The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?


Tyrones own

How many lobbyists has he nominated in violation of the criteria he set? There's the deputy defense secretary and one other I've read about. Who else?

Does there really need to be anymore for him to be included in the long list of same old Washington way full of Shiite politicians...but as it turns
out he had his sights on quite a few more than the two you mention :o

And if I may.... what's with the fear mongering and out and out lies to get this stimulus ::) package passed,
did you catch the blatant lie This week in Peoria... it's actually sad that some of you are still defending and being fooled by this fraud.
Maybe you'll recall that term Fear mongering was thrown around quite liberally For Dubya... but now suddenly it's a good thing ::)   

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on February 14, 2009, 04:24:03 PM
How many lobbyists has he nominated in violation of the criteria he set? There's the deputy defense secretary and one other I've read about. Who else?

Does there really need to be anymore for him to be included in the long list of same old Washington way full of Shiite politicians...but as it turns
out he had his sights on quite a few more than the two you mention :o

And if I may.... what's with the fear mongering and out and out lies to get this stimulus ::) package passed,
did you catch the blatant lie This week in Peoria... it's actually sad that some of you are still defending and being fooled by this fraud.
Maybe you'll recall that term Fear mongering was thrown around quite liberally For Dubya... but now suddenly it's a good thing ::)   

Not particularly interested in getting into another endless back-and-forth with you on this TO - just don't have the time at the moment!

Given the nature of the game in DC I never expected a smooth, whiter-than-white process and so I'm not particularly shocked or disappointed when some exceptions slip through in the thousands of appointees. Frame every single thing in the worst possible way if you wish - personally, I am reasonably happy with things so far and will withhold judgement at least until he's been in office for a month or two. ::)

As for the "out and out lies", that Caterpillar boss has already backtracked saying that the stimulus and other such packages worldwide should increase demand for their products and thus allow him to increase the workforce again. Obama should still give the boot to whatever underlings set it up though - the damage is done. Those complaining about fear mongering were more than happy to join in the "unAmerican", "unpatriotic", "mushroom cloud", "swift-boat veterans for truth" etc rhetoric a few years back. And given that GW Bush was so similarly passionate about injecting huge sums of money to slow down the crisis in the last months of his administration, maybe there is some very serious danger there that caused them both to feel that the federal government's intervention was of paramount importance.

Tyrones own

Somebody..anybody.. ::) *shakes head*
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on March 03, 2009, 01:03:09 AM
Somebody..anybody.. ::) *shakes head*

just thought I'd check on what the deal was with having the VP who waged war in 2 countries, and wanted to try it on with a few more be the CEO of the biggest firm in what may have been called at one time by President Eisenhower "the military industrial complex"?

Saves you any bother with lobbying when your top guy is making all the calls, (and then telling the president what he's decided)

Somebody..anybody.. ::) *shakes head*
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Tyrones own

Ah no sorry for the confusion HB....I had moved on from the on................going, everyday empty rhetoric and going back on his promise of
lobbying with lobbyist', no, the shaking of my head for today is based purely on the billions of dollars in earmarks in the latest treasonous Bill
to cross his remember the line of bullshit, "There'll be no earmarks in my administration, I'm bringing sweeping change to Washington,
I'll go through line by line and cut out any or all earmarks and put a stop to excessive spending with my scalpel".... really? ::)
Add to that of course it being greeted with thunderous chest thumping and fist pumping from the good liberal sheep
Where are they you all now might I ask  :-X surprise there!

Reminds me of one of my many favorite quotes:
"A Liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment
Tis only a matter of time to even the hardened bleeding heart turns on him ;)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on March 03, 2009, 05:16:29 AM
Ah no sorry for the confusion HB....I had moved on from the on................going, everyday empty rhetoric and going back on his promise of
lobbying with lobbyist', no, the shaking of my head for today is based purely on the billions of dollars in earmarks in the latest treasonous Bill
to cross his remember the line of bullshit, "There'll be no earmarks in my administration, I'm bringing sweeping change to Washington,
I'll go through line by line and cut out any or all earmarks and put a stop to excessive spending with my scalpel".... really? ::)
Add to that of course it being greeted with thunderous chest thumping and fist pumping from the good liberal sheep
Where are they you all now might I ask  :-X surprise there!

Reminds me of one of my many favorite quotes:
"A Liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment
Tis only a matter of time to even the hardened bleeding heart turns on him ;)

I used to think Fox News was a kind of comedy channel with real life Podge's and Rodge's. But not any more.
MWWSI 2017

Tyrones own

QuoteI used to think Fox News was a kind of comedy channel with real life Podge's and Rodge's. But not any more.

Fair and Balanced......See, one by one you'll all eventually come around 8)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on March 03, 2009, 02:19:35 PM
QuoteI used to think Fox News was a kind of comedy channel with real life Podge's and Rodge's. But not any more.

