McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Bud Wiser

I see in tonites Herald that the mediating solicitor has met both sides with a view to having a meeting  but the hurlers strikers have said they will not attend if McCarthy is at it and Gerald has said he will be at any meeting that is held.

Is Adams and McGuinness doing anything these days?
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Quote from: Bud Wiser on January 06, 2009, 10:51:07 PM
I see in tonites Herald that the mediating solicitor has met both sides with a view to having a meeting  but the hurlers strikers have said they will not attend if McCarthy is at it and Gerald has said he will be at any meeting that is held.

Is Adams and McGuinness doing anything these days?

What exactly do the (outgoing) players want? To pick a manager? To pick the team themselves?

How far should this be allowed to go before Gerald McCarthy can (rightfully in my opinion) draw a line and work with what he has?
If he does this, the young players will filter back one by one imho.


They don't want the pick the manager, they don't want to pick the team, they just want to play hurling, but they wont because of the situation, morraly in their voew they can't.
They know that McCarthy wasn't appointed in the right way, they want him that changed, they want a man who shouldn't have been reappointed and if we're honest wouldn't have been in any other county, especially a top county, a man that doesn't get on with them, feelings which they made clear to the board, but low and behold he was reappointed anyway, they don't want him in the job, and he shouldn't be.
Don't think for a second that the players enjoy this. Some of ye actually think that the players like going through this.
Do you know how much pressure and stress it put on the players? It's not something they wanted to do the last time, which they say was more stressful then 2002, so God only knows what this one most be like.

Hell Donal Og said that when they were going through the document of arbitrition the presure was unbelievably intense.

The pressure was desperate says Cusack, I met Joe not long after he was diagnosed with cancer and he was under a lot more pressure the morning of the arbitrition decision.

Cusack says it was more stressful then 2002: "You have to be a certain person when you're doing it, and you're characterised as a certain person, and so are all the players."

'Have we seen guys having a go at us in papers and so on? Yeah, we've seen it, but the way we've always looked at it was that if we believed in something then we had no problem in fighting for it, even if it meant being drawn into public debate.
'If we had to put ourselves up there to be shot at, then I think that was a price we were willing to pay, even if that meant criticism from other players. Then our attitude was f**k them. We always took on fights for other panels and backed the GPA even when it would been easier for us to look after ourselves, as we had
sorted an excellent set-up at that stage.
 'Is that a Cork way of doing things? Maybe. John Allen asked us to put "CorcaĆ­och" on our shorts, and we did, and were proud to do so after he told us the meaning of it to him. That's the way we are, and if that's the way we are then we'll stand up for the way we are.
We believe that Cork should mean more then representation. If we give it this time and get this associated with it in the public eye and spend this much time together, then it has to mean more then that. In thirty years' time, when we're only meeting each other once or twice a year or at funerals or whatever, we should be able to say, I did my best with him. I resect him. We did our business and we did it our way.
'We believe in that.'

That's the closing segment from Blood Brothers, everything that's in italics is from the book.

I've no doubt at all that when the likes of OM read this, he'll hightlight a word here, a line there, and make some random point about it all that somehow ends up putting the players in a bad light, finding some sort other motive, it's what he does. But for those who question the players motives in this, you really, ye don't know. These players will give anything to better Cork hurling, and I think they have. And despite the stress and the criticism they get from it and the public and the media, despite all the pressure they were willing to do it, and that was 2007, so one can only guess what kind of pressure they are feeling now. They will do anything for Cork and even more for eachother.

Question their actions in this strike if ye want, ye are entitled to, it's yere perogative, but for the likes of OM to come on and start blabbering tripe about money and public profile is an insult to each and everyone of these players and completley factless.

I'm sick of talking about this topic and no one will be happier on here then me when or if this bloody mess ever ends.


This will never end until the strikers win an AI - Up until that point it will always be someody else's fault - I've made this point before about there not being any strikes in Cork when they were winning AI's. The players ok want to have the best manager but the team is on the wane and the senior players feel they need to go a step or two further than the Waterford players did last year.

This question has been asked many times by many different posters who are at a loss as to what is going on : WHAT EXXACTLY DO THE PLAYERS WANT ??? And before Reillers comes on and spits out the same old line about all they want to do is play hurling, just think about that statement - yes, they want to play hurling - so let them play in their clubs - maybe they want to start another team or something - sure they've already got their own wee sponsorship deals going, their own trainers, training grounds etc etc.


