Irish mercenaries, unionist coat trailers and the Bard of Dunclug

Started by Donagh, October 08, 2008, 11:58:43 AM

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So what's your alternative to what the shinners are doing?
No answer?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Evil Genius

Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 05:07:13 PM
So what's your alternative to what the shinners are doing?
No answer?

Can't speak for 5ive Times, but my alternative for the Shinners is to accept that they lost "the war", that NI is a part of the UK and will remain so as long as a majority of people in NI so wish it, and in that spirit of reality start conducting some normal politics - jobs, health, education etc - instead of forever trying to keep the pot stirred, with their politics of provocation (e.g. Brit-hating counter-demonstrations like this morning) or their pointless gesture politics (e.g. painting pillar boxes green). 
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


What baffles me is that 5times supports the British co Down in the AI.


QuoteCan't speak for 5ive Times, but my alternative for the Shinners is to accept that they lost "the war", that NI is a part of the UK and will remain so as long as a majority of people in NI so wish it, and in that spirit of reality start conducting some normal politics - jobs, health, education etc - instead of forever trying to keep the pot stirred, with their politics of provocation (e.g. Brit-hating counter-demonstrations like this morning) or their pointless gesture politics (e.g. painting pillar boxes green).
Aye well you're a unionist I'd expect you to want that.

What I find funny though is that you have the nerve to talk about the Shinners "politics of provocation", this from someone from a bigotted section of the communtiy that want to parade through areas they're not wanted and look forward to November to wear a "I am British" badge  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Evil Genius

Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 05:51:17 PM
QuoteCan't speak for 5ive Times, but my alternative for the Shinners is to accept that they lost "the war", that NI is a part of the UK and will remain so as long as a majority of people in NI so wish it, and in that spirit of reality start conducting some normal politics - jobs, health, education etc - instead of forever trying to keep the pot stirred, with their politics of provocation (e.g. Brit-hating counter-demonstrations like this morning) or their pointless gesture politics (e.g. painting pillar boxes green).
Aye well you're a unionist I'd expect you to want that.
It appear to be not just Unionists who require "normal politics" from SF. The objections to their Counter-demonstration which were raised even in their Republican heartlands (e.g Anderstown News), plus the paltry numbers which they were actually able to bring out onto the streets, surely demonstrates this.
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 05:51:17 PM
What I find funny though is that you have the nerve to talk about the Shinners "politics of provocation", this from someone from a bigotted section of the communtiy that want to parade through areas they're not wanted
This morning's (one-off) parade did not pass through "areas where they are not wanted" and need have offended no-one who was not absolutely determined to be offended.

If, however, you are referring to certain annual Orange Parades, then you are once more engaging in blatant "whataboutery", to distract from criticism of this morning's unnecessary counter-demo, with its clear potential for sparking violence (happily not realised).

For the record, I am not an Orangeman, nor would never become one. And whilst as a Libertarian I feel that in principle, anyone should be able to parade lawfully* where he/she likes, in practice I deplore the lack of restraint and sensitivity displayed by the OO over a percentage of their Parades.

* - Or demonstrate peacefully against

Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 05:51:17 PM
and look forward to November to wear a "I am British" badge  ::)
And as I have said before, different people wear Poppies for different reasons. If you are determined on draw only one narrow-minded conclusion from everybody doing so, then that says a great deal more about you than it does about those who wear them.

"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Do you think the people of Belfast (everyone that is) wanted this daft parade to go through the City centre? Why couldnt they march up and down the Shankhill, where they would be welcomed?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


So called Republicans on this board and in general in the North of Ireland need to take their heads out of the sand or in the case of pints, take your head from up your own arse and have a look around you. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK, in fact the union with Britain is probably stronger than ever. Ireland now has no constitutional claim over the six counties. Idiots fantasists like Donagh can bullsh*t all they want about smashing the system from within, but we cannot get away from the fact that Sinn Fein are now happily administering British rule in the North of Ireland and they are a laughing stock in the South. The IRA have gone away, they have surrendered their arms and been disbanded. Thanks to Adams & Co. Republicanism is nothing more than a romantic ideal. We wont see a United Ireland in my lifetime or indeed the lifetime of anyone on this board.
I hate Britain with a passion, I hate everything about it and what it stands for. I`ve just watched a cheating black british racing driver cheat his way to the FIA world title. I managed to say that without using the N word. I hate the fact the the RIR are parading round Belfast today after their time in Iraq/Afghanistan, but I have to accept that Belfast is still under British rule and will continue to be so indefinitely. Sinn Fein are not only kidding themselves, but each and every idiot that votes for them, by saying anything different. Sinn Fein seems to have divided loyalties these days, they are torn between the Crown and the half crown. Either way they are still taking the queens shilling.
There's not much wood left in the coffin now, its nearly all made of nails.


Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 06:58:46 PM
Do you think the people of Belfast (everyone that is) wanted this daft parade to go through the City centre? Why couldnt they march up and down the Shankhill, where they would be welcomed?

30,000 prods "welcomed" their troops home today, while a Sinn Fein backed rabble of 200 turned up to protest. There were probably more people in Casement today to watch St Galls than at the protest and that says enough about how interested the Nationalist people of Belfast are in such a protest. Would 30,000 people have turned up if Sinn Fein hadnt kicked up such a fuss?
Pints if you are so concerned about the parade why didnt you fly home and take Donagh to it. They could do with another 2 idiots, at least you would make the crowd bigger.
There's not much wood left in the coffin now, its nearly all made of nails.


Quote from: hardstation on November 02, 2008, 07:23:28 PM
Quote from: ardmhachaabu on November 02, 2008, 01:55:22 PM
A bit of selective reading there hs.  Take it into context and then you can see a different story altogether.

At one point Sinn Féin protesters and supporters of the parade were less than 100m apart.

There were brief skirmishes and a number of bottles were thrown, however, police moved in to restore calm.

Police stopped a separate dissident republican counter parade from marching into the centre of Belfast at the bottom of the Falls Road. They dispersed after a number of speeches were made.

Oh and I live within eyeshot of Divis so I knew there had been no trouble there from the bunch of misfits calling themselves Eirigi. 
What the f**k? From what you have posted, only one line relates to what I posted.
You are a bit dim.
Anyone who really gives a shit will read the article themselves and conclude from it that you are totally thick.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


5ivetimes, I'd be one of those that would say the Shinners should have ignored the protest.

However, back to my question and your anti Sinn Fein stance, what's the alternative to what they're doing?
DO you support these dissident republicans blowing hot air (and you'd know all about that)?  Are they going to get a united Ireland?

btw, nice that you avoided using "Nigger" in your last post, makes a change from talking about "chinkys"  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: 5iveTimes on November 02, 2008, 07:19:41 PM
So called Republicans on this board and in general in the North of Ireland need to take their heads out of the sand or in the case of pints, take your head from up your own arse and have a look around you. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK, in fact the union with Britain is probably stronger than ever. Ireland now has no constitutional claim over the six counties. Idiots fantasists like Donagh can bullsh*t all they want about smashing the system from within, but we cannot get away from the fact that Sinn Fein are now happily administering British rule in the North of Ireland and they are a laughing stock in the South. The IRA have gone away, they have surrendered their arms and been disbanded. Thanks to Adams & Co. Republicanism is nothing more than a romantic ideal. We wont see a United Ireland in my lifetime or indeed the lifetime of anyone on this board.
I hate Britain with a passion, I hate everything about it and what it stands for. I`ve just watched a cheating black british racing driver cheat his way to the FIA world title. I managed to say that without using the N word. I hate the fact the the RIR are parading round Belfast today after their time in Iraq/Afghanistan, but I have to accept that Belfast is still under British rule and will continue to be so indefinitely. Sinn Fein are not only kidding themselves, but each and every idiot that votes for them, by saying anything different. Sinn Fein seems to have divided loyalties these days, they are torn between the Crown and the half crown. Either way they are still taking the queens shilling.

What is your point? are u a dissie? What do you suggest mainstream republicanism should do then?


QuoteWhat do you suggest mainstream republicanism should do then?
I've asked him that three times and so far all I can gather is that we should all move to Dundalk.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Talking is an overrated way of communicating.

Main Street

Quote from: Take Your Points on November 02, 2008, 07:12:39 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 02, 2008, 06:58:46 PM
Do you think the people of Belfast (everyone that is) wanted this daft parade to go through the City centre? Why couldnt they march up and down the Shankhill, where they would be welcomed?

Seems quite a welcome to me.

Looks more like a National Front demo  :)