McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:42:24 PM
Quote from: Reillers on January 05, 2009, 10:20:58 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 09:23:30 PM
Quote from: Reillers on January 05, 2009, 09:08:32 PM
Ya and atleast they are doing something, people have a very divided on the GPA and their politics and what they mean, people think that all they want is pay for play.
But one thing has to be said about them is that they care about the game, both codes, and at least they are doing something, trying to get the game to grow.
Dessie's point was

What about the next generation?
The GAA take these men for granted. The work they are doing with their county (and their clubs.)
Where would the GAA be if we didn't have Ga or Sean Og or Shefflin, Canning, Dooher..etc. If nobody did anything, if people did live the dream. The GAA would have nothing.
Without these players the GAA would be in trouble, it'd have nothing.
Role models, ambassdors, heroes to many. I remember after the Cork Galway game we'd the young lads out for training, a bunch of 9/10 year olds and they all were trying to hit the ball like Deane, hit the ball over the bar with the hurley upside down, and bless half of them can barely hit the ball over with the hurley the right way, but they all wanted to be like good old Deano. All because of one inspiring point. You couldn't walk down the street that weekend without seeing a lad with a hurley. Instead of a growing amount of rugby balls. These players keep the game popular, it keeps it going.

I really can't believe that all you got out of this was to criticise the Cork lads, all you did was highlight their name in a long list and for no reason whinged and bitched, and you keep saying you're not biased.

Where would Sean Og be without the GAA ??? How much worse off would he be ??? How much did he make last year from the GAA ?

This is not about Mc Carthy - it's bout about the CB - it's not about hurling dying in Cork !!

I'll tell you all what it's about !! It's all about €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ money !!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what it's about !!!

What Sean Og does in his own personal time is his buisness. Where would Sean Og be without the GAA, excuse me, but Sean Og and co have gotten to where they have gotten because he is bloody good. Everything he has gotten he has earned. Don't you dare judge him for doing what everyone else does. He is where he is because he is that good not because he's been given a favour by the GAA.
He'd probably still be playing for his club or he might even be in Australia. But everything the gentleman has gotten he has earned.

Michael Duignam said in the pre Cork Clare game build up, talking about legendary players saying like..

"Where would you get the likes of Sean Og O Hailpin, a gentleman like him, a great embasador for the game and I feel that sometimes the GAA underutilises these people I'd have that man on the road 7 days a week going around the country promoting the game He's just an incredible personality brilliant with children and a great role model"

Money?? You really don't know do you.
You haven't a fuckin clue, yes oh I said it again, what it's about and you've no proof to say it is.
Where are you from, surely it's not a GAA county.

There you go again Reillers - as soon as I touch the raw nerve and tell it just as it is, what's your resonse ??? The same - I haven't a f--king clue !! This one must really have hurt.

So how much then ??? Or do you not know ???? Come on Reillers, don't run away from it !! Face up to it - or do you not want the hassle at your time of day ??
That's because you haven't a fucken clue!! Try replying to it if that's not too challenging.
Run away from what, what are you on about??
Where is your basis to think that it's based on money and now ridiculous claims that all of this was because of their "profile slipping" which is a joke an insult to everyone involved in this.
Where do you get this shite from honestly, where do you get it from??


Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:52:36 PM
Quote from: Reillers on January 05, 2009, 11:48:21 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:27:57 PM
Quote from: Zulu on January 05, 2009, 09:52:00 PM
It is obviously a two way street but cross over GAA stars are definitely very important to the GAA, Sean Og inspires more kids to play the GAA than a hundred administrators or groundsmen. That is something we all surly agree with, i've answered your question so can you answer mine do you really think it is about money and why?

Some of the lads on strike, especially the senior lads make a fair wee wage from their commercial activities bbased on their status with Cork GAA - They feel they are losing profile, thus their earning potential is going down - they want a change of manager to maintain their status.

It wasn't me who claimed that the GPA are behind this and who hope to encourage other counties to join in so that they will ultimately get paid.

And I'll post a few things not of mine - but you might be surprised by them.

What the hulers do in their spare time is their own business. And it's actually so typical of you to ignore absolute everything anyone says to you and you have to go back about 2 pages to have something to reply for that isn't a hard question.

