McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Reillers, problem is people are sick of listening to Cork hurlers moaning and they come across like childern.

If they wanted a new manager why did they not propse someone from the beginning? Rather than bitch no one other than Mcarthy was proposed?

They spend their time running to the papers or trying to push the boundaries either for publicity or to push other agendas?

If McCarthy has to go so does Cusack, Gardner, the Rock and Sean Og.

And this time the GAA has to have the balls to throw them out of the League if they do not turn up for the first match. As should have been done last year.


EVERYone and I've said this back the players against the board. They may not fully agree with their actions but they know their intentions are good. And not one person yet has given me an answer to that question.


Quote from: witnof on November 09, 2008, 05:01:15 PM
Reillers, problem is people are sick of listening to Cork hurlers moaning and they come across like childern.

If they wanted a new manager why did they not propse someone from the beginning? Rather than bitch no one other than Mcarthy was proposed?

They spend their time running to the papers or trying to push the boundaries either for publicity or to push other agendas?

If McCarthy has to go so does Cusack, Gardner, the Rock and Sean Og.

And this time the GAA has to have the balls to throw them out of the League if they do not turn up for the first match. As should have been done last year.

They give that impression, the problem is no one wll look beyond that.
THey did suggest names, Sean Og did when he was acting as proxy for Ga. But because the board say they didn't everyone believes them. The players DID put names forward.

The players didn't go to the papers first, they responded, they did not want to go to the papers, McCarthy went first, and he then made it personal. Again that fact doesn't matter to many.

I agree, McCarthy goes, so should muprhyu and Donal Og, Sean Og, Sully..etc.


All the journos with inside knowledge supports the players against the board, as do Allen, O Grady, Mulcahy..etc. The list goes on, everyone who knows the inner workings of Cork hurling and anyone who knows the players, who's worked with them firmly back them against the board. They may not back their actions but they back their intentions.
You say that Gerald has lots of supports from ex managers from other counties and people up and down the country, that's great, I'm sure he does. But they don't know what's going on now do they. Not like the likes of Allen does.

All I'm saying is why do ye think that everyone who has seen the inner workings of Cork GAA and who have worked with the players..side with the players, no one has answered it??


Reillers the players proposed NO ONE till the 2nd or 3rd Meeting, why is that?

If they truely wanted change then they would have proposed names in advance, or are they simply tyring to throw spanners in the works?

Have no great love of Hitler but this time I believe the players are quiter becuase the whole tide of the country is against them on this one. Last year were they were all over the place.

Am not surprised McCarthy went to the papers he was basically stabbed in the back the way players treated him. He has done so much for Cork he doesn't deserve this even if the players feel he is not the right manager.

And it is basically a vote on McCarthy, for or against. Becuase if it wasn't then the players would never have gone about it the way they did.


They didn't know till like the 3rd meeting that Gerald would take it or not. They thought they'd discuss it first..they didn't.
Read it yourself.

No he doesn't deserve it, he got a rotten deal but I honestly think that McCarthy is playing such a game with the media, he's playing a blinder. I'd question his intentions before I would the players. 
Gerald's pride was hurt so he went to the media, by what he did crossed the line, leaking that document really really was the final straw. That's when the line was drawn, there was no coming back from that. People don't realise or wont see that it was Gerald who has made this ireversable.
He doesn't deserve to be treated the way he was but do the players who give so much, do they deserve to be treated the way they are. They had and have the best intentions here, but are getting a battering from Gerald and Co, in the press. Do they not deserve to be treated better..of course not..why? becayse they're from Cork, and generally, even before this, they weren't liked.

Like look at Gerald..he's a legend he is, but he's not innocent in this, not totally. (just putting in what I said 2 pages ago, couldn't be arsed retyping it.)

He had to be shoved into the job in 06, he did not want it at all, he really, really didn't, and he was pretty much forced to take it..the lads the players wanted to get te job, the people who had been involved in a winning, succesful Cork side, 4 AI finals, Munster finals..etc weren't even considered or interviewed.
Gerald absolutley did not want this job back then. But was given it..which is when the Empire began to fight back, they were taking the control back and this was their first move, which was quickly followed by their next which led to the strike..breaking, blatantly breaking part of the deal made in 2002.

Anyway, back to Gerald..Then after two very unsuccesful years in Cork standards, (after every man and his dog thought he'd get fired but didn't)he suddenly now, after all of this, all of a sudden he's hell bent on keeping it. After been dragged into the job in 2006,that all of a sudden he's mad for it in 2008.
Please this isn't about him wanting the job and the best for Cork, he's staying in this out of spite, because his pride was hurt, he was stung. He's suddenly hell bent on keeping it. For a man who really didn't want it, 26 out of 28 players dont want him to coach next year why bother. Like thiings were so bad last season between Gerald and his players that a facilitator was needed to get both parties through to the end of the season..why all this hassle from a man who didn't want this job 2 years ago, his pride was hurt and there's no way he's backing down because of that.

And now ALL OF A SUDDEN, he has a grand plan for the future of Cork Hurling.
Where's his motive for all of this..I find it very hard to see beyond just getting one back, because the players said they didn't want him back, said he wasn't good might say, right on Gerald, fair play, stand up to them..etc. but that's still not having the best interest in Cork. Atleast the players have a reason for refusing to play, they really do want the best for Cork hurling, because they are willing to walk away. Something Gerald isn't.

