moon landing and other conspiracy theorys

Started by youngfella, August 09, 2008, 10:26:54 AM

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Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 07:55:09 PM
Regardless of the Moon landings, the truth behind 9/11 is there for those who want to see it.  There are wackos who have caused a smokescrren to allow the Bush administration and the right to dismiss the growing number of academics who have brought forward questions which cannot be answered and proof of lies and cover up by the administration.

For anyone who is interested in the truth about the 9/11 events take some time to read the books by David Ray Griffin :

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9-11, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56552-9
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56584-7
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Revised & Updated Edition),Olive Branch Press, Paperback: 392 pages, 30 Mar 2007, ISBN 156656686X, ISBN 978-1566566865
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, Interlink Publishing Group, March 2008, ISBN 1-56656-716-5
New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-up and the Exposé, Olive Branch Press, September 30, 2008

Check out this video and many others by David Ray Griffith on YouTube.

For anyone who is interested in the truth. For this should you should read the nonsensical ravings of nut jobs
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 07:55:09 PM
Regardless of the Moon landings, the truth behind 9/11 is there for those who want to see it.  There are wackos who have caused a smokescrren to allow the Bush administration and the right to dismiss the growing number of academics who have brought forward questions which cannot be answered and proof of lies and cover up by the administration.

For anyone who is interested in the truth about the 9/11 events take some time to read the books by David Ray Griffin :

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9-11, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56552-9
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56584-7
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Revised & Updated Edition),Olive Branch Press, Paperback: 392 pages, 30 Mar 2007, ISBN 156656686X, ISBN 978-1566566865
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, Interlink Publishing Group, March 2008, ISBN 1-56656-716-5
New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-up and the Exposé, Olive Branch Press, September 30, 2008

Check out this video and many others by David Ray Griffith on YouTube.

There's a lot of questions need answering around those events, watched a few shows on youtube about it.  What I dont understand though, these ones who say that no plane crashed at the pentagon (I agree, missile imo) and united 93 didnt crash where we are told never tell us what happened the passengers on those planes?

Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2009, 09:30:11 PM
   What I dont understand though, these ones who say that no plane crashed at the pentagon (I agree, missile imo) and united 93 didnt crash where we are told never tell us what happened the passengers on those planes?

They're at area 51 all working together to hush up anyone who sees a UFO, but some of them do work evenings on grassy knolls
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: heganboy on August 31, 2009, 09:33:22 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2009, 09:30:11 PM
   What I dont understand though, these ones who say that no plane crashed at the pentagon (I agree, missile imo) and united 93 didnt crash where we are told never tell us what happened the passengers on those planes?

They're at area 51 all working together to hush up anyone who sees a UFO, but some of them do work evenings on grassy knolls
not doing a good job
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 10:55:29 PM
A simple fact about the passengers is enough to raise serious issues:

The passengers and hijackers were identified by their DNA profiles, the planes crashed with explosions of aviation fuel reaching temperatures up to 1500 degrees, more than enough heat (200 degrees) required to destroy DNA.

Well personally I'd ask how two planes dissapeared before that.  So many questions and no answers, but I still have a hard time comprehending that the US killed so many of their citizens.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 07:55:09 PM
Regardless of the Moon landings, the truth behind 9/11 is there for those who want to see it.  There are wackos who have caused a smokescrren to allow the Bush administration and the right to dismiss the growing number of academics who have brought forward questions which cannot be answered and proof of lies and cover up by the administration.

For anyone who is interested in the truth about the 9/11 events take some time to read the books by David Ray Griffin :

The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9-11, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56552-9
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Olive Branch Press, 2004, ISBN 1-566-56584-7
Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Revised & Updated Edition),Olive Branch Press, Paperback: 392 pages, 30 Mar 2007, ISBN 156656686X, ISBN 978-1566566865
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, Interlink Publishing Group, March 2008, ISBN 1-56656-716-5
New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-up and the Exposé, Olive Branch Press, September 30, 2008

Check out this video and many others by David Ray Griffith on YouTube.