And yet again, what are you on about, where do you get these ideas about money and profiles.
Ya you're right, all of this all of this hastle of wanting a different manager was to "maintain their status."
You are either
a) That stupid
b)That naive
c) Or you hate the players that much
d)All of the above.

Do yourself a favour, go buy yourself a copy of Blood Brothers for yourself (it's a book about Cork hurling in case you don't know) and it will make you realise how much an idiot of yourself you're making.

Good answer Reillers - sorry I haven't a clue - I must go out and buy that book - is Gerald Mc Carthy in it at all ?? Would he be considered one of the Blood Brothers ??

Now tell me, how much ??????

Yes Gerald is in it. And you'd be surprised.

Tell you how much what??


Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:59:16 PM
Quote from: Zulu on January 05, 2009, 11:52:03 PM
QuoteSome of the lads on strike, especially the senior lads make a fair wee wage from their commercial activities bbased on their status with Cork GAA - They feel they are losing profile, thus their earning potential is going down - they want a change of manager to maintain their status.

OM that is only your opinion and I can't see any logic in it. If the players motivation was money then they should be playing rather than striking, Sean Og, Donal Og, Gardiner, Kenny and the two O'Connors would all still definitely make this years panel and probably team. So why kick up a fuss?, anyway most IC players that I know did better out of their profile after they retired than before, they opened businesses that they could put time into and became very well off. If the players were motivated by money they would have played this year or just retired, thus keeping their reputations intact.

Besides I've already pointed out to you that many of the Cork players don't do half as well out of their profile as they could and the vast majority of them get nothing for playing (monetarily) so why are they all still singing off the same page? Surely these players are aware of what some of these senior players are getting, so why are they fighting if it is only to increase the bank balance of their senior teammates?

Not that you have any proof that any of them actually do as well out of their profile as you suggest, in fact only Sean Og would appear to me to be doing well. You're not suggesting retaining a company car is the motivation for some of these lads are you?

You're right - I'm more than likely way off the mark but it's just a thought cos I can't for the life of me understand why the players are being SO militant. And you're probably right in that only a few are making big bucks out of the jersey. But again, it wasn't myself who suggested that the hand of the GPA is directing this in order to advance pay for play. Cork is a high profile county, high profile players, stakes are huge, and if the players are successful in eefectively getting rid of a manager and picking their own, then the sky is the limit.

I've no proof for this but it has been said that there are fair number within the striking panel who now wish to return but the "leaders" are holding out and are urging them not to break ranks and are accusing them of neing traitors if they return.

Again, I've no proof but this group would consist of more than the 2 Sullivan lads.

You are way, way, way off the mark. Unbelievably so. And if it's just a thought why not say it, instead of talking like it's the unquestionable truth.
You can't understand why they are so millitant, for the same reason you can't understand the players. Like I said go read Blood Brothers it'll give you an idea of what they're like.
Has it ever occured to you that the playrs are in this because they like playing the game, why are you so hell bent on making the players look bad, on making them seem like the villians, the bad guys.
I can guarantee you that most top players in top counties make a few bob off it. And so what if they do, what they do in their own time is their own buisness, nothing to do with you.


I've no proof for this but it has been said that there are fair number within the striking panel who now wish to return but the "leaders" are holding out and are urging them not to break ranks and are accusing them of neing traitors if they return.

And it's been said by the players and anyone who is close to the team that it is actually bullshit. Another example about how little you know. ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!!
Who's word do you need to believe that, the players, even Shane O Neill's?? Is that good enough?? What will it take to get through your head.
Again where's your proof of this. You have none. Everyone has said otherwise.


Gerald's media statement added: "I have regrettably come to the conclusion that there is a predisposition to conflict among a very small number of Cork players."

PLAYERS: "This echoes the numerous attempts by the board, over the years, to maintain that somewhere between 25 and 28 Cork senior hurlers are being said and led by two to five others -- which the 25 to 28 players, whoever they might be, find deeply insulting.

"It also shows the opinion of the board and Gerald as to the backbone of the Cork senior hurling team. To say that teachers, engineers, bank managers, farmers, businessmen and parents could be led down roads they did not wish to take by one or two of their team-mates is ridiculous.

