Contact Lenses

Started by downgirl, August 04, 2008, 09:53:56 PM

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My cousin got laser surgery last year and she was in and out in a day and was able to see after a couple of days. Its about 600 quid per eye. Theres a place on the Lisburn Road where you can go in and get a free test or sumthin

Im currently pondering about getting a car or getting laser eye surgery. Contacts and glasses are such as hassle especially when they start irritating you. The amount of times I came home from a night out pissed and nearly poked my eye out trying to take out my lenses and then wash them is ridiculous. Half the time they fall on the floor and then thats them done and you have to open a new set...which costs £12

The most annoying thing is when you fall asleep with them in and then have the dryness in your eyes when you wake up and their stuck to your cornea. Its hatefull not being able to have a little snooze.

I've never bothered with contacts because I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle. I'm used to glasses by now and sure, once a specky wee b*****, always a speacky wee b*****.

What are the risks attachd with the surgery and has there been much evidence compiled about the risks of complications down the line? Have heard of a few horror stories.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


What kind of horror stories tam, and are the numbers representative to really worry about it? Ive heard nothing but sterling reports - you specky wee b*****d! ;)


rolloutking, I would go for laser eye surgery!!  Yea I have heard about that place on the Lisburn Road, they sent me out a wee thingy about themselves them seem good.  I think you have to pay £60 or something for the initial test to see if you are suitable for it though?  

BTW rolloutking don't know where you get your lenses but I was getting my 6 month supply through the optician, costing me £90 for a 6 month supply; found this site where I am getting exactly the same lenses, 6 month supply for £32 including delivery...I would recommend it if you are being charged a lot for your lenses!!

Yea it's awful I know there have been times on a long journey (when I haven't been driving before some smart ass says something) I have fallen asleep and had the lenses in and then you wake up and its the weirdest thing ever!!


I get mine from I find the drops are great but then again I'd rarely wear them for more than a few hours going out or something. Falling asleep with them in can be traumatic!


A friend of mine's eyesight was so bad she wasn't suitable for laser surgery.  A couple of weeks ago she had an operating where they split her eyeball (nice, I know) and inserted a permanent lens into it.  It knocked her out for a week or so because it was under general anaesthetic, and she had to leave it a month before the other one.  She's going around now only wearing one contact, till she gets the other one done in another two weeks. 


I went into the place on the lisburn road Optimax or something last Oct after the football had finished. It cost £30 for the consultancy. However this is deducted of the price if you go ahead. There are two different types but I just cant remember their names. The dear one which was about £1300 per eye you were in and out the next day with very little discomfort. However the other one was cheaper about £600-900 per eye but you had to wear sunglasses and take a week of work and stay in a dark room for most of that week with quite a lot of discomfort.
I was hoping to get the first one done. But when I went in my retna was too thin to get it done leaving only the second option. I had the option of getting it done that day but desided against it.

Also your restricted in contact sports for up to three months after getting it done. Need to be done in off season.

Tony Baloney

Ask your work about the prescription safety glasses - they usually pay the full whack or a portion of the cost and you can put the rest towards getting a decent looking pair. The ones in our place are wraparounds and look okay as safety glasses go!


Thanks Tony but I will have to pay the whole lot myself I'm just a student!!

Tony Baloney

Put it this way the prescription safety glasses will be cheaper than laser surgery! However if you are really annoyed by wearing lenses or glasses I'd consider it. Everyone I know has raved about the difference it has made.

Maybe the 2314 members here could chip in a quid each to get them done!


Haha before someone says it if I ask Ziggy nicely he might give me half the money  :D

Might look into the laser surgery anyway, doubt I will be able to afford it until after I finish college and get myself a good job!!


About the laser surgery, I've heard it can have quite a negative effect on your night vision.
Worst 'sight' horror story I heard (well, read, it actually happened) was a guy who went in to casualty becasue he had fallen asleep with his contact lens in, and now couldnt get it out, and his efforts had caused him pain. The doctor tried his best, but he too couldnt remove it, so did a few others. They only found out that he had no lens in his eye when the got the specialist - turns out they'd all been tugging at his retina...Ouch!


Ooooh that sounds really sore!!!  How did he not realise there wasn't a contact lens in it?? Like, surely he wouldn't have been able to see????


Sorry, missed a key point; he had been drinking! :o


Hahaha ok that explains it  :D


QuoteWhat kind of horror stories tam, and are the numbers representative to really worry about it?

I've heard of people going blind. And what the frig do ya mean about representative?! Sure that's some way to look at. Me stuck without my sight but sure as long as the other 99% are grand, sure what's the harm?!

Anyway I think my glasses are distinguished - that's my line and I'm sticking to it!
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead