Should a Taoiseach be tax compliant?

Started by Leo, January 22, 2008, 05:42:39 PM

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I is really frightening that there are people whom we believe are intelligent and right thinking yet see no wrong  in what is happening.
Some even believe his many conflicting accounts on the events. Scary stuff.


Letter to todays Times hits the nail on the head.

Madam, - I don't often agree with Fintan O'Toole but he is dead right about Fianna Fail's twisted view of itself (Opinion, January 22nd).
I was once asked by a Fianna Fáil friend, an intelligent and thoughtful person, to join the party. I refused, on the grounds that Fianna Fáil cannot distinguish between the national interest and the Fianna Fáil interest.

"But surely," he said, genuinely and seriously, "they're the same thing." - Yours, etc,

      JASON O'MAHONY, Coppinger Glade, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.


Quote from: Zapatista on January 23, 2008, 01:36:14 PM
I is really frightening that there are people whom we believe are intelligent and right thinking yet see no wrong  in what is happening.
Some even believe his many conflicting accounts on the events. Scary stuff.

Your quote is "on the money" if you will allow me to use such a loaded expression.
However away from Bertie and leave all the incredulity of his idiotic fairy tales out of it, and back to the original question - "sholud a Taoiseach be tax compliant?"

I would have thought that anyone who answers no to that question is neither a republican or a democrat. It is a simple matter of principle and right.

The Oireachtas has passed legislation whereby any person or business bidding for government work has to prove tax compliance. How does he do that? Only one way - produce a tax clearance certificate. If he cant, if Revenue wont issue it - per se he is not tax compliant. No FF fudge can alter this premise.
Fierce tame altogether

his holiness nb

Of course a Taoiseach should be tax compliant.

Thats a straightforward answer.

He should hand over to Cowen immediately.
Ask me holy bollix

magpie seanie

Of course. Everyone should be tax compliant and the Taoiseach should be setting a good example.

Interesting point someone made about the "Drumcondra Mafia". From personal experience they are not to be trifled with. I would be a "FF natural" in terms of family history etc but I had mixed feelings about Bertie from then on. It's well past time he did the decent thing.


Quote from: Declan on January 23, 2008, 01:47:18 PM
Letter to todays Times hits the nail on the head.

Madam, - I don't often agree with Fintan O'Toole but he is dead right about Fianna Fail's twisted view of itself (Opinion, January 22nd).
I was once asked by a Fianna Fáil friend, an intelligent and thoughtful person, to join the party. I refused, on the grounds that Fianna Fáil cannot distinguish between the national interest and the Fianna Fáil interest.

"But surely," he said, genuinely and seriously, "they're the same thing." - Yours, etc,

      JASON O'MAHONY, Coppinger Glade, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.

dear jason, what a load of crap. as a lifelong ffer i think bertie is a disgrace and should go.

yours etc M kingdom

Bogball XV

Quote from: magpie seanie on January 23, 2008, 02:26:11 PM
Of course. Everyone should be tax compliant and the Taoiseach should be setting a good example.

Interesting point someone made about the "Drumcondra Mafia". From personal experience they are not to be trifled with. I would be a "FF natural" in terms of family history etc but I had mixed feelings about Bertie from then on. It's well past time he did the decent thing.
I voted FG last time out in protest at Bertie - 2 years ago I'd never have seen myself as an FG voter, probably Lab, maybe FF, but definitely not FG - I'm glad to see that a few of you on here can see that he's not deserving of holding office, but the answer to the problem lies with FF at this stage - do any of you think they'll do anything?


Talk about a lynch mob, and some of you have the cheek to appeal for natural justice. No charges of any kind have been brought against Bertie. Allegations re.his financial dealings are being fully investigated by a properly constituted tribunal. Until this tribunal exonerates him or finds him guilty of wrong-doing, he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence that would be accorded any other citizen. As the Revenue Commissioners have decided to await the tribunal findings before issuing a tax compliance certificate, there is little Bertie can do to put things right. Eaten Bread is soon forgotten, but nevertheless his contribution to the recent economic development of the country, entitles him to more respect and a fair hearing. Lets not forget that the people leading the chorus of condemnation were recently soundly rejected by the people at the polls.