"Such moral weakness may prevail in other bodies, particularly those which can vote almost unanimously, in diametrically opposing ways, with just four days between each vote, like the Cork County Board."

I'd argue this point more if I hadn't 100 times with you and yet you continue to bring it up.

As for the comments about the O Sullivans, you've met them have you, you know them do you??

Where are you getting these ideas, these fantasy stories from??


Quote from: Reillers on January 05, 2009, 11:48:21 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:27:57 PM
Quote from: Zulu on January 05, 2009, 09:52:00 PM
It is obviously a two way street but cross over GAA stars are definitely very important to the GAA, Sean Og inspires more kids to play the GAA than a hundred administrators or groundsmen. That is something we all surly agree with, i've answered your question so can you answer mine do you really think it is about money and why?

Some of the lads on strike, especially the senior lads make a fair wee wage from their commercial activities bbased on their status with Cork GAA - They feel they are losing profile, thus their earning potential is going down - they want a change of manager to maintain their status.

It wasn't me who claimed that the GPA are behind this and who hope to encourage other counties to join in so that they will ultimately get paid.

And I'll post a few things not of mine - but you might be surprised by them.

What the hulers do in their spare time is their own business. And it's actually so typical of you to ignore absolute everything anyone says to you and you have to go back about 2 pages to have something to reply for that isn't a hard question.

And yet again, what are you on about, where do you get these ideas about money and profiles.
Ya you're right, all of this all of this hastle of wanting a different manager was to "maintain their status."
You are either
a) That stupid
b)That naive
c) Or you hate the players that much
d)All of the above.

Do yourself a favour, go buy yourself a copy of Blood Brothers for yourself (it's a book about Cork hurling in case you don't know) and it will make you realise how much an idiot of yourself you're making.

What any GAA player does in his own time is indeed his own business, but if said Inter-county player for example opens a supermarket as a private citizen - then no problem

If the same player opens the same supermarket as "Player X, multiple All Ireland winner and All Star with County Y" - then he is using the profile he gained as a member of the GAA and a member of his IC panel - I found it quite ironic that one member of the Cork panel chose the forum of a lucrative sponsorship launch to lambast McCarthy.

I'm not going to post anymore on this topic as we're going around in circles - I'll finish by saying that no matter how much of a gouger Frank Murphy is, how many behind the scenes strokes he's pulled, how many wrong names or clubs McCarthy got, how many white bread sandwiches instead of pasta lunches - the players should not be striking to replace the manager - if they don't want to play under McCarthy then they should simply walk away as is their right

It's not just a Cork hurling problem. It's a national GAA problem.


Quote from: heffo on January 06, 2009, 08:30:13 AM
Quote from: Reillers on January 05, 2009, 11:48:21 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 05, 2009, 11:27:57 PM
Quote from: Zulu on January 05, 2009, 09:52:00 PM
It is obviously a two way street but cross over GAA stars are definitely very important to the GAA, Sean Og inspires more kids to play the GAA than a hundred administrators or groundsmen. That is something we all surly agree with, i've answered your question so can you answer mine do you really think it is about money and why?

Some of the lads on strike, especially the senior lads make a fair wee wage from their commercial activities bbased on their status with Cork GAA - They feel they are losing profile, thus their earning potential is going down - they want a change of manager to maintain their status.

It wasn't me who claimed that the GPA are behind this and who hope to encourage other counties to join in so that they will ultimately get paid.

And I'll post a few things not of mine - but you might be surprised by them.

What the hulers do in their spare time is their own business. And it's actually so typical of you to ignore absolute everything anyone says to you and you have to go back about 2 pages to have something to reply for that isn't a hard question.

And yet again, what are you on about, where do you get these ideas about money and profiles.
Ya you're right, all of this all of this hastle of wanting a different manager was to "maintain their status."
You are either
a) That stupid
b)That naive
c) Or you hate the players that much
d)All of the above.

Do yourself a favour, go buy yourself a copy of Blood Brothers for yourself (it's a book about Cork hurling in case you don't know) and it will make you realise how much an idiot of yourself you're making.

