The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



The problem with healthcare in the states is that if you don't have insurance or you don't have adequate insurance, you may not get the best possible care and you could end up tens of thousands of dollars (or even more) in debt. My father had heart issues before he died and had to get stents put in to sort out some blockages. Its a fairly routine operation and doesn't take too long, but for the operation and the overnight stay in the hospital, the insurance company was billed more than thirty thousand dollars!

I think Hillary's idea is that by compelling everyone to either buy private insurance or else partake in her proposed single-payer system and getting rid of a lot of the administrative waste, the costs of premiums will drop, as everyone is putting in a bit. The objection in the freedom -loving regions of the US is that the government has no right to compel anyone to buy health insurance. They also point to the problems of lengthy waiting lists and antiquated drugs and technologies that they allege occur in countries that rely on public systems.


Medical bankruptcy is also increasing in alarming numbers...if you get sick...and are unable to run the risk of losing your job and hence your coverage, if your employer provides it...
Also, If you have a pre existing companies won't touch you...
During one of the debates, I don't know which one, or which party, there was a couple there with one of these stories...Two/Three years ago, they were middle class couple with two incomes, owned their own home...After the birth of twins, one of which had some serious medical problems, mother gave up work to care for her ill child...down to one income...and then their insurance capped out at 2 million...They have now lost their home, still have one income, have no insurance and still have a very ill child...
the provision of healthcare coverage is one of the most important issues when deciding to accept a job...i couldn't take a job that didn't provide it or had me pay a large premium out of my salary.. I simply couldn't afford to do this and pay all my other bills....but millions don't have a choice... I know several people who refuse to shop at Walmart because of their healthcare policy for their employees..
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


Hillary appears to have done enough to keep going - projections of at least a 6 point win over Obama in Pennslyvania, which would be the minimum required to keep her in the race according to the 'experts'

Damn - hoped Obama would get the nomination sewn up by keeping it below 5 points, might really to start to hurt the democrats chances in November if they keep this up


I do not think it will hurt the Democrats at all. The country is sick to death of the rise in gas, food and all other consumer products which will fall to blame on the Republicans (rightly so).  Also this god forsaken war which George W and his cronies setup. There will be a democratic president in the white house. Now if the new president can get the house and congress to work together (which is a diff story) then maybe this country can pick itself up from the bootstraps again.

The only concern I have is the religious right screwing the whole thing up with their petty views on how Christianity should somehow actually affect politics. The reason the US was founded for in the first place - religious freedom and separation from state and church.

Fingers crossed.
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Quote from: stephenite on April 23, 2008, 02:39:36 AM
Hillary appears to have done enough to keep going - projections of at least a 6 point win over Obama in Pennslyvania, which would be the minimum required to keep her in the race according to the 'experts'

Damn - hoped Obama would get the nomination sewn up by keeping it below 5 points, might really to start to hurt the democrats chances in November if they keep this up
I think Hillary is a beaten docket at this stage and the sooner she realises this, the better for the Democrats IMO.  Her campaign is heavily in debt and she just does not have the capacity for raising money in the same way that Obama seems to be doing in order to maintain an aggressive campaign.  I dont think this is a scenario that anyone would have envisiged 12 months ago as the Clintons have been real money spinners in the past for the Dem's.  I would expect Hillary's campaign to fizzle out after the next round of primaries in early May.


big night tonight, think hillary needs to win the two of them but thats a big ask. anyone know when the results will be out..


Hillary needs to win only one , Indiana - and she's on track to do just that according to ABC. Obama still on track to take North Carolina.

Interestingly the Sydney Morning Herald carries this story :

IT'S called the "nuclear option", and some say it would would rip the heart out of the Democrats and destroy all chance of their winning in November.

As Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama wound up punishing campaign schedules before the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, talk of the Clinton camp going nuclear emerged.

The Huffington Post, a liberal website, said that the Clintons were working on a strategy to take to the Democratic Party's 30-member rules and bylaws committee the issue of the Florida and Michigan delegates disbarred because those states moved their primaries forward in defiance of the national party.

If the Clinton camp succeeds in seating these states at the national convention it will give Senator Clinton more elected delegates than Senator Obama.

On Monday, Senator Obama pleaded with voters in Indianapolis to help him finish the gruelling contest and avoid a convention showdown.

"I don't want this campaign to be about flag pins and sniper fire or a former pastor," he said.

"I think we can do better."

Senator Obama's big drawcard at his last Indiana campaign event at the American Legion Mall was Stevie Wonder.

His campaign also announced another celebrity endorsement, from Tom Hanks.

Wonder did just two songs before rain fell. And the forecast was that Senator Clinton would win Indiana - by a margin of about 6 percentage points.

Senator Obama still looked to have a solid lead in North Carolina, but nothing like his 20-point margin of three weeks ago. If he wins by six points or less, Senator Clinton is likely to trumpet the result as a win.

With one win apiece in the last two big states, the race would almost certainly continue until the end of the primary season on June 3, after which party officials would strongly urge the super-delegates to go public with their positions.

And then there is the nuclear option. There are real problems with the strategy: first, Senator Clinton would need to persuade her loyalists on the rules committee to back the plan.

Second, it would not look good if the nomination was in effect decided by just 30 people in a closed room.

Third, Senator Obama would appeal to the credentials committee at the convention, setting the stage for one of the ugliest convention brawls in history.

Tyrones own

QuoteHillary needs to win only one , Indiana - and she's on track to do just that according to ABC. Obama still on track to take North Carolina.

  By all accounts in the media here she absolutely must win both.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on May 07, 2008, 12:45:27 AM
QuoteHillary needs to win only one , Indiana - and she's on track to do just that according to ABC. Obama still on track to take North Carolina.

  By all accounts in the media here she absolutely must win both.

Hope that's the case, as Obama has just taken NC. Yank on Aussie ABC was fairly specific that one would be enough to keep the race going for Clinton - like I said I hope that's the case

Tyrones own

  I think for the sake of the party she'll now have to bow out (hopefully) :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Jesus - Obama fairly shortened that lead in Indiana, 52 - 48 in favour of Clinton with 78% of votes counted. Larger urban areas apparently left to be counted which could also fall Obama's way.

She's fucked now surely?


seems like it's all over bar the shouting

I think the Clintons are just trying to save face now


just reported on ABC  Hillary wins Indiana 51% to 49 %
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Not a good victory for Clinton -  I tihnk she was leading there by double digits a few weeks ago


still a win for Clinton, despite all the spin. Interesting to see how Florida and Michigan get dealt with now. It would take some dealing for her to get the nomination, but I wouldn't rule it out just yet...
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