Interview Presentation - Tips?

Started by Treasurer, March 31, 2008, 04:35:09 PM

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Quote from: heganboy on March 31, 2008, 05:48:52 PM
treasurer, if it doesn't put you in an awkward spot, can you give us a bit of a steer? I was an interviewer more than 50 times last year, if you can give me a broad sense of the position and i have any experience I'd be happy to help or at least try.
a few points that seem to generally apply:
The interviewer wants to fell confidence that if they recommend you for the job they're not going to look like an ass if you fail.
Its always a good idea to tell your interviewer that you appreciate them taking time out of their busy day to be here for an interview whether its true or not.
Introducing yourself and putting it in context of the job that you are their for showing how comfortable you are with the responsibilities of the position and showing that you are personable and can work well in a team right off the bat will ease the next 5 minutes.
Try not to speak down to the interviewer(s), in fact something self-deprecating upfront is another good way to make everyone in the room comfortable.
Remember if you don't look like you believe your story, no-one else is likely to.
I wouldn't go with the cards

No heganboy. Never be insincere during an interview, a savvy interviewer will pick up on that and hold it against you.

Treasurer, practice in front of a mirror a few times and have a couple of friends critique your presentation.

One last thing, make sure you ask if they have any questions at the end. Good luck.


So it's prompt cards, stillettos and dirty jokes all around.

Seriously, thanks a lot, plenty of food for thought there.


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I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


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