What any GAA player does in his own time is indeed his own business, but if said Inter-county player for example opens a supermarket as a private citizen - then no problem

If the same player opens the same supermarket as "Player X, multiple All Ireland winner and All Star with County Y" - then he is using the profile he gained as a member of the GAA and a member of his IC panel - I found it quite ironic that one member of the Cork panel chose the forum of a lucrative sponsorship launch to lambast McCarthy.

I'm not going to post anymore on this topic as we're going around in circles - I'll finish by saying that no matter how much of a gouger Frank Murphy is, how many behind the scenes strokes he's pulled, how many wrong names or clubs McCarthy got, how many white bread sandwiches instead of pasta lunches - the players should not be striking to replace the manager - if they don't want to play under McCarthy then they should simply walk away as is their right

It's not just a Cork hurling problem. It's a national GAA problem.

Nail on head there heffo.

every county has an adminstrator who's a bollox albeit Frank seems to be the patron saint. Every panel in Ireland will have a group of dissenting players not at one with the manager and questioning tactics, training etc especially after a high profile defeat.

It is a matter of personal opinion who's the right man for the job, Frank (and his under the thumb county executive, county board delegates, selection committee) seem to think Ger (Mac) is the man, the players disagree (a raging majority we're told) and want Ger (Cunningham) in.
I don't think that players should have any say in who their manager is as I can't see how you can control and get the best out of a panel if there is a popularity contest going on in the middle of it all..

The two things I find hard to fathom is the total domination Frank has over all things Cork GAA and the fact that 30 lads all want rid of a manger for another some, possibly most would have no working knowledge of.
It does seem from the outside looking in that those who criticise frank use very similar tactics and exercise similar control over their flock.
Where are the reasonable minded people on both sides down there?


OM if you do have some insight into what's going on then you're doing a very bad job of articulating it!

Anyway, good post by Heffo. Like JC says - sounds like nail on head.


The thing that baffles me is that this present dispute has been running for 3 months now and numerous attempts at mediation have been made by the CB, Mc Carthy himself and now this solicitor guy.

The players are refusing to meet putting obstacles in the way, going on holidays, arguing about who is going to be there etc. etc. etc. Do the players want to just sit on their hands and hopw that the impasse will be resolved to their satisfaction by not having an input ? It seems to me that they're banking on Mc Carthy resigning - but Mc Carthy has already made his intenitions fairly clear on this issue by training the new lads and playing this Sunday.

Whether other posters like it or not, whether it suits their arguments or not, my information is that there were a number of players who privately wanted to return to the fold. Admittedly this was a small number. However this number has now increased as time has moved on and they now realise that they have been sucked into this fight with the manager and the CB by older, more senior leaders. I have no absolute proof of this but as I say, that is my information.

I've called for the players to call of their strike as in my opinion it is the wrong form of action and it has not advanced their cause one inch. In fact,  the strike action and the statements made to the media by the players, the players have lost the battle for public sympathy.

I have said before there are rights and wrongs on all sides but to try and force a manager out in the way the players are attemting too is wrong. There are other forms of dispute resolution.

What harm will the players come to if they sit down with the manager and thrash it out ??.


If this is true, then fair play to the players for sitting down and at least hearing what Mc Carthy has to say. Hopefully this can lead to an end to the dispute. But I'm not holding my breath. But it's positive news if it comes to pass.

It is reported this morning that Cork's hurlers might be prepared to participate in an independent committee to try to bring an end to the ongoing difficulties in the county.

The make-up of this committee is still being debated.

It is thought that the panel would be made up of two players, two representatives from the county board and two from the current management team.

The committee would be chaired by local solicitor Olan Kelleher.


Honestly OM - stop posting on this thread. you're making a cod of the discussion.


I believe that the players have rejected the offer to sit down on this panel, unless there is no managerial representative, or unless there is equal numbers of attendees.

Can any of the Cork lads confirm?


Quote from: heffo on January 06, 2009, 08:30:13 AM

What any GAA player does in his own time is indeed his own business, but if said Inter-county player for example opens a supermarket as a private citizen - then no problem

If the same player opens the same supermarket as "Player X, multiple All Ireland winner and All Star with County Y" - then he is using the profile he gained as a member of the GAA and a member of his IC panel - I found it quite ironic that one member of the Cork panel chose the forum of a lucrative sponsorship launch to lambast McCarthy.