Bogball XV

Quote from: Pangurban on January 23, 2008, 09:12:02 PM
Talk about a lynch mob, and some of you have the cheek to appeal for natural justice. No charges of any kind have been brought against Bertie. Allegations re.his financial dealings are being fully investigated by a properly constituted tribunal. Until this tribunal exonerates him or finds him guilty of wrong-doing, he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence that would be accorded any other citizen. As the Revenue Commissioners have decided to await the tribunal findings before issuing a tax compliance certificate, there is little Bertie can do to put things right. Eaten Bread is soon forgotten, but nevertheless his contribution to the recent economic development of the country, entitles him to more respect and a fair hearing. Lets not forget that the people leading the chorus of condemnation were recently soundly rejected by the people at the polls.
The revenue are waiting the tribunal report because it aids their case that he's wilfully evaded tax - you should take a look at the correspondence between Ahern's advisers and the revenue (much of it was published several weeks ago in the Mail on Sunday and the Independent), you could practicallysee the total skeptism with which the revenue were treating Ahern's stories. 
I agree that he has contributed to the recent economic development, but that was mainly through his total ineptitude.


And you see no problem with confidential correspondence being published in the press, leaks of documents from tribunals etc. I seriously doubt you would accept these or similar standards being applied to your own financial affairs. Is Bertie not entitled to the same equal and fair treatment as any other citizen.


QuoteShould a Taoiseach be tax compliant?

No, anyone dumb enough to pay all their taxes is too stupid to run a country. And he's not a Taoiseach he's an Taoiseach. Fair play Bertie, keep 'er lit.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: Pangurban on January 23, 2008, 09:12:02 PM
Talk about a lynch mob, and some of you have the cheek to appeal for natural justice. No charges of any kind have been brought against Bertie. Allegations re.his financial dealings are being fully investigated by a properly constituted tribunal. Until this tribunal exonerates him or finds him guilty of wrong-doing, he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence that would be accorded any other citizen. As the Revenue Commissioners have decided to await the tribunal findings before issuing a tax compliance certificate, there is little Bertie can do to put things right. Eaten Bread is soon forgotten, but nevertheless his contribution to the recent economic development of the country, entitles him to more respect and a fair hearing. Lets not forget that the people leading the chorus of condemnation were recently soundly rejected by the people at the polls.

The fact that there are no charges brought is of no importance. Should a school teacher consistently accused of child abuse and consistently changing their story of defence be allowed to stay in that position?
Your argument about the economy (which is BS) makes me think you believe he is guilty but it should be overlooked due to other good work. This would be a very sad position to take but expected from FF. FF received less than 50% of the Irish peoples vote. To suggest the condemners where rejected is a spin and to suggest that the people voted only to reject the condemners in a referendum style vote is an insult to the Irish people, but typical of the arrogance of FF.


Quote from: Pangurban on January 23, 2008, 11:03:30 PM
And you see no problem with confidential correspondence being published in the press, leaks of documents from tribunals etc. I seriously doubt you would accept these or similar standards being applied to your own financial [/i] affairs.

This is "shoot the messenger" crap that FF use as a diversionary tactic and it works. Let's remeber that the nothing of the Haughey, Lowry, Burke, Lawlor of Flynn scandals would have been unearthed without the media. Leaked official documents are a problem for us all but all the more so for FF if they disclose their wrong-doing.

Is Bertie not entitled to the same equal and fair treatment as any other citizen.

Absoluetly - starting with his tax, and moving on to the rights or wrongs of compromising the highest political office in the land by grubby cash-grabs with questionable origins.
Fierce tame altogether


FF were silent when McDowell was leaking documents on Frank Connolly to the Independant news group

magpie seanie

QuoteLets not forget that the people leading the chorus of condemnation were recently soundly rejected by the people at the polls.

The complete shitness of FG and Labour is the reason FF are still in power. They are so bad people (in general) are willing to accept a whiff of sulphur and medicore government rather than hand the controls over to complete incompetents.