The Official Glasgow Rangers UEFA Cup Final Thread

Started by Minder, May 02, 2008, 09:17:36 AM

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Main Street

EL Mundo Deportiva
after Barca V Rangers

"They say Barcelona scored two goals."
His mate replies: "Great! I was so drunk I thought they scored four!

full back

Bad week for the Gers got worse today after drawing

Hurler on the Bitch

Quote from: full back on May 17, 2008, 04:01:48 PM
Bad week for the Gers got worse today after drawing

I see the guy who was bit by the Alsatian was a convicted murderer!!! Nice.

Main Street

Constable Mick Regan, the one who got battered black and blue.
"Never in my career have I been in a situation like that. The people who were kicking off were drunk and out for trouble. I know they will say it's a minority but a few thousand is a big minority."

Solomon Kane

Quote from: lfdown2 on May 16, 2008, 06:44:57 PM
Quote from: Solomon Kane on May 16, 2008, 05:46:40 PM
If I was a Ceptic fan this would be one of the best weeks of my life. Some of the Ranker's fans let themselves down an awful lot, but to be fair some of them probably really enjoyed turfing bottles etc. I hope whoever was lifted goes away for a while - they deserve it.

I have stated before I personally narrowly missed being caught up in trouble caused by Ceptic fans in Belfast on two occasions when they thought it would be a good idea to throw stones at passing cars. To be fair this didn't take place near a match - just near bars that were showing the matches. Neither club can be held responsible for some of the dross that attaches themselves to their support as I know decent supporters of both teams. I can't for the life of me see the appeal however - from what little of it I have seen the football is poor. 

are you not a ni supporter? ;D

Yes indeed! I can't help where I was born ;) :D I have in my life-time seen many ups and downs - more down than up. At least at WP we can get behind the team. The Rangers support was pathetic in the ground on Wednesday night. There was hardly a peep from them. I hope Steve Davis has his bags packed at the end of the season.

Main Street

We have read the pathetic refrain of the 2 sides of the shitty coin

Solomon Kate, people who go to games are the fans. the people who go to the away games are fans and ambassadors.
If you can present any evidence from police forces, fan clubs or even any newspapers around Europe, which reflects badly on Celtic support in any of the games they have been involved with then we can say your opinion is not just prejudice.

All the evidence points to that there is no comparison with the thousands of rioting Rangers contingent to the behaviour of Celtic fans around europe.


Main Street

Is that it?
or was there not also some airplane hassle with one passenger in Portugal as well about 5 years ago

Take all that from the past 5 years  and add it up to this years performance from rangers fans.
Compared to city disturbances in Barcelona, full scale riots in Manchester, stadium behaviour in Villareal and against the Israeli team.

Barcelona where Rangers urine stinks and Celtic urine doesn't bother the locals at all :)
Where the Rangers fans manage to attract contempt and where the Celtic fans are no bother.
Milan, where stadium security all come to applaud the Celtic fans and give them a guard of honour.

Solomon Kane

Quote from: Main Street on May 18, 2008, 02:06:42 PM
Is that it?
or was there not also some airplane hassle with one passenger in Portugal as well about 5 years ago

Take all that from the past 5 years  and add it up to this years performance from rangers fans.
Compared to city disturbances in Barcelona, full scale riots in Manchester, stadium behaviour in Villareal and against the Israeli team.

Barcelona where Rangers urine stinks and Celtic urine doesn't bother the locals at all :)
Where the Rangers fans manage to attract contempt and where the Celtic fans are no bother.
Milan, where stadium security all come to applaud the Celtic fans and give them a guard of honour.

If it makes you happy, I will concur that some of the antics of Rangers fans on Wenesday night are the worst to have occured in British football in years, and have damaged the British game by the looks of things. I will even agree that Celtic fans have not been involved in anything as bad, at least for a long time.

However, the only personal experience I have had with groups Celtic fans is a crowd of dirtbags stoning traffic after Old Firm games on two seperate occasions. I have also had the sorry experience of nearly being caught up in loyalist rioting, many of the knuckle draggers wearing Rangers tops. Of course they are a small minority, as is the rump end of any support but my personal experiences of both lots has not been good.

The morons on the plane were a special type of idiot. Only a few of them I'm sure (6 or 7 if I remember) but one is one too many.   


Quote from: Bensars on May 15, 2008, 10:39:30 AM

Glasgow Rangers fan attacked by police dog at Uefa Cup final is convicted murderer

Alexander Aitkenhead, 38, a Glasgow Rangers supporter, was jailed for life after stabbing his brother-in-law to death in a row about his sister in 1987.

He was 17 at the time of his conviction and was released more than a year ago. He served an extra year on his sentence after punching and kicking a prison officer in 1992.

Photographs taken on Wednesday night after the match between Rangers and Zenit St Petersburg show Mr Aitkenhead angrily confronting police officers who were trying to contain rioting supporters in Manchester city centre.

As he pointed in the face of one officer, a police Alsatian lunged at him and bit his right arm and leg, drawing blood in both places.

Speaking from his home in Glasgow, Mr Aitkenhead said he had not been instigating any trouble and that the police had overreacted.

He said: "The police came down the road and ushered us into a hotel. Hotel security then threw us back in the street. The police dog branch had turned up and they went mental. One of my friends fell and a policeman was about to hit him over the head with his baton. I ran over to stop him.

"The dog bit me on the hand and I fell over. It got hold of me by the leg and dragged me off the pavement into the road."

He added: "My conviction is in the past, it is not relevant."

A former prison officer, who knew Mr Aitkenhead, said: "People will be saying 'look at this poor guy who had his leg bitten by a vicious dog'. But let me tell you, he is no poor guy. "I felt sick when I saw him in the paper. It shows the calibre of people who were involved in this."

Trouble started in Manchester city centre when an open air screen showing the match, which Rangers lost 2-0, failed to work. Fifteen police officers and a police dog were injured and a Russian supporter was stabbed. Eleven Rangers fans have been charged with various offences.

T Fearon

In the Daily Record on Saturday, Mr Aikenhead, or Alex the bollix, was strongly of the opinion that said dog should be given a tetanus injection without delay :D :D :D

EC Unique

I hope the poor dog at least got some mouth wash after. Were his teeth ok? :D :D


A few lads will be shitting it now id say they though they had gotten away with it  :D :D :D