Cork hurlers are a disgrace they need to learn to respect there maneger or what they going to do play for Kerry


What do the players want? start back at page one in this thread.

my understanding is that the players wanted a transparent interview and appointment process for a new manager - for there was no manager in place from the end of last season. the players did not want mccarthy back, voted overwhelmingly to this effect and communicated this to the county board through their reps at the preliminary meeting to start the process of appointing a new manager. the ccb proceeded to ignore those representations along with pleas for a process of nomination and investigation into candidates before deciding upon who was the best man for the job. they simply reappointed McCarthy.

i'm sure everyone is aware of this as its months old info.


Quote from: The GAA on January 07, 2009, 10:20:03 AM

What do the players want? start back at page one in this thread.

my understanding is that the players wanted a transparent interview and appointment process for a new manager - for there was no manager in place from the end of last season. the players did not want mccarthy back, voted overwhelmingly to this effect and communicated this to the county board through their reps at the preliminary meeting to start the process of appointing a new manager. the ccb proceeded to ignore those representations along with pleas for a process of nomination and investigation into candidates before deciding upon who was the best man for the job. they simply reappointed McCarthy.

i'm sure everyone is aware of this as its months old info.

Ok - but do they want to be repsonsible in part or in whole for appointing the new manager ?? What does transparent mean to the players ??


Are you pretending not to have discussed this all before?

Who knows what exactly the players want outside of themselves but there was a clear process for managerial appointments put in place after the teddy holland debacle which wasn't followed. i assume they want that enforced.


Quote from: The GAA on January 07, 2009, 10:29:05 AM

Are you pretending not to have discussed this all before?

Who knows what exactly the players want outside of themselves but there was a clear process for managerial appointments put in place after the teddy holland debacle which wasn't followed. i assume they want that enforced.

My father always told me, Never assume anything !


stop neing a dick. if you can't remember previous discussions you've been involvd in jack it in and give us all peace


Quote from: Zulu on January 06, 2009, 06:57:49 PM
DR if the Cork lads come back the current panel will revert to a development panel i.e. they will all be dropped, how long this 'development panel' will last is questionable.

What I can't understand about the pro-CCB posters is that ye still don't understand why the players are unwilling to compromise with the CB. Like I said already I've heard some very disturbing stories about the behind the scenes in the Cork hurling camp in the last 2 years. If even half the stories were half true it was a very dysfunctional camp and the players as part of the selection committee told the 5 CB representatives this and what do they do ...... they reappoint the man. They then say they are willing to meet the players but McCarthy's job is not on the table, so why should the players meet with them?

Will some of you lads with an inside track share some of these 'disturbing stories' with me and the rest of the board as I hope to god there's more to this rift than slow training drills and white bread sandwiches?


Start on page one johnny. its been one to death at this stage


Quote from: The GAA on January 07, 2009, 10:36:05 AM

stop neing a dick. if you can't remember previous discussions you've been involvd in jack it in and give us all peace

And don't you bother your arse posting if you all you can do is assume something !!!


Quote from: johnneycool on January 07, 2009, 10:45:16 AM
Quote from: Zulu on January 06, 2009, 06:57:49 PM
DR if the Cork lads come back the current panel will revert to a development panel i.e. they will all be dropped, how long this 'development panel' will last is questionable.

What I can't understand about the pro-CCB posters is that ye still don't understand why the players are unwilling to compromise with the CB. Like I said already I've heard some very disturbing stories about the behind the scenes in the Cork hurling camp in the last 2 years. If even half the stories were half true it was a very dysfunctional camp and the players as part of the selection committee told the 5 CB representatives this and what do they do ...... they reappoint the man. They then say they are willing to meet the players but McCarthy's job is not on the table, so why should the players meet with them?

Will some of you lads with an inside track share some of these 'disturbing stories' with me and the rest of the board as I hope to god there's more to this rift than slow training drills and white bread sandwiches?

Apparently the kit which was waiting for them at training one evening last year, wasn't ironed and it all started from there. The white bread after training was the last straw !!!


Quote from: The GAA on January 07, 2009, 10:47:09 AM

Start on page one johnny. its been one to death at this stage

don't worry GAA, i've been on this topic from the start and asides from complaints about slow trainig drills, Timmy McCarthy's club name, the wrong sandwiches at a waterford crystal game and the biggie, giving off to Donal O'g for using a short puck out which resulted in a point for the opposition I haven't heard of any other disturbing stories which if only half true would scare you.

Can you bullet point them for me please?

P.S. I'd like to believe the players are doing it for the right reasons but I don't think any of the above is suffice to justify what has happened since.