Fair and Balanced......See, one by one you'll all eventually come around 8)

Hi Rodge!
MWWSI 2017


Quotebillions of dollars in earmarks in the latest treasonous Bill
to cross his desk
stimulus or budget issues your main worry?

again treasonous is pretty subjective... (ahem "Patriot act")

Though to be fair to you (and objective) on the stimulus there's a fair bit of pig meat in there, and some of the projects that look like they're getting funding are nothing short of mental.

What are you seeing as the really outstanding ones?
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Tyrones own

Quotestimulus or budget issues your main worry?
I'd have a problem with any part of a stimulus package that has no bearing whatsoever on creating jobs here in the US..that was the basic premise, right?
By the way how's that for Irony that his fleet of Helicopters aren't even being built in the US..anybody by chance have his speech on "American's duty to buy American" :o
-not holding banks accountable to actually lend the money allotted to them from said stimulus package to release credit rather than
using it to buy each other out,
-Money being used to bail their Wall St. buddies out, then please welcome AIG.... it actually took me a while to figure out why they had such an
eager interest to bail those criminals at AIG out til I learned that it's them that insure the lions share of the pensions of the elected filth on Capitol hill
...yes, Demican and Republicrat alike.

Budget issues........ I'd worry that spending 8% more than last yr, more than twice that of inflation is not the way forward in these times unless of course
bigger Government is your thing... Thankfully it's not Obama's thing... sure he said so during his campaign ::)
QuoteWhat are you seeing as the really outstanding ones?

Any and all that do not produce revenue or at the very least a job to a documented American citizen, an earmark by definition is nothing more than
a bribe and so I don't care which side of the isle your on, how anyone can't stand up and see the misappropriation here for what it is, is beyond me :-\

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Is the basic premise to create jobs or to boost the US economy?

buy american is protectionism at its worst- IMHO and will be detrimental to the american economy in the medium and long term
bailing AIG in the manner it was carried out was poor, should have been managed better (but hey that was W) though for all that it needed saved one way or another and not because of the DC pensions, but if you think it is difficult to get a loan now, it would have been impossible had AIG failed.
nothing involving the original TARP was smart, nor Fannie nor Freddie for that matter in fact the intervention contributed to the failure weeks later.
Public works and infrastructure as well as a body that can conduct an assessment of who deserves help with their mortgages should have been the focus of the bill.

Not sure about your citizen fixation, we actually need to relax the criteria for bringing specialists into the country, we are in a situation (as well as many others) where we are having to set up centers in other countries that we want to do in the US, because we cannot get the staff into the US to do the work, and its not cost related, even though we pay the staff less abroad, it costs us more because of legal, taxation and overhead.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Tyrones own

QuoteIs the basic premise to create jobs or to boost the US economy?
They go hand in hand do they not, a strong workforce is the US economy!

QuoteNot sure about your citizen fixation,
I think being that you're in New York HB affords you that kind of thinking however here in California the term specialist
certainly wouldn't be a term I'd use for what's flooding in here.
Illegal immigration is without doubt the Gorilla in the room with funding shortages across the board
costing California an estimated 12 billion dollars a year...yet they hold meeting after meeting here in Sacramento
trying to figure out why we're carrying a 41 Billion dollar deficit.. ::) closing Schools, library's and hospitals seems
to be their answer as far as i can see >:(
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


QuoteWASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday selected Pittsburgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney to be U.S. ambassador to Ireland, turning to a lifelong Republican who provided the Democrat critical campaign support during the White House race.

The 76-year-old Rooney endorsed Obama over Hillary Rodham Clinton during Pennsylvania's contentious Democratic primary; Clinton won the contest last April. Rooney later campaigned for him in Steelers country in western Pennsylvania, and Obama went on to win the state last November.

In the 1970s, Rooney helped found the American Ireland Fund, an organization that has raised millions for advocacy of peace and education in Ireland. His legacy is reflected in a Steelers-themed bar in a disused linen mill in one of the roughest parts of northwest Belfast.

In announcing the nomination on St. Patrick's Day, Obama called Rooney "an unwavering supporter of Irish peace, culture and education."

Obama said in a statement that he has confidence that Rooney and Secretary of State Clinton "will ensure America's continued close and unique partnership with Ireland in the years ahead."

Rooney's father, Arthur J. Rooney, founded the Steelers in 1933. The son took over the presidency of the team in 1975 and is a Hall of Fame owner. His Steelers won the Super Bowl this year.

The "Rooney Rule," which requires any team with a head coaching vacancy to interview at least one minority candidate, was developed by an NFL committee Rooney chaired. Rooney has also participated in labor negotiations between the league and players.

Tyrones own

Awfully quiet around here's not like there's nothing to discuss
Anyway...yet another tut tut moment from the Messiah
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on March 20, 2009, 06:34:47 PM
Awfully quiet around here's not like there's nothing to discuss

The election is over that's why