Just saw Griffin on tv tonight on a Discovery Channel examination of the 9/11 truthers. Can't say he presented much that was convincing in any way and looked a bit stupid in his responses to the experiments that were presented such as showing how the plane and not an explosion was most likely to cause the damage to the Pentagon. And of course he had little to offer in the way of what actually did supposedly happen. As with the moon landings, the sheer number of people who would have to be intimidated or bought off into silence is just ludicrous. One or two cranks with PhDs doesn't lend much credibility to the conspiracy theorists.


Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2009, 10:59:54 PM
Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 10:55:29 PM
A simple fact about the passengers is enough to raise serious issues:

The passengers and hijackers were identified by their DNA profiles, the planes crashed with explosions of aviation fuel reaching temperatures up to 1500 degrees, more than enough heat (200 degrees) required to destroy DNA.

Well personally I'd ask how two planes dissapeared before that.  So many questions and no answers, but I still have a hard time comprehending that the US killed so many of their citizens.
I believe United 93 was taken out by the US because they believed it was heading for another target. i.e. the view was taken that nothing could be done to save the passengers, therefore they were effectively dead already, and by taking it out they were saving other lives.

As for the Pentagon, I think a plane crash is the most reasonable explanation. That the US would deliberately fire a missile into the Pentagon would be a conspiracy theory too far for me.


Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2009, 10:55:29 PM
A simple fact about the passengers is enough to raise serious issues:

The passengers and hijackers were identified by their DNA profiles, the planes crashed with explosions of aviation fuel reaching temperatures up to 1500 degrees, more than enough heat (200 degrees) required to destroy DNA.

Steam exists at 100 degrees  and over . However you often see it coming off puddles on a Sunny day. It doesn't mean the puddle of water is as a whole is close too 100 degrees.
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


seen add in irish news few times always meant to look it up,explained in todays irish news jim corr has launched his own conspiracy,doubt the music is on the back burner till he solves a few of the worlds mysterys.


Jim Corr advertises website to expose 'New World Order'

By Bimpe Archer

THE only male member of Irish band the Corrs is hoping advertisements will be an 'irresistible' invitation to join his vision of a "new world order".

Jim Corr, who has become increasingly outspoken about his political views in recent years, launched a website espousing his beliefs last year – on 08/08/08.

He believes the time is now right to bring it to wider attention and has begun taking out advertisements in The Irish News.

The small and somewhat mysterious classifieds read simply: " Global Police State and New World Order News".

Mr Corr said yesterday there has been a lot of interest in his site following the "soft launch" with no publicity last year but he now feels it should be brought to a wider audience.

He is campaigning for a "No" vote in the Lisbon Treaty and is passionate about this and a number of other issues.

"I'm trying in several areas to supply information where there is a vacuum in mainstream media," he said.

"I'm trying to get to the truth behind the news."

Mr Corr in particular questions the official version of the September 11 attacks.

"A study by Danish professor Niels Harrit found there was thermite in the dust from the twin towers," he said.

"Now thermite is an explosive used in demolition. What was that doing in the World Trade Centre and how could the towers collapse so neatly into their own footprint?

"There are buildings that burn for days that haven't collapsed."

The singer said he believes everyone in the west is affected by what happened on September 11, with increased government control of citizens, especially in travel.

On the site Mr Corr explains he has "been studying what is referred to as the New World Order the past couple of years" and invites readers to "come with me on a journey, so we can attempt to get closer to what is really going on in the world today behind the movie that's presented to us via the television set".

Among his warnings are that "Reuters or the Associated Press are controlled news agencies" and the September 11 attack "is the nexus doorway into the bigger picture – the formation of an elite-run totalitarian One World Government with the subjugated masses underneath".

Mr Corr tells how he "occasionally" meets people "who are unable to grasp the reality of what's going on".

"You may even meet them amongst family and friends but don't get frustrated," he said.

He urges people not to "shut down your own critical thinking" when others call him a "conspiracy theorist".

"As you will realise after a little research, the greatest conspiracy theories are the official government accounts of 9/11 and the London bombings of 7/7," he writes.

Mr Corr was in the eponymously named music group with sisters Andrea, Sharon and Caroline.

They became international stars in 1996 but have stopped recording in recent years while they concentrate on family life and in Andrea's case a solo career.

He has a child with former Miss Northern Ireland Gayle Williamson, although they have since separated.