I am not questioning his love of Cork and all the things he's done, but I feel at this stage he's staying in this for the wrong reasons, while the players are fighting it for the right reasons..something which ye ignore or don't see.

Ya the players really have lost the media battle so far. Which is a pity because if they read the fine print they'd see more of clear picture.
The people who actually know what's going on are backing them, which says something I think..I think that says enough.


All the journos with inside knowledge supports the players against the board,

wouldn't agree, only shannon has come out in favour of them. keyes and the indo are against them, the sunday times as well. only kieran shannon is for them. the examiner aren't neutral so their opinons are irrelevent. the irish times sit on the fence, so i wouldn't agree with that statement.

Even if mc Carthy goes, Frank Murphy will survive but I doubt any prospective manager will want certain cork players involved. the likely scenario is that Mc Carthy will step down and certain cork  players are unlikely to play again even under a anew manager. Even still Cork are finsihed as a hurling force for the time being in my view.


Quote from: INDIANA on November 09, 2008, 06:28:59 PM
All the journos with inside knowledge supports the players against the board,

wouldn't agree, only shannon has come out in favour of them. keyes and the indo are against them, the sunday times as well. only kieran shannon is for them. the examiner aren't neutral so their opinons are irrelevent. the irish times sit on the fence, so i wouldn't agree with that statement.

Even if mc Carthy goes, Frank Murphy will survive but I doubt any prospective manager will want certain cork players involved. the likely scenario is that Mc Carthy will step down and certain cork  players are unlikely to play again even under a anew manager. Even still Cork are finsihed as a hurling force for the time being in my view.

Humphries is with the Timnes is he not, he backs the players against the board. I said with INSIDE knowledge.


You know from all of this, like why in the name of God did Gerald Mac take the job under the circumstances he did,there's something more then sus about the whole thing. Im sick of it, I'm sick of it all. The CCB are the root of it all. The delegates are a joke that the the votes are null and void. That kind of thing really gets on my nerve.And the CCB..thats the kind of crap that get away with, deceiving the delegates to get their man in,the players had to make a stand, im still behind them 100% I don't agree with their actions, but they are cornererd and acting like they are, the are isoalated and in an impossible position, they're paranoid, so, so paranoid, years of fighting the baord has made them so. When they strike out. They do so without thinking.
What do they do, do they do nothing and let Cork hurling suffer, do something thereby ending their careers and get ripped to pieces by people and press up and down the country.
Any body that cant see what the CCB are up to are blind, they are using Ger Mac and I wish to God he could see that.


Reillers...I do believe you're talking to yourself. Wait until Zulu and GAA come online again because you sound like the boy who cried wolf to me and I'm sure many others. Everybody else has had it with the main protaganist players and I'm sure that any reasons each and everyone might have for holding that position, many of them have built up over many years of getting scundered listening to their public whinging and their lack regard for the dignity and respect of their facilitators.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Anyone able to post Spillane's article today in the Sunday World ?

Anyway, he says this :

Lest any of you are under the impression that this fight the players are putting up is about the manager or the county board, it's not - it's purely about PLAYER POWER and nothing else. So don't let anyone tell you differently !


Pat Spilane..bashing Cork players..and that's supposed to hold some water is it. There's unbiased lads such as HUmphries and Co. Then you've got Spillane who is wthout a doubt the most annoying presenter. "Bring it on indeed."  ::) ::)
You couldn't find a more biased journo then him.


Reillers, you could call me a student of newspapers, but take the examiner out of it (who are biased). Only humphries and shannon are in favour of the players. The rest are against or are sitting on the fence and neither of the above 2 have any better contacts simply because every gaa journalist in the country could ring up a cork panelist and find out whats going on. 'You're portraying an image in the media that doesn't exist.
I have no axe to grind here, but today's papers are very frosty towards the players. I'd be pretty concerned if I was them, because somewhere along the line something has to give. there is a definite change in the last week of the media towrads the players.


I said all journos with an INSIDE knowledge, not every Tom, Dick and Harry journo, I'm talking about everyone who has inside knoweldge back the players. The Examiner are biased..last time I checked they were a paper in Cork, and this was a CORK issue, now I'd except in a debate about Newcaslte and KK that they would be biased, but how or why can you qualify them as bias when both sides involved are from Cork and like you said you'd think if they went down that route it would be the great Cork icon that is McCarthy they'd back, but it's the players.

But like I said people who know and I mean actually know, not just read the paper, presume or the anti player brigade, (no matter what they do) back the players.


You've obviously never studied the media at any great length. The Examiner need player interviews to sell newspapers, they don;t need county board officials , they aren't going to bite the hand that sells newspapers. Thats called basic economics, Adam Smith devised  it in the 16th century. Same way Tom needs Sean Og for interviews or that autiobiography down the line. Or that Colm Keyes needs gerald Mc Carthy for an interview later on next year. They'll take sides with their contacts same as any businessman.
So I wouldn't put great faith in the content of the nation's journalists , but If I was the Cork hurlers I would very concerned that more of them favour the other side of the debate than theirs which doesn't do anything for their PR. They must have pissed off a lot of them in the last few years. Some side has to crack soon otherwise Cork are finished as a hurling force for the next couple of years.