the Apprentice

Started by the Deel Rover, March 27, 2008, 11:24:26 AM

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They all came across as really mean picking on the Indian girl. But the posh lad looked good by defending her in the house. Even after Alan Sugar basicly said leave her alone in the board room that fool Kevin still said she should go!
He lost it in the board room by refusing to accept that it was a shit idea and blaming the ginger one.

Dinny Breen

Yea your man Raef definitely is coming across well, early favourite I'd imagine. Kevin was an idiot, hadn't a clue how to handle the board room and of the three left he deserved to be fired.


That wee twat deserved to go, only thing is so did jenny - 'I'm so passionate about the environment I now buy less cards' at a pitch to sell cards for the environment!!
He was bullied into taking Zara back in, he was weak and deserved to go, and his pitching was absoulutely brutal. Clare is a mean piece of work, she picks on someones weak point and magnifies, pure evil: with simon she went on about him sweating, with kevin it was his pointing, just to make them feel self-conscious and fu*k up.
Alex is the smartest one left, but he'll only ever work for himself. Lee is an idiot, not good, and thinks being one of the lads will stand him in good stead. Would never turn my back on the irish one, there'd be a knife in the shoulder blades for sure.
Lucinda doesn't want it enough, and Raef probably doesn't want it enough to do the necessary backstabbing to get it. These last 2 the only ones I'd want to win it tho...


Zara is the new Shilpa .


Interesting development last night. The criticism of Zara put those involved in a very poor light especially when the only person who sprang to her defense was / is possibly of the same ethnic background. There may have been some clever editing involved but the rant directed at Zara appeared to be totally dispropropriatre.

I thank god that I don't have to share an office / county / country with Claire.

Tony Baloney

It was the right decision last night. Thing is they are all useless and I don't believe for one minute the winner is given any responsibility for managing anything of worth belonging to Sugar.


If I was sugar I would have lost interest at this point, there is no  one decent in that group who he would want to give a good job to.

It would seem that he will have to give someone the job, and the job being some backwater low-risk Proj mgt position where they are miles away from Sugar.

the contestants on this prog this year have been picked from the posher/educated failed 'x-factor' contestants.
Selected for their 'personalities' rather than abilities.


Quote from: Tony Baloney on May 01, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
It was the right decision last night. Thing is they are all useless and I don't believe for one minute the winner is given any responsibility for managing anything of worth belonging to Sugar.

you beat me to it!

the Deel Rover

well thanks be to god the irish one is gone she was doing me head in
Crossmolina Deel Rovers
All Ireland Club Champions 2001


raef seems to be the best (by consensus) though he is still crap imo - the best of a bad lot.

glad the two jennifers were kicked out. The Irish one just gives the Irish a bad name (for being forked tongued, back stabbing manipulating fcukers - maybe she should go into politics at home).
the english one was a hateful hoor. Cringe watching this on TV !


Glad that ginger tr**p was sacked - the irish one surprised me by being pretty timid when leader. Alex is going up imo. Hes a dangerous fecker, but he called it like he seen it the other night, saying clare should go for interrupting him, even tho it seemed like some of the others were easier targets. Him or raef i reckon. Michaels the greatest p***k i've ever seen on tv, and thats saying something


That Irish girls must be one of the most annoying people ever on tv!
Grand Slam Saturday!

Apple Top

I started watching this for the first time a few weeks ago - I wouldn't give any of those upstarts a job.


What to do!!!!

Watch the Aprentice or see Rangers getting stuffed?
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


You could use the video or something like that.

I watched last weeks show - God they are a dim lot! Thon boy who claimed to be Jewish & then blessed himself said it all for. They would do or say anything for a job and 30 minutes on TV. I wouldnt want to work with any of them.
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