The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



Obama has plenty of time to concentrate on wooing the so called alienated Clinton democrats if he doesn't run with her - if he does run with her though I think he'll be a shoe in.

Iraq will be the big issue - Obama wants out, McCain wants in - Most Americans want out therefore Democrats take back the Whitehouse. Maybe... ;)


McCain would want to pick his VP wisely. I think McCain will be over 80 by the time any prospective presidential term is over, so the VP will be a factor in attracting any 'unsure' voters.

magpie seanie

If you are interested Minder there's plenty of detail on his website and this may be a good place to start:

By the way do you have the stats for the % of white women that voted for Hilary Clinton? Would it be a bad thing if a high % of these voted for her. Your argument is borderline racist.


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 04, 2008, 03:13:43 PM
If you are interested Minder there's plenty of detail on his website and this may be a good place to start:

By the way do you have the stats for the % of white women that voted for Hilary Clinton? Would it be a bad thing if a high % of these voted for her. Your argument is borderline racist.

How is it boarderline racist? i just pointed out that it appears alot a black people voted for a black man and we need to know there reasons. it aint anuthing near racist.
Grand Slam Saturday!


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 04, 2008, 03:13:43 PM
If you are interested Minder there's plenty of detail on his website and this may be a good place to start:

By the way do you have the stats for the % of white women that voted for Hilary Clinton? Would it be a bad thing if a high % of these voted for her. Your argument is borderline racist.

"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

magpie seanie

Apologies Minder, got you and Tankie mixed up.

Tankie, you initially said (Obama):

Quotewon mainly through the black vote which is no reason to vote for someone.

This is not the same as:

Quotei just pointed out that it appears alot a black people voted for a black man and we need to know there reasons

I stand over my comments. You didn't wonder about any other demographic that voted in large numbers for one or the other. Why?


i'm one of those who really believe clinton would have beaten mccain but obama wont. the fact that clinton would be the first women going for the office would have got alot of women republicans to slip her their vote on the quite now its just two men, one an old but true war hero (dont laugh, counts for a lot with american voters) and the other a young inexperienced but brilliant orator. substance over style is how alot of people will see this race and in these times people will vote for what they know. btw i think mccain is a million miles better than bush as do most yanks i know


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 04, 2008, 06:00:06 PM
Apologies Minder, got you and Tankie mixed up.

Tankie, you initially said (Obama):

Quotewon mainly through the black vote which is no reason to vote for someone.

This is not the same as:

Quotei just pointed out that it appears alot a black people voted for a black man and we need to know there reasons

I stand over my comments. You didn't wonder about any other demographic that voted in large numbers for one or the other. Why?

he won 90% of the black vote in most primaries, if Clinton won 90% of the white vote the same questions would be asked. there is nothing racist about so dont be saying that kind of thing.
Grand Slam Saturday!


i agree with Magickingdom on this one, and also I dont think Tankie's statement is even slightly racist and I'm confused as to how you could find offense there, but thats just me...
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Obama is very lucky all the shite involving his church, as well as ill-advised comments such as those he made about people clinging to guns and religion, didn't come out sooner, because there is no way he would have won the nomination. It may still cost him in November because the right wing is not going to let it drop.


Quote from: J70 on June 05, 2008, 02:34:32 AM
Obama is very lucky all the shite involving his church, as well as ill-advised comments such as those he made about people clinging to guns and religion, didn't come out sooner, because there is no way he would have won the nomination. It may still cost him in November because the right wing is not going to let it drop.

A lot of these comments have been taken out of context by Obama's opponents and used against him..suppose questioning your opponents character is par for the course in (American) politics.

This website explains some of these comments -


Quote from: laceer on June 05, 2008, 03:13:12 AM
Quote from: J70 on June 05, 2008, 02:34:32 AM
Obama is very lucky all the shite involving his church, as well as ill-advised comments such as those he made about people clinging to guns and religion, didn't come out sooner, because there is no way he would have won the nomination. It may still cost him in November because the right wing is not going to let it drop.

A lot of these comments have been taken out of context by Obama's opponents and used against him..suppose questioning your opponents character is par for the course in (American) politics.

This website explains some of these comments -

I was thinking more of the comments he made in San Francisco last month:

But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there's not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Whatever way he meant it, the last sentence has been used to beat him (especially by the Clinton campaign) over the past month, and it will not be forgotten by the Republicans, even if McCain tries to disassociate his official campaign from any such tactics. Obama looked untouchable until March of this year, but the antics of Reverend Wright and comments like the above and his slowness to deal with such issues, especially Wright, have played a major role in turning the tide toward Hillary, even if it happened a month too late to affect the final outcome.

Tyrones own

  I honestly think the Church rhetoric will sink him in the end, could someone answer me how you
explain away 20 yrs of sitting in the pews listening to wright and co spewing that type of hatred
then think you can suddenly see the light and disassociate yourself from it because it suits at the present time,
was he not outraged with it 10 or 15 yrs ago? and if not, why not :-\
Can you imagine if he was running against a man with a history of involvement with the White supremacist or the like :o
He wouldn't see the light of day! The double standards in this country are sickening >:(
I also believe the only way Obama would consider Hillarious for VP would be if she divorced Bill, he couldn't keep his mouth shut
during her campaign, there's no possible way he'd keep his nose out of affairs in their administration.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


I heard speculation the other night that Republican Richard Lugar was a good possibility for Obama's VP slot, although he's older than McCain.


Obama's problems are only about to begin. The Michelle Obama Hate Whitey Video will be released shortly. Karl Rove is in possession of the tape and is waiting until after the Convention to introduce it to the public. It would be better for the Democrats if it came out beforehand. That along with Larry Sinclair and the three murders of the Trinity United Church members may well destroy Obama. Maybe there was a motive behind Rev Wright's outburst. He more that anyone knows what happened at that church. Regarding his comments is a must see documentary.

Obama's involvement in the Ford Foundation, if the truth were revealed will also hurt.

I had a laugh at the statement by Obama regarding his formation of a research team in order to come up with his running mate. The Bilderberg Group are meeting this weekend in Chantilly Virginia to decide this along with their criminal moves for the year ahead. The Athens meeting did not happen, it was a decoy that did not fool the likes of Jim Tucker.

It's hard to know which of the three stooges are worse, Evil Hillary is well known at this stage and McCain is no war hero, he happens to be the very opposite.

To save America and the world we have to hope for a Ron Paul miracle, it is still not too late for people to wake up.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".