Pre season training regimes

Started by 5 Sams, December 14, 2006, 12:27:06 AM

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Quote from: Zulu on January 06, 2009, 01:42:51 AM
Well it depends BM are you in decent shape at the moment? If you aren't that distance is probably a bit far, however I'd recommend a bit of beach running or soft ground running, if you don't have a beach, at this time of year. Just run reasonable distances and work up to no more than 10km, i.e. ease your way up rather than pushing yourself to much too soon and stay off the road if you can. Are you on the squad this year?

I dont know would I wholly agree with doing the 10k runs.
Its a bit one dimensional and would not help with speed and other aspects of fitness. It may provide a good base for midfielders but for the majority of players I would advise against it. I used to do long runs like that on treadmills and on the road and I didnt find it any good because you are doing it at the same pace all the time. Its hard to find the will power and really push yourself when your on your own.

IMO you will really only get fit on the terrain you are playing on. In that respect the road and treadmills are out for me. A lot has to be said for training and getting fit on the soft/fast ground if you are playing games on a similar surface during the year.

And I wouldnt be in favour of having the same gym regime during the height of summer as you would during the winter.
Like during the winter I would have shorter sets and heavier weights. Maybe gyming 3 times a week. During the summer I would only be gyming 1-2 times a week as you dont have the energy if you are training twice a week and have a game. Rest and sleep patterns are as important. Not getting to bed early and getting a good nights sleep can really effect recovery and energy levels.


I'd agree with the last paragraph, you can't lift heavy weights 12 months of the year round and you certainly can't lift heavy weights the week oa match. In fact you shouldn't lift any weights the week of a game. Core stability is as important and maybe more so and it is neglected by countless players who fail to see the benefits of it no matter what you say to them.



During the winter I'd always heard lift mid-weight weights but more reps to build actual strength in muscles

Then reduce reps and increase weight to improve muscle power during the main playing season??


I'd agree with that, that would be my thinking. IN the early part of the seaosn before the serious games start you should be looking to improve your power base and maintain it thereafter. You may get a window later on in the season improve further. But there no way you could do heavy weights during the mainstream of the season bar the odd session here and there which wouldn't make any improvements.
You have to do some form of weights to maintain your strength built up but it wouldn't be on the scale of the early season stuff.


Quote from: neilthemac on January 06, 2009, 10:36:12 AM

During the winter I'd always heard lift mid-weight weights but more reps to build actual strength in muscles

Then reduce reps and increase weight to improve muscle power during the main playing season??

I think its the opposite.
Heavy weights at low reps increase size, strength and power. Its the kind of strength you need when the ground is soft during the early months of the year.

Lighter weights done at higher reps increase endurance, shape and speed in muscles. Thats the kind of workout you need during the summer when the ground is faster.

I dont know about everyone else but a heavy weight session can knock a lot out of you. When training hard during the summer I only have the energy for lighter weight sessions. Staying solid and topping up on work put in during the winter.


Quote from: INDIANA on January 06, 2009, 10:40:16 AM
But there no way you could do heavy weights during the mainstream of the season bar the odd session here and there which wouldn't make any improvements.

The odd weights session during the season/summer I would do a heavy session and drop sets. Only if I knew I would get loads of rest and time to recover. Drop sets can have a great effect of getting back what would be lost from doing endurance work (for me anyway).
They cause the deep burn  ;D  :D


Would many of youse make use of circuits for pre season. Just started last nite again and feeling fecked the day.


Supersarsfiels - where do you go to circuits? I went to Omagh Leisure Centre a few Monday nights. Tough, but enjoyable.


Unfortunately I'm still plying my trade up in Belfast at the minute so was at the circuits in Stranmillis. But am moving back down to Omagh in the next month or so. The new Gym in the leisure centre looks well. Thinking about joining up there once I do move down.
Who takes the circuits in Omagh?


Joe Corey from Dromore. New fitness suite looks the part alright. I'd say it will be stuffed for a few weeks now.


supersarsfields, whats the story with the stranmillis circuits - ie price, time, can you just turn up? And where are they done - i only know the entrance to the college.

I've joined the pec, so might see what theirs are like first, but always hear of ones going to the stran circuits


yeah, low reps/high weight if you actually want hypotrophy

The training philosophy I always learned/heard was build the strength base first, then power...

I suppose two different fitness guys will tell ya two different things


Quote from: neilthemac on January 06, 2009, 02:42:37 PM
The training philosophy I always learned/heard was build the strength base first, then power...

Not disagreeing at all there. Your right.
If you are taking it seriously, after a good strength base you can work on power; doing heavy reps quickly/explosively or power lifting and cleans.

I have seen guys get too big from the gym, carrying too much muscle and size it really effected speed, agility and endurance.
Then there are people who are naturally more athletic and find it really hard to put on weight / muscle.

I suppose everyone is looking for the happy medium.


Quote from: haranguerer on January 06, 2009, 01:23:14 PM
supersarsfields, whats the story with the stranmillis circuits - ie price, time, can you just turn up? And where are they done - i only know the entrance to the college.

I've joined the pec, so might see what theirs are like first, but always hear of ones going to the stran circuits

Yeah I was a member of the PEC for a few years there but it finished up at the start of Dec and never bothered renewing it as hopefully moving back to omagh over the next couple of months. But I enjoyed it, apart from the fact it was pricey.

The circuits in Stranmillis are very good. Always a decent crowd at them aswell. The circuits are held in a Gym at the college. You go in the entrance at the bottom of the hill, at the roundabout and then you go up the hill and to the right. The it's down a slight hill towards the gym. But usually there's always one's there so you could follow them. You can just turn up at any of the sessions. £3 a go. The Monday nites ones start at 6.30  then Tue, wed, Thur all start at 6.15 unless i'm mistaken. Goes for about 45 mins solid. Like alot of circuits, it's all about what you put in but there's plenty of variety.


Quote from: supersarsfields on January 06, 2009, 03:45:28 PM
Quote from: haranguerer on January 06, 2009, 01:23:14 PM
supersarsfields, whats the story with the stranmillis circuits - ie price, time, can you just turn up? And where are they done - i only know the entrance to the college.

I've joined the pec, so might see what theirs are like first, but always hear of ones going to the stran circuits

Yeah I was a member of the PEC for a few years there but it finished up at the start of Dec and never bothered renewing it as hopefully moving back to omagh over the next couple of months. But I enjoyed it, apart from the fact it was pricey.

The circuits in Stranmillis are very good. Always a decent crowd at them aswell. The circuits are held in a Gym at the college. You go in the entrance at the bottom of the hill, at the roundabout and then you go up the hill and to the right. The it's down a slight hill towards the gym. But usually there's always one's there so you could follow them. You can just turn up at any of the sessions. £3 a go. The Monday nites ones start at 6.30  then Tue, wed, Thur all start at 6.15 unless i'm mistaken. Goes for about 45 mins solid. Like alot of circuits, it's all about what you put in but there's plenty of variety.

And plenty to look at as well I'm reliably told ;)