McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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QuoteBut they need to show respect to the administrators and mentors, something they seem incapable of doing. Once you show someone you respect him then you have more chance of negotiating agreed change and all parties have a chamce to come out with their reputations intact.

Is there not a similar onus on the CCB to do the same and have the CCB not repeatedly shown a lack of respect for the players who have brought great success to Cork? It is clear some elements of the CCB don't respect the players and therefore negotiating with them is pointless.

QuoteThe CCB have obviously had enough of this after last season and feel that GMcC never had a chance trying to motivate such malcontents and deserved a chance with players who want to play for him.

The CCB started the fight last year by trying to go back on an agreement from 2002 to allow the manager pick his own selectors, a system that resulted in 4 AI appearances in a row, so what do they do this year? Only reappoint an unsuccessful manager that the players haven't a working relationship with and you think the players should respect these guys?

Sorry now Skull but you and OM seem to think that players play and administrators administrate and never the twain shall meet. Well if a player isn't doing his job he gets dropped, if he isn't capable of playing at a certain level he gets cut from that panel but in yer opinion if administrators oversee their senior hurling and football teams go on strike twice in 6 years and the hurlers go a third time in 7, there isn't any questions around their ability to do the job, no the players should sit down with these guys and once more negotiate with respect the order of the day. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, for starters the CB won't contemplate firing Ger McCarthy so there is nothing to discuss anyway, secondly the CCB don't want the older players back so there is no grounds for any kind of legitimate discussion. Respect is a two way street and if the players lack respect for the CB they have good reason to, why the CB lack respect for the players, I leave that up to somebody else to decide


QuoteSorry now Skull but you and OM seem to think that players play and administrators administrate and never the twain shall meet.

When have I painted it in black and white like that Zulu? I am saying that you have to work within the system regardless of what you think of it. What is your alternative? If the players don't have one then why don't they slip away quietly?
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


People who demand respect will never get it. respect is earned and if you earn respect from those you lead, you can lead them where you wish.


There's this older then times GAA attitude where players HAVE to shut up or put up. It doesn't matter what they are right or wrong, it's nothing to do with them.
Same way there's this "democratic" system in the GAA that is unique to the GAA..because it's bullshit.

That worked for a long time. But the players are being asked to sacrfice so much of their lives. No they are not forced to do it, but they do it, and at times, like in Cork, they are expected to but up with so much shit, and the general thought about this is that they should up about it, how dare they challenge the system.

The more political players get, the more they will challenge this set up. They can't be expected to but up with some of the things they are being asked to, it's not right, they are giving too much of their time for it. The GAA is professional in everything but name, the players are expected to up the level season after season. They change, but the GAA refuse to. I don't mean professional wise but in their attitude. They think that they can keep asking the players to do what they do every year, to produce the type of football and hurling at the top level, but to treat them like they do.
And that's at most counties, at Cork it's at another level completley. In 2002 it was pathetic, and the players had the balls to rightly challenge the board, to go on strike. Which was unheard of.

There's an age old attitude that the players now a days HAVE to put up or shut up, it doesn't matter one bit how badly treated the players are. Any voice against that set up seems to get people panicking that it's a sign that the players want change, change to professional or something, even if it's not the case.
And the same attitude is applied here to some people, Skull and OM, to mention a few. They believe that the status quo should be kept in place, no matter what.

It needs to change.

"The more politicised players become, the more they're likely to revolt" and it's true. Unless the majority of people out their in charge change their thoughts, their views, there will be more trouble and not just with Cork. Players are being asked of too much and expected to putup with too much. The GAA's oppinion, their way of dealing with things, setting things up, their version of democracy, it's not acceptable. It's not fair on the players, the GAA can either change with the times or suffer the backlash of it, and they will, and it wont be with just Cork.  


Here we go again. You try to give honest opinions and you're pounced on. aye yi yi  ::) .

Players are the luckiest group of individuals in the GAA. And the very important point you make is that are not forced to do it. Every other volunteer gives their time to give players the opertunity to play. Players thinking that the GAA owes them because of all the sacrifices they make is just too self centred and Orwellian. The GAA owes players no more than any other volunteer. When your playing days are over and you start helping in other ways you will appreciate the massive ammount of hidden work going on to make the GAA what it is. 99.99% look for nothing in return. The players are simply a cog in the big turning wheel same as the rest of volunteers. I'll see you when you get there

I'd love to hear a theory on how you guys reckon that if these players get their way and the CB is cleared out, who will be left to do what they can to satisfy the players on an ongoing basis? Paint me the picture of how the landscape will look like after a successful player revolution. All I can see is the somme if it did.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on December 15, 2008, 11:02:38 PM
Here we go again. You try to give honest opinions and you're pounced on. aye yi yi  ::) .