I'm not going to post anymore on this topic as we're going around in circles - I'll finish by saying that no matter how much of a gouger Frank Murphy is, how many behind the scenes strokes he's pulled, how many wrong names or clubs McCarthy got, how many white bread sandwiches instead of pasta lunches - the players should not be striking to replace the manager - if they don't want to play under McCarthy then they should simply walk away as is their right

It's not just a Cork hurling problem. It's a national GAA problem.

Nail on head indeed Heffo. It was of course the action (walking away individually) which should have been taken months ago and indeed was suggested by many of us at the time. I am led to believe though that the Cork hurlers have a more noble intention of saving Cork hurling from itself and this is the reason why they have stuck it out collectively. Not quite sure how they will acheive this. I've been hoping that Reillers will elaborate.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: AZOffaly on January 06, 2009, 12:26:48 PM
I believe that the players have rejected the offer to sit down on this panel, unless there is no managerial representative, or unless there is equal numbers of attendees.

Can any of the Cork lads confirm?

The wont sit if they are outnumbered again. Equal numbers is fair, the players aren't stupid they wont put themselves in the position where they've ended up in the past.


Quote from: Reillers on January 06, 2009, 01:42:03 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on January 06, 2009, 12:26:48 PM
I believe that the players have rejected the offer to sit down on this panel, unless there is no managerial representative, or unless there is equal numbers of attendees.

Can any of the Cork lads confirm?

The wont sit if they are outnumbered again. Equal numbers is fair, the players aren't stupid they wont put themselves in the position where they've ended up in the past.

They agreed to no more strikes last year - 2 representatives - does it REALLY matter how many players and how many county board / management reps there are ?? The issues are still the same surely ??


Quote from: theskull1 on January 06, 2009, 01:31:20 PM
Quote from: heffo on January 06, 2009, 08:30:13 AM

What any GAA player does in his own time is indeed his own business, but if said Inter-county player for example opens a supermarket as a private citizen - then no problem

If the same player opens the same supermarket as "Player X, multiple All Ireland winner and All Star with County Y" - then he is using the profile he gained as a member of the GAA and a member of his IC panel - I found it quite ironic that one member of the Cork panel chose the forum of a lucrative sponsorship launch to lambast McCarthy.

I'm not going to post anymore on this topic as we're going around in circles - I'll finish by saying that no matter how much of a gouger Frank Murphy is, how many behind the scenes strokes he's pulled, how many wrong names or clubs McCarthy got, how many white bread sandwiches instead of pasta lunches - the players should not be striking to replace the manager - if they don't want to play under McCarthy then they should simply walk away as is their right

It's not just a Cork hurling problem. It's a national GAA problem.

Nail on head indeed Heffo. It was of course the action (walking away individually) which should have been taken months ago and indeed was suggested by many of us at the time. I am led to believe though that the Cork hurlers have a more noble intention of saving Cork hurling from itself and this is the reason why they have stuck it out collectively. Not quite sure how they will acheive this. I've been hoping that Reillers will elaborate.

Last time I checked, despite what we may believe that's what the players have done, walked away.
If the players give into this if they leave the CB win this time, then that's it, it's over, the CB will have full control. And if we thought Cork GAA was in bad shape now, well I don't want to see it when there's nobody left to stand up to the CB.


Quote from: Reillers on January 06, 2009, 01:42:03 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on January 06, 2009, 12:26:48 PM
I believe that the players have rejected the offer to sit down on this panel, unless there is no managerial representative, or unless there is equal numbers of attendees.

Can any of the Cork lads confirm?

The wont sit if they are outnumbered again. Equal numbers is fair, the players aren't stupid they wont put themselves in the position where they've ended up in the past.

I was wondering that alright. I remember saying last year after the Holland affair that this lark of the players being outnumbered 5-2 (I think) on the selection panel would only lead to more hassle. Seems like that's sinking in. Not much point having a voice if you are guaranteed to be outvoted before any discussion begins.