the Apprentice

Started by the Deel Rover, March 27, 2008, 11:24:26 AM

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Quote from: Onion Bag on April 03, 2008, 02:02:55 PM
I was up all night ringing the girls 24 hour hotline, no answer, f**king disaster, i cant beleive this was one of their selling points, For so many successful business people, i couldnt beleive they couldnt come up with anything better than that
the phoneline itself wasn't that bad an idea. they just didn't justify it well
would you hand over you clothes to a bunch of people who had no permanent address and no phone number. people like that belong on the real Hustle show. esp none of the looked  or dressed like  Laundry staff.
BTW how posh were they to was and Iron all the clothes while still wearing suits?
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


Quote from: rosnarun on April 03, 2008, 05:08:28 PM
the phoneline itself wasn't that bad an idea. they just didn't justify it well

Come one, seriously!  Why would anyone need a phoneline when the clothes are being collected in the afternoon and returned less than 24 hour later?

Great show.  Last night was quality entertainment, although the wrong decision was made.  However, it's clear that these decisions are also influenced by what makes the best TV.  When they showed the losers 'best bits' on the 'You're Fired' show, they were crap (even considering she was only there for 2 weeks).
Raef was actually a lot more likeable this week.... for a tool.

What the show does highlight, is the difference between common sense, formal/academic education and business acumen.  Many have the middle trait, a lot less have the two others.

My other issue last night was the 'tipping': a serious cringefest. Jenny should have been fired for allowing this to happen, regardless of what anyone else done.  It's so unprofessional and it's not the first time in this programme that women have tried to use their 'feminine ways' to get more money (you wouldn't see the males being as successful with this doe-eyed tactic!).  Women fight to be treated as equals in the workplace, objecting to discrimination and ridicule as a result of their gender (and rightly so!), but then expect to be taken seriously when they use their sexuality to get ahead,  It's cringeworthy and does them no favours.


re the phoneline 
come 3 o clock the nextday and no sign of your washing whatt u gonna do. tell the cops some on came and said theyd do your washing real cheap but no they did't leave a number or address? sone eejet you'd look.
the programs really bring the hate out in people albeit in a safe way . but it sets up all the kinda of people the majority despise and promises to kick one of them in the goolies each week. LCD stuff but its a harmless guilty pleasure
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere

Yer Ma

It was blatantly obvious that they kept Jenny and Lucinda in purely for entertainment purposes, which undermines the ethos of the show.

Even Sugar's reasoning at the end just as he was firing Shazria was crap - basically Jenny 'You are useless and responsible for not managing your team' - Shazria - 'you left your post at some point - you're fired'.


saw this the other night

the wife - who is an avid fan of this prog - commented that she reckons the guy called (tony / anthony? - the lad who was 'head chef' in the last prog) - is a plant.
Not only does he look like catherine tate, but he says and does the most outrageous things (well bizzare anyhow) which no one seems to pick up on.

anyone else think this...

Dinny Breen

You mean the guy called Kevin, couldn't be a plant no one could act that dumb....

The ladies did well this week......lads hadn't a clue when it came to costs.....


Quote from: Dinny Breen on April 11, 2008, 10:59:01 AM
You mean the guy called Kevin, couldn't be a plant no one could act that dumb....

The ladies did well this week......lads hadn't a clue when it came to costs.....
Thanks Dinny - kevin it is !

thats what I mean though, he is playing dumb, and we reckon its on purpose
why would you act so stupidly in such a prog when you are trying to 'win it'

though kevin and is stupidity act is lost as he is surrounded by a number of over ego-ed .self loving. self macho-ed fellow half wit and fcuk wit male team mates.
not thinking out the costing and pricing of their exercise was just unbelieveable.
That one chap - the working class 'grafter' is the only decent one amongst the lads - but he seems to have difficulty in responding to cquestioning and conversation when on the spot - seems to panic and is obv not a great communicator.
for that reason I dont think he will win, but you'd employ him to be a good hard worker on your team.

Wouldnt employ the rest of the men, and the women are bitches and youd only hire them if you were after one thing...
the Irish one makes me cringe.

Dinny Breen

Quotethe Irish one makes me cringe

Yep, the token Paddy, cringe ever time I here her god-awful accent, some mouth on her as well, not classy at all. But that Jenny one needs a good kicking...


Quote from: lynchbhoy on April 11, 2008, 11:08:52 AM
Quote from: Dinny Breen on April 11, 2008, 10:59:01 AM
You mean the guy called Kevin, couldn't be a plant no one could act that dumb....

The ladies did well this week......lads hadn't a clue when it came to costs.....
Thanks Dinny - kevin it is !

thats what I mean though, he is playing dumb, and we reckon its on purpose
why would you act so stupidly in such a prog when you are trying to 'win it'

though kevin and is stupidity act is lost as he is surrounded by a number of over ego-ed .self loving. self macho-ed fellow half wit and fcuk wit male team mates.
not thinking out the costing and pricing of their exercise was just unbelieveable.
That one chap - the working class 'grafter' is the only decent one amongst the lads - but he seems to have difficulty in responding to cquestioning and conversation when on the spot - seems to panic and is obv not a great communicator.
for that reason I dont think he will win, but you'd employ him to be a good hard worker on your team.

Wouldnt employ the rest of the men, and the women are bitches and youd only hire them if you were after one thing...
the Irish one makes me cringe.

Is that the one that said "how do you spell accent?"  :D
A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree


QuoteNot only does he look like catherine tate, but he says and does the most outrageous things

Not sure Kevin looks like catherine tate but defnately Matt Lucas!

I hope he stays in as long as possible because he was hillarous on wednesday night! When he was suggesting a menu and hadnt a clue and then looked at the oven and suggested a baked mushroom to puree had me doubled up!
That was never a square ball!!


Quote from: BennyHarp on April 11, 2008, 11:42:41 AM
QuoteNot only does he look like catherine tate, but he says and does the most outrageous things

Not sure Kevin looks like catherine tate but defnately Matt Lucas!

I hope he stays in as long as possible because he was hillarous on wednesday night! When he was suggesting a menu and hadnt a clue and then looked at the oven and suggested a baked mushroom to puree had me doubled up!

Yes that was absolutley hilarious, though I strangley felt sorry for him. That sorry disappeared at the end when he boasted that he wiped the floor with the guy who got the sack. Bastard. You're not that clever.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Kevin is top quality entertainment.  Doesn't have a hope of getting the job, but i hope he stays in for a while yet.  I think that his west country accent doesn't help him - it's one of those english accents, like the brummie one, that's hard to take seriously.

As for the task, why didn't they just do plain english/pub food?  Surely that would have been the easiest to cook?
Without a doubt, the right man got fired - even if only for spending the guts of £300 promoting one night, nevermind the fact that he sanctioned buying the produce from a supermarket rather than a wholesaler.  
Also, a couple of hundred pound profit?  How much profit would there really be, if you were paying all the overheads, nevermind 24 hours of wages for the 6 members on each team?!

Dinny Breen

Jayus how did not Dublin knack not got fired last night, she wouldn't look out of place in Parnell Park...

Billys Boots

Quoteshe wouldn't look out of place in Parnell Park

... with a cup of tea?
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


1) The wrong team won last night. One team was well led, had a good plan, done all that was expected, and the other team were clueless but got lucky.
2) Lucinda is a babe
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians