The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



A few good lines from An Spailpin on it. Intersting his take on the experience of Palin versus Obama


Quote from: FL/MAYO on August 30, 2008, 06:43:57 PM
I cant see to many of Hilary's supporters voting for Palin, she is to far to the right for  any female Democrat to support Palin. The big issue for most female Hillary supporters would be the pro choice issue, so voting with the McCain/Palin ticket just because Palin is on the ticket would not be in their best interests at all. 

There is a deep rift among Billory's supporters after the bloodbath she had with Obama, some of her supporters will vote against him because of the fact that they are bitter about her losing the primary to him. Given her luke warm endorsement of Obama I think that will send  message to the fence sitters on the democrat side of things and this will benefit McCain greatly.

The Republicans are a more cohesive party right now, I feel strongly that the democrats have this election won if they can unite under Obama, that said no amount of pomp and ceremony at the convention can hide the rifts that exist among their ranks. If they come together they should win this election, if they dont they will lose it, it is that simple.

The NRA & and the Religious right willdo their bit to keep a republician in office, the key to this election is for the democrats to unite, Hillary hardly helped the cause, we have interesting times ahead.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


I don't know... I'm a bit pessimistic by nature anyway, but this Palin thing seems to have really energized the right wing. This is going to be a massive test for Obama. I just hope he has it in him to hit back at the Republican attack dogs. The enthusiasm of the religious right for this candidacy really has me worried that we're heading for a continuation of the Bush years. Say hello to drilling and mining and development of every seashore and forest and wilderness area possible, more sabre-rattling and perhaps even invasions in the middle east, more politicizing of supposedly non-political sections of the civil service, more government spying, no solutions to healthcare issues and on and on.

dodgy umpire

the republicans have made a glorious c**k up. do they think all women are idiots and that they will vote for someone just because theyre a female, especially when hillary voters have little in common with this conservative nut. should mc cain win and then die, god help the world when the VP candidate takes over
The Boys in Red and Black are back


Quote from: stew on August 30, 2008, 07:44:03 PM
Quote from: FL/MAYO on August 30, 2008, 06:43:57 PM
I cant see to many of Hilary's supporters voting for Palin, she is to far to the right for  any female Democrat to support Palin. The big issue for most female Hillary supporters would be the pro choice issue, so voting with the McCain/Palin ticket just because Palin is on the ticket would not be in their best interests at all. 

There is a deep rift among Billory's supporters after the bloodbath she had with Obama, some of her supporters will vote against him because of the fact that they are bitter about her losing the primary to him. Given her luke warm endorsement of Obama I think that will send  message to the fence sitters on the democrat side of things and this will benefit McCain greatly.

The Republicans are a more cohesive party right now, I feel strongly that the democrats have this election won if they can unite under Obama, that said no amount of pomp and ceremony at the convention can hide the rifts that exist among their ranks. If they come together they should win this election, if they dont they will lose it, it is that simple.

The NRA & and the Religious right willdo their bit to keep a republician in office, the key to this election is for the democrats to unite, Hillary hardly helped the cause, we have interesting times ahead.

Some Hillary supporters might go with McCain but most will not, from what I saw of the convention Obama got what he was asking for from the Clinton's. Its funny watching the different channels over here, if you watch Fox they say there is a big split in the Democratic party and Palin is a great pick, if you watch MSNBC the Democratic party is very united with a big endorsement from the Clinton's and Palin is a crazy pick by McCain (met her once and one phone call with her before his decision). Stew, I agree it will be an interesting 60 days ahead, the debates will be fun.


Quote from: dodgy umpire on August 30, 2008, 08:33:10 PM
the republicans have made a glorious c**k up. do they think all women are idiots and that they will vote for someone just because theyre a female, especially when hillary voters have little in common with this conservative nut. should mc cain win and then die, god help the world when the VP candidate takes over

This conservative nut shares an awful lot in common with large swathes of American society. Granted, most of those people are Republicans anyway, but they were unenthusiastic about McCain up to this point, even though most of them probably would have voted for him if only to stop Obama. The fact that, in addition to her conservative credentials, she has some form in fighting corruption, especially within her own party, is a definite plus in appealling to blue-collar democrats. Each side is guaranteed about 47-48% of the electorate in terms of the popular vote, so McCain is not targeting a huge group. If he can energize the religious right and attract at least some portion of the disgruntled Hillary vote, he's got a great chance.

I agree with your last line!

Off The Fence

No wonder MCCain has chosen Sarah Palin as his Palin as his running mate.

Word MILF springs to mind!

Any betting on the elections?


QuoteLast week, Politico's Ben Smith asked the McCain campaign if Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) — who was first issued a U.S. passport in 2007 — had ever traveled abroad. A spokeswoman for Palin said the Alaska governor had been to Germany and Kuwait in 2007 and had visited one other country, Ireland. It turns out that the Ireland trip was just a refueling stopover on the way to Europe and the Middle East. But she has been to Canada, another campaign spokesman noted.

I wonder was the Germany stop a fuelling stop also given that that is the usual route of troops to the Middle East?

In that case she would have been out of the country twice, once to Canada and once on a military trip.

That would be like me saying I should be minister for Foreign affairs as I've been to the Isle of Mann and was once on the LE Eithne near a sand dune.
MWWSI 2017


So what did everyone think of the speech last night?


Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on September 04, 2008, 06:00:42 PM
So what did everyone think of the speech last night?

Sounded like a defensive speech.
Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


Sounded more offensive than defensive to me.

Headline of the day (from It Says In The Papers) - Redneck Boyfriend Steps Into The Spotlight.

What kind of people are these, who expose their (and others') families to the voracious media for the sake of their own careers?



Quote from: Hardy on September 04, 2008, 07:44:48 PM
Sounded more offensive than defensive to me.

Headline of the day (from It Says In The Papers) - Redneck Boyfriend Steps Into The Spotlight.

What kind of people are these, who expose their (and others') families to the voracious media for the sake of their own careers?

The type who's need to look good in public is more important than any family crisis.  
MWWSI 2017

Denn Forever

The scary thing that I heard from Ms Palin speech was when she went on about being a Hockey Mom.  Cue wild respone from the delegates.

Whats the difference between a Hockey Mom and a Pitbull?  A Hockey Mom wears lipstick!! 

Are Pitbulls a common breed in the states?
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


they are - and I'd say that's an accurate enough description

Hockey Moms can be downright scary