Testing Accessibility


Conspiracy Theorist Convinces Neil Armstrong Moon Landing Was Faked

August 31, 2009 | Issue 45•36

LEBANON, OHIO—Apollo 11 mission commander and famed astronaut Neil Armstrong shocked reporters at a press conference Monday, announcing he had been convinced that his historic first step on the moon was part of an elaborate hoax orchestrated by the United States government.

According to Armstrong, he was forced to reconsider every single detail of the monumental journey after watching a few persuasive YouTube videos, and reading several blog posts on conspiracy theorist Ralph Coleman's website,

"It only took a few hastily written paragraphs published by this passionate denier of mankind's so-called 'greatest technological achievement' for me to realize I had been living a lie, " said a visibly emotional Armstrong, addressing reporters at his home. "It has become painfully clear to me that on July 20, 1969, the Lunar Module under the control of my crew did not in fact travel 250,000 miles over eight days, touch down on the moon, and perform various experiments, ushering in a new era for humanity. Instead, the entire thing was filmed on a soundstage, most likely in New Mexico."

"This is the only logical interpretation of the numerous inconsistencies in the grainy, 40-year-old footage," Armstrong added.
Enlarge Image Omission Control

Amstrong was swayed by OmissionControl's use of bolding and capital letters to highlight NASA's many blatant fallacies.

Although Armstrong said he "could have sworn" he felt the effects of zero gravity while soaring out of the Earth's atmosphere and through space, he now believed his memory must be flawed. He also admitted feeling "ashamed" that he had failed to notice the rippling of the American flag he and Buzz Aldrin planted on the surface, blaming his lack of awareness on the bulkiness of the spacesuit and his excitement about traveling to the "moon."

"That rippling is not possible in the vacuum of space," Armstrong said. "It must have been the wind from an air-conditioning duct that I didn't recognize because you can't hear a damn thing inside those helmets."

"This is all just common sense, people," he added. "It's the moon. You can't land on the moon."

In a symbolic display of his newfound skepticism, Armstrong then grabbed a collection of moon rocks he had kept as souvenirs and dramatically dumped them into a trash can.

One of the main arguments posited on Coleman's website—that America could not, in 1969, have realistically possessed the technological capabilities needed to put a man on the moon—was reportedly one of the first things to cause the legendary astronaut a pang of doubt. Despite having spent thousands of hours training for the historic mission under the guidance of the world's top scientists, technicians, and pilots, Armstrong said he knew the conspiracy theories were true after learning that website author Coleman was "quite the engineering buff."

"Yes, at the time I thought those thousands of NASA employees were working round the clock for the same incredible goal, but if anyone would know what was really going on, it would be Ralph Coleman," Armstrong said of the 31-year-old part-time librarian's assistant. "He knows a lot more about faked moon landings than I ever could. He's been researching the subject on the Internet for years."

"Literally years," he added.

Addressing another inconsistency brought to light by OmissionControl, Armstrong explained he was probably so focused on piloting the lunar module that he failed to notice that one of the moon rocks visible in footage of the landing appears to have the letter 'C' stamped on it. An emotional Armstrong said that the only possible explanation for this detail was that the rock actually came from NASA's prop department.

"They forgot to turn it over," Armstrong said, removing his eyeglasses to wipe away tears. "Those lying b**tards at NASA went through all the trouble to fake the moon landing, but they forgot to turn over one little prop rock. And now the whole damn thing's blowing up in their faces."

Although Armstrong initially questioned why the U.S. would attempt such an elaborate cover-up, he cited one overarching explanation provided by Coleman: that it was a ploy to defeat the Soviet Union and fulfill the Illuminati's plan to unify the world's banks and control the dissemination of information.

"Just ask Ralph Coleman," Armstrong said. "He'll answer any questions you have."

To conclude the press conference, Armstrong showed reporters footage of his first steps on the moon to demonstrate that the most daming evidence was "right under our noses." Speeding up the tape and replaying the graceful moonwalk several times in a row, Armstrong explained that the iconic images of humanity's triumphant dance with the cosmos was actually just a film of him walking backwards, slowed down, and played in reverse.

"What other explanation could there be?" Armstrong asked. "It's all right here. Everything is all right here if you'd just open your damn eyes and see!"

Added Armstrong, "I suppose it really was one small step for man, one giant lie for mankind."

from The Onion


Milltown Row2

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea