The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



That's pretty f**king far from klan hoods and burning crosses. The simple truth is that many Americans are wary of young black males. That is a fact. Stating that does not make Obama racist. You should go back and read the original speech. You might learn something.

If you took your head out of your ar$e you wouldnt have made such a stuoid response. If McCain used the words "typical black person" (regardless of the context) he would have been hammered by the main stream media. Thats where the double standard exists. Obama has gotten passes on every single questionable aspect of his background, campaign and past associations.

I dont need to learn anything-I am plenty well informed already and will be casting my vote for Johnny Mc @7.00 am tomorrow morning. Onwards to victory


Sorry TO, but his aunt is a grown woman. Her legal status is not Obama's responsibility. If he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Or if he say accepted a campaign donation from an illegal immigrant would that be different? Get full information before you start spouting off (or at least stop taking your talking poinys from CNN)

Tyrones own

QuoteIf he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Jaysus give him a chance, he hasn't even gotten into office yet :P
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Did he accept a campaign donation - if someone donates online how is he to know that this person is an illegal immigrant? Just interested if you are asserting that a person approached Obama directly, with a fiver in their hand and told him he/she was an illegal immigrant?

You could do likewise from Fox Mr. Bolger ;D


Quote from: Tyrones own on November 04, 2008, 02:00:10 AM
QuoteIf he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Jaysus give him a chance, he hasn't even gotten into office yet :P

The first Republican concedes ;D :D ;D

Tyrones own

Quote from: stephenite on November 04, 2008, 02:01:51 AM
Quote from: Tyrones own on November 04, 2008, 02:00:10 AM
QuoteIf he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Jaysus give him a chance, he hasn't even gotten into office yet :P

The first Republican concedes ;D :D ;D

Sure the media here have been in celebratory mood for the better part of a week... you boys must be rubbing off on me ;)

Pssst.......... For the umpteenth time, I'm not a Republican 8)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: stephenite on November 04, 2008, 02:01:23 AM
Did he accept a campaign donation - if someone donates online how is he to know that this person is an illegal immigrant? Just interested if you are asserting that a person approached Obama directly, with a fiver in their hand and told him he/she was an illegal immigrant?

You could do likewise from Fox Mr. Bolger ;D

2 issues-(1) she's on welfare (2) she made a contribution to his campaign-both of which are illegal for an illegal to do. His campaign gave the money back. 

(By every account she's a lovely lady whos seen some really tough times and should be left alone BUT if a republican had similar skeletons in the closet I can only imagine the $hit storm that would have been on the front page of every paper in the country) McCains not getting a fair shake and thats whats pi$$ing me off.


Quote from: whitey on November 04, 2008, 01:57:31 AM
Sorry TO, but his aunt is a grown woman. Her legal status is not Obama's responsibility. If he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Or if he say accepted a campaign donation from an illegal immigrant would that be different? Get full information before you start spouting off (or at least stop taking your talking poinys from CNN)

I thought he returned the donation? Given that both campaigns require donors to tick a box saying they're citizens, what else would you have him do?

I rarely watch CNN. The only one I'd watch with any regularity is O'Reilly, with a little bit of Olberman thrown in there too.


Whatever about McCain he was always going to find it tough. Most Americans gave the Republicans a chance with Bush (Due to the Democratic candidate having no charisma whatsoever) and he dropped them in the shit so they can't see McCain reversing this.

Add to this O'Bama's charisma, the fact he's an ethnic minority and the fact that Palin is probably the worst choice as a VP candidate in history and you have the reasons why McCain won't get in.

in my honest opinion the American presidential election is sadly not based on policies and who is best for the country. It is who looks and feels like they will run the country better. O'Bama has that confidence and charisma which McCain doesn't so he will get in. He has a tough job on his hands though and if the Republicans can get their act together they will have a good shot at regaining the whitehouse in 4 years time.


Quote from: whitey on November 04, 2008, 02:14:28 AM
Quote from: stephenite on November 04, 2008, 02:01:23 AM
Did he accept a campaign donation - if someone donates online how is he to know that this person is an illegal immigrant? Just interested if you are asserting that a person approached Obama directly, with a fiver in their hand and told him he/she was an illegal immigrant?

You could do likewise from Fox Mr. Bolger ;D

2 issues-(1) she's on welfare (2) she made a contribution to his campaign-both of which are illegal for an illegal to do. His campaign gave the money back. 

(By every account she's a lovely lady whos seen some really tough times and should be left alone BUT if a republican had similar skeletons in the closet I can only imagine the $hit storm that would have been on the front page of every paper in the country) McCains not getting a fair shake and thats whats pi$$ing me off.

McCain has Fox News and every talk radio host in the country shouting for him. Throw in popular conservative newspapers like the NY Post or the Washington Times as well. Then the negative ads, the robocalls, the emails, the literature inundating the country on Obama too. Are you sure you're just not pissed off that people aren't responding to them?


Quote from: whitey on November 04, 2008, 01:49:30 AM
That's pretty f**king far from klan hoods and burning crosses. The simple truth is that many Americans are wary of young black males. That is a fact. Stating that does not make Obama racist. You should go back and read the original speech. You might learn something.

If you took your head out of your ar$e you wouldnt have made such a stuoid response. If McCain used the words "typical black person" (regardless of the context) he would have been hammered by the main stream media. Thats where the double standard exists. Obama has gotten passes on every single questionable aspect of his background, campaign and past associations.

I dont need to learn anything-I am plenty well informed already and will be casting my vote for Johnny Mc @7.00 am tomorrow morning. Onwards to victory

Obama has gotten a pass because the electorate are choosing to give him a pass. All of the stories about Ayers, Wright and so on have been playing ad nauseum for the past eight months since the Clintons started them. And for all of the crying about the treatment of McCain and, especially, Palin by the press, where have the stories about the likes of the Alaska Independence party been? Is secessionism more acceptable than a bitter black man saying "God damn America"? Where have the character attacks on McCain for the way he treated his first wife or his (and his wife's family's) associations with Charles Keating? He has gotten a pass because of his prisoner-of-war years, and that is fine by me, but the idea that Obama would lose if only the press would highlight Reverend Wright is pure and utter bollocks.


Quote from: J70 on November 04, 2008, 02:26:09 AM
Quote from: whitey on November 04, 2008, 02:14:28 AM
Quote from: stephenite on November 04, 2008, 02:01:23 AM
Did he accept a campaign donation - if someone donates online how is he to know that this person is an illegal immigrant? Just interested if you are asserting that a person approached Obama directly, with a fiver in their hand and told him he/she was an illegal immigrant?

You could do likewise from Fox Mr. Bolger ;D

2 issues-(1) she's on welfare (2) she made a contribution to his campaign-both of which are illegal for an illegal to do. His campaign gave the money back. 

(By every account she's a lovely lady whos seen some really tough times and should be left alone BUT if a republican had similar skeletons in the closet I can only imagine the $hit storm that would have been on the front page of every paper in the country) McCains not getting a fair shake and thats whats pi$$ing me off.

McCain has Fox News and every talk radio host in the country shouting for him. Throw in popular conservative newspapers like the NY Post or the Washington Times as well. Then the negative ads, the robocalls, the emails, the literature inundating the country on Obama too. Are you sure you're just not pissed off that people aren't responding to them?

Per Wikipedia-so I cant vouch for its accuracy

During the 2008 United States presidential election, newspapers, magazines, and other publications made general election endorsements. As of November 3, 2008, Barack Obama had received close to three times as many publication endorsements as John McCain; in terms of circulation, the ratio was close to 4 to 1, according to the detailed tables below. In summary:

Summary of Endorsements (with circulation) as of November 1, 2008  
Obama   McCain
pubs. circ.   pubs. circ.
Daily Newspapers[1] 315 30,630,489   145 10,552,019
Magazines, weekly papers, and other publications 143 8,958,480   26 445,992
Total 458 39,588,969   171 10,998,011
Party Switches 62     9  

According to Editor & Publisher magazine, as of October 31, was 240 newspapers to 114. By comparison, the magazine reported that before election day in 2004, John Kerry received 213 endorsements compared to 205 for George W. Bush.[2]

The 'free" media (eg NPR) is overwhelmingly in favor of Obama-you have to pay to watch Fox. Fox only appeals to those who hold right wing views to begin with, and probably people who have access to many other sources of information. The "free" media is (imho) probably the main source of information for many low income voters and radion stations like NPR are heavily subsidized by taxpayer money.

There is 2 sides to every story....and the truth lies somewhere in the middle!!!!!


Even the Financial Times and the Economist have endorsed Obama this time out. They're hardly liberal publications, now are they?

Kerry and Bush just about split 50/50 last time out, so have all those newspapers turned liberal in the space of four years, or do many of the editorial teams simply feel its time for a change of track in the White House? Even Fox News say that McCain has run an awful campaign, so surely he has to take a lot of the blame himself for failing to make his case?

Anyway, we're being told day-in, day-out on Fox News and talk radio that the "free media" such as CBS Evening News is dying a death, while talk radio is freely available all over the country and constantly boasting of their influence.


Quote from: J70 on November 04, 2008, 02:26:09 AM
Quote from: whitey on November 04, 2008, 02:14:28 AM
Quote from: stephenite on November 04, 2008, 02:01:23 AM
Did he accept a campaign donation - if someone donates online how is he to know that this person is an illegal immigrant? Just interested if you are asserting that a person approached Obama directly, with a fiver in their hand and told him he/she was an illegal immigrant?

You could do likewise from Fox Mr. Bolger ;D

2 issues-(1) she's on welfare (2) she made a contribution to his campaign-both of which are illegal for an illegal to do. His campaign gave the money back. 

(By every account she's a lovely lady whos seen some really tough times and should be left alone BUT if a republican had similar skeletons in the closet I can only imagine the $hit storm that would have been on the front page of every paper in the country) McCains not getting a fair shake and thats whats pi$$ing me off.

McCain has Fox News and every talk radio host in the country shouting for him. Throw in popular conservative newspapers like the NY Post or the Washington Times as well. Then the negative ads, the robocalls, the emails, the literature inundating the country on Obama too. Are you sure you're just not pissed off that people aren't responding to them?

The Republican campaign is run like the Church, they scare you into their views.

Ex: Obama met a 60's & early 70's radical hence he is EVIL. Obama's middle name is Hussein so he must be a terrorist's ally

Fear mongering is the desperate act of desperate people and it has been televised every other minute on TV.

I don't envy whoever gets elected, they have one hell of a mess to clean up after "W".

What kills me is "W" ran 3 companies into the ground but the religous right we so scared of terrorists and of John Kerry they had to have "W" back in power, so it just shows you never know what can happen election day.

Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


Quote from: Tyrones own on November 04, 2008, 02:00:10 AM
QuoteIf he, say, gave her a job knowing she was illegal, that would be a different situation.

Jaysus give him a chance, he hasn't even gotten into office yet :P

Well, let's hope that whichever one of them wins accepts that he is subject to the laws of the country like all the rest of us, unlike Bush, Cheney, Rove etc.