to tell him and hopefully he can put that behind him and get on with his year."

- Donnchadh Boyle


Sean Og is some man for using the aul sponsorship launches to give his views a platform.


O'Sullivan declares club meetings have 'absolutely no standing'

Wednesday February 25 2009

Cork chairman Jerry O'Sullivan told a County Board meeting last night that clubs seeking to oust Gerald McCarthy would fail because of the GAA's rule 59.

O'Sullivan quoted the rule, which governs the appointment of senior team managements, as the downfall of any potential militancy among clubs over the next few weeks.

He insisted the Board was not hiding behind rules but "abiding by them" and re-iterated the Board's position that there would be no further votes.

His comments are not likely to cut much ice with clubs who are determined to end the impasse by voting against McCarthy's management over the next two weeks.

O'Sullivan claimed the meetings would have "no standing," which is likely to be vehemently challenged in the coming days.

"We are not taking any more votes on it. A meeting took place on Sunday evening and I understand meetings are taking place in clubs," said O'Sullivan. "What I would like to say very clearly here tonight, these meetings have absolutely no standing in rule.

"Rule 59 of the Official Guide states very clearly that we (the County Board) are the power and we are the authority as regards the appointment of inter-county team management and inter-county selectors. I would like clubs to be very clear that these meetings have no standing.

"In recent times we have been accused of hiding behind the rules here in County Cork. We do not hide behind rules. But we do abide by rules. That is what rules are there for."

Meanwhile, Darragh O Se will return to training with Kerry this week, ending all speculation about his retirement from inter-county football. O Se has been nursing a hip injury but is expected back tonight or, at the latest, Friday.

- Colm Keys


Rule 59.  :D

Dangerous route to go down for the county board. the only logical end to that road is a vote of no confidence in the county board.


Quote from: The GAA on February 25, 2009, 10:40:20 AM

Rule 59.  :D

Dangerous route to go down for the county board. the only logical end to that road is a vote of no confidence in the county board.

If the people in attendance at last weeks meeting were indeed club officers and it was limited to two per club and not just cranks packing the meeting from sympathetic clubs, then the county board could have big problems.

Indiana and myself suggested this option months ago and we were told it wasn't possible..


s has ben sid man times this week heffo - it wasn't possible a few months ago.


Sean Og's interview -

"The funny thing about it is Gerald isn't the kernel of the problem and neither are the players."

And then :

"I might be remembered for this, but the way I will remember it myself, and that's more important to me, is that I can go to my grave easy having made that stand. I firmly believe in what I'm standing for and what I'm fighting for."

Sean Og, like the others is taking a very principled stand on the issue but it shouldn't have been allowed to get this far ?.

You can blame the CB, Mc Carthy or whoever but the 2008 panel must share responsibility for the chaos that has been created, the fall outs, the splits and the bitter division that now exists in Cork GAA.

And it is set to get worse.


Quote from: The GAA on February 25, 2009, 10:47:04 AM

s has ben sid man times this week heffo - it wasn't possible a few months ago.

I was out of the country - why wasn't it possible?


Quote from: The GAA on February 25, 2009, 10:47:04 AM

s has ben sid man times this week heffo - it wasn't possible a few months ago.

The Provos wold argued that it wasn't possible to negotiate a settlement in 1974 with the Brits, that it needed 25 years of bitter conflict, 3500 people dead, tens of thousands injured, bombings, shootings, communities and families divided, horrendous actions on all sides, propoganda wars, real wars, dirty wars, informers, alleged informers and all the rest that went along with it, in order to bring the Brits to their senses.

This was we are told what was needed to bring about peace in Northern Ireland. The price of peace.

Is this what is needed to bring democaracy in Cork ?


Technically possible of course - although they haven't followed any rules or procedures to achieve what they have thus far.

up til recent weeks when the depth of feeling, the resolve of the players and their intention to see it through became clear, club members weren't getting involved and engaging with their clubs to push their opinions to the fore. the clubs are now taking notice