Players are the luckiest group of individuals in the GAA. And the very important point you make is that are not forced to do it. Every other volunteer gives their time to give players the opertunity to play. Players thinking that the GAA owes them because of all the sacrifices they make is just too self centred and Orwellian. The GAA owes players no more than any other volunteer. When your playing days are over and you start helping in other ways you will appreciate the massive ammount of hidden work going on to make the GAA what it is. 99.99% look for nothing in return. The players are simply a cog in the big turning wheel same as the rest of volunteers. I'll see you when you get there

I'd love to hear a theory on how you guys reckon that if these players get their way and the CB is cleared out, who will be left to do what they can to satisfy the players on an ongoing basis? Paint me the picture of how the landscape will look like after a successful player revolution. All I can see is the somme if it did.

They are also the hardest worked groups there. Ya it's a massive privialge and they are lucky to be there, but they play at the top level, they need to be the best . Especially if you're from somewhere like Cork where there's massive pressure.

It's not about the players thinking that the GAA owe them one, it's the fact that they put in so much work to be as good as they are, to put up with all that pressure shouldn't have to and aren't any more sticking to that old as time shut up or put up attitude, too much is being asked of them at this stage, at this level. I know the hidden work, the work done in the backround, I am not undermining that, without them and the grassroots we'd be no where. But it's past the time where the players are supposed to play and act like pros while the set up, the way they are treated is pathetic. I can't speak for yourself but I have been with my club for years, it is my home, but I think you'll also find that the players do a tremendous ammount of work with their clubs in the backround, like oh I don't know, Donal Og.

See this is what I'm talking about, you are one of "those people" because all you got from what I said is that the players want their way and the CB cleared out and a player revolution. It's not what I'm talking about. You're one of those who toe the line, who think we should all act like sheep and follow the lads in charge NO MATTER WHAT. But it's not fair on the players, and like I said, the more is expected of them, the faster the GAA have to move. The fact is they want to have their cake and eat it too.
The GAA needs to move on with the times or it will face more trouble. I'm not talking about leaving the players have control. I'm talking about being fair. They ask so much of their players, the county players bring in millions for them, but at the end of the day, they STILL treat them like crap. Look at the GPA, it's not liked by all, but the fact that it had to be set up speaks for itself. It's an amateur game yes, but it doesn't mean that the players should be treated like crap when they give so much.

And the fact that the GAA wont formally recognise the GPA speaks for itself as well.

They need to change or they will face the risk of more trouble. I'm not talking about leaving the players run the show, no one, including the players, wants that, just fair treatment.


I've just heard a rumour - and if true it will throw massive egg on McCarthy's face

Mike McGurn has withdrawn from the Cork backroom team


QuoteThey are also the hardest worked groups there.
Oh please. They exercise a lot. And have fantastic backup to physios, masseurs, and consultants (if needs be). Come on Reillers. They are the most privileged group in the GAA.

QuoteBut it's past the time where the players are supposed to play and act like pros while the set up, the way they are treated is pathetic.
They are not supposed to play and act like pros. One truth is that some of those boys (through their relationship with the game) are a lot better off financially therefore see it as a profession. Their desire to remain in the game  is influenced by their off field enterprises and I believe it has driven some of them to the point where they feel they should be able to say jump and the CCB say how high. I'm afraid it doesn't. The have lost the run of themselves. It is an amateur game played and administered by amateurs. The chain of command is the way it is.

QuoteSee this is what I'm talking about, you are one of "those people" because all you got from what I said is that the players want their way and the CB cleared out and a player revolution. It's not what I'm talking about. You're one of those who toe the line, who think we should all act like sheep and follow the lads in charge NO MATTER WHAT. But it's not fair on the players, and like I said, the more is expected of them, the faster the GAA have to move. The fact is they want to have their cake and eat it too.
I repeat again. I have never said players should follow like sheep. But they should show some dignity and respect for those around them. The reality is that for various reasons they have acted like spoilt children always quick to whinge and complain about things rather than knuckle down and get on with it. And if they don't like it they should walk away. Remember? They don't have to do it. Happens all over the country Reillers. So questions must be asked about why this group feel they have the right to strike. I don't buy this holier than thou "it's purley for the love of Cork hurling" rethoric.

QuoteAnd the fact that the GAA wont formally recognise the GPA speaks for itself as well.
Lets leave that hornets nest to it's own thread shall we?

QuoteThey need to change or they will face the risk of more trouble. I'm not talking about leaving the players run the show, no one, including the players, wants that, just fair treatment.
OK so. Could you define what "change" is just so I'm clear? You're not talking about leaving the players to run the show, but you want administrators to play to the players tune. Is that not a fair assessment of whay you're saying. "Do as we ask or there'll be trouble". How can anybody work within that remit? And in light of Nicky Brennan recent press announcement about CB's having to tighten their belts, how can the players feel that they have a leg to stand on in this whole debacle

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: JMohan on December 16, 2008, 08:22:32 AM
I've just heard a rumour - and if true it will throw massive egg on McCarthy's face

Mike McGurn has withdrawn from the Cork backroom team

I suppose it depends on where you sit with the whole srrike / Mc Carthy . county board thing doesn't it ?

If you're a new player / Mc Carthy / county board, you'll be very disappointed that a big signing brought in to help the traiing regime in Cork hasn't materialised.

If you're one of the striking players, you'll be delighted that Mc Gurn has walked away and in your own mind, you'll be thinking he's in support of the striking players and that he only wants to train the chosen few and not the 4th or 5th string.


Apparently McGurn was extremely pissed wth the announcement when it was made. he had agreed to help out as a sort of consultant, coming in every six weeks to assess players and training methods but the announcement implied far greater involvement and possibly harmed his work situation in rugby.


I'm confused by the whole thing
How much time could he giev to the Hurlers if he is in Wales anyway?
So was his appointment by the CB or by McCarthy?
And why don't the footballers use him if he was a consultant to Cork?


Quote from: JMohan on December 16, 2008, 01:25:23 PM
I'm confused by the whole thing
How much time could he giev to the Hurlers if he is in Wales anyway?
So was his appointment by the CB or by McCarthy?
And why don't the footballers use him if he was a consultant to Cork?
Like was said earlier, it was an obvious PR stunt by McCarthy/ CCB.

I thought it was a bit weird to be honest, where we need help is on the line during games, there's plenty Cork lads would be able to coach the fitness.
If I'm not mistaken, McGurn was involved with the Irish RWC07 squad, and they didn't look at all well prepared. I'm open to correction on that tho.

I'd be happy enough with MacGearailt's appointment, if it wasn't for the players being out in dispute. Under any other circumstances it'd be good to see a young man who knows what it takes to win get involved with fresh ideas and ambition.

The fact he's from Kerry wouldn't bother me in the slightest as it seems to do some. Now a Kerry man managing the Cork hurlers would be weird...

but it would be no worse than what we have at the moment I suppose! ;D (Relax, it's a joke)


Quote from: theskull1 on December 16, 2008, 08:34:36 AM
QuoteThey are also the hardest worked groups there.
Oh please. They exercise a lot. And have fantastic backup to physios, masseurs, and consultants (if needs be). Come on Reillers. They are the most privileged group in the GAA.

QuoteBut it's past the time where the players are supposed to play and act like pros while the set up, the way they are treated is pathetic.
They are not supposed to play and act like pros. One truth is that some of those boys (through their relationship with the game) are a lot better off financially therefore see it as a profession. Their desire to remain in the game  is influenced by their off field enterprises and I believe it has driven some of them to the point where they feel they should be able to say jump and the CCB say how high. I'm afraid it doesn't. The have lost the run of themselves. It is an amateur game played and administered by amateurs. The chain of command is the way it is.

QuoteSee this is what I'm talking about, you are one of "those people" because all you got from what I said is that the players want their way and the CB cleared out and a player revolution. It's not what I'm talking about. You're one of those who toe the line, who think we should all act like sheep and follow the lads in charge NO MATTER WHAT. But it's not fair on the players, and like I said, the more is expected of them, the faster the GAA have to move. The fact is they want to have their cake and eat it too.
I repeat again. I have never said players should follow like sheep. But they should show some dignity and respect for those around them. The reality is that for various reasons they have acted like spoilt children always quick to whinge and complain about things rather than knuckle down and get on with it. And if they don't like it they should walk away. Remember? They don't have to do it. Happens all over the country Reillers. So questions must be asked about why this group feel they have the right to strike. I don't buy this holier than thou "it's purley for the love of Cork hurling" rethoric.

QuoteAnd the fact that the GAA wont formally recognise the GPA speaks for itself as well.
Lets leave that hornets nest to it's own thread shall we?

QuoteThey need to change or they will face the risk of more trouble. I'm not talking about leaving the players run the show, no one, including the players, wants that, just fair treatment.
OK so. Could you define what "change" is just so I'm clear? You're not talking about leaving the players to run the show, but you want administrators to play to the players tune. Is that not a fair assessment of whay you're saying. "Do as we ask or there'll be trouble". How can anybody work within that remit? And in light of Nicky Brennan recent press announcement about CB's having to tighten their belts, how can the players feel that they have a leg to stand on in this whole debacle

Ya all that's through but they are the best of the best, they get all those "privalages" physios, They get their with hard work, they are the most privaleged group because of their hard work. They also have massive pressure on them, they are at the top level because they have earned their way there. They give a hell lot of time an effort to the cause, they give up 8, 9 months of their lives for our plessure and their pride..etc. They get one or two privalages they get but they have earned every one of them.

They are not supposed to play and act like pros. They are expected to. They are expected to play like pros and they get punished like pros do. What they do in their own time has nothing to do with the game and it's bitter jealous people like you who judge them for that, are just that, bitter. I can't speak about the other counties but the Cork playes live for the game and I know that, to suggest otherwise, to anyone really is purely insulting at best and wreeks of bitneress and jealousy.Players love playing the game, it's got nothing to do with a tiny bit of money a year. And I can't remember, but I think it was Cyril Farrell in the Galway/Clare game when he said that they (all the players not just the Cork ones) are great embasaders of the game and that they should basicaly give Sean Og a perminet position to go up and down the country promoting the game.
You know nothing you really don't about any of these players and you are so quick to judge. You're one of "those" GAA snobs who think that we should all follow the line despite you saying you don't. The chain of command isn't right or even near right, but you want the players to follow it anyway. When things go wrong, when powers are being abused by the upper power, the chain of command,  Are you a leader or a flock of doesn't take a genious to work out which one you are.  

And it's an amateur game run by people who get paid.

So in your in your oppinion no matter how shitty things are it's always folow the chain of

It's what you're saying though, you think they should follow like sheep. You actually back the board which is unbelievable. Let me guess you backed the board in 2002 as well..wouldn't surprise me.
They get no respect at all. They have been treated like crap from day one, they had to go on strike to get basic essentials. Why should they respect, you earn respect you aren't just given it, it doesn't matter who you are.
Spoilt children, why, because they stood up for themselves again bullies who are destroying the game in dare they upset the status quo. How dare they stand up for themselves, do they not no that in the GAA everyone has to act like a sheep and toe the line. Knuckling down isn't going to do anything, they've figured that out by now, it'll just give the board more control. Why should they have to "get on with it." if they are being treated like crap.
QuoteAnd if they don't like it they should walk away.
...last time I checked I thought they had.

QuoteSo questions must be asked about why this group feel they have the right to strike.
..Ah GAA democracy at it's peak.

Are you Frank Murphy himself because only people like him could come out with something like that. Oh we treat them like crap but because everyone else puts up with it, so should they, they should at all times obey the status quo because that's how its' done, it doesn't matter how much of a botch job we're doing, they should have to put up with it. People up and down this country whinge about it, they stood up for themselves, which others should do if they are getting treated as badly as these lot are, they do what the best for Cork hurling and I don't know why you dont' get that. If they didn't they would have walked away a long time ago. You not believing it shows you're true oppinion of the players.


One or two privileges Reillers ????? One or two ?????

Jesus I thought they got more than that in Cork - I thought ( obviously mistakenly ) that some of them enjoyed almost celebrity status and were well "looked after" in a lot of respects.


That's to do with the public, they've earned their "celebraty status" nothing to do with the "privileges" that the GAA give them.

And you think in Cork the CB give them a lot..where have you been for the past few years.  ;) ;)