The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



I think RUDI will win the election


Quote from: turk on January 05, 2008, 11:05:50 AM
I think RUDI will win the election

Rudi? Rudi? Rudi? Rudi?

Do ya? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?


I still fancy bloomberg in this race. He will only step in if he thinks he can win however. There is a very strong sentiment in the US right now that the 2 party system is not working, Bloomberg's angle if he runs will be inclusivity. He is likely to run if you get very polarising nominations. Huckabee for example would be seen as very polarising, right wing old school, big noise on tax, evangelical preacher. Obama, clinton and edwards would most likely fall under the same old democratic stereotypes.

What's interesting however is the obama story. With the analysis of the iowa results obama is getting a lot of attention from independents, the young, the rich, the black, and the female. Here's the problem you can get enough of those voters motivated to go out and swing a caucus or a primary, but can you get them out to win an election. My concern about his campaign is that when it comes to the crunch I believe that should obama get the nomination every right wing racist and hill billy in the country will get out and vote to stop a black president. Same goes for a woman, and for bloomberg the big question is would him being jewish cause the same reaction?

One thing that bloomberg has in his favour is money and track record. He is the most popular mayor in new york in decades, he has $15 billion in personal assets, of which it is believed he would spend $1bn on the campaign. That means he needs no oil money, no weapons money, no drug money etc. That brings a huge amount of credibility and makes this one of the most interesting campaigns since jfk got in. Watch this space...
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: Carmen Stateside on January 05, 2008, 03:04:04 AM

Why is it only these states that has the caucus?
Is there a reason or are they just picked out of a hat?

Quote from: ziggysego on January 04, 2008, 02:36:25 PM
American Politics confuses me. What are caucus and primarys?

best political show in town, the link below explains the system in as far as it can be explained

the iowa caucus is bolix imo as independents and republicans can vote in the democratic caucus and independents and democrats can vote in the republican caucus (can only vote in one tho). in this case the big news is obama/clinton and the republicans dislike of clinton is such that a lot of them would have voted in the democratic caucus to keep her out. the south carolina primary is known as the one that 'corrects' the iowa and new hampshire votes and gets the candidates in line... one way or the other for news junkies its all great stuff


Does it not just come down to who big business and the arms industry want in? It is very early days.


Quote from: ziggysego on January 04, 2008, 02:36:25 PM
American Politics confuses me. What are caucus and primarys?

Anyone care the shed some light on it for me?
Testing Accessibility


look 2 posts up ziggy  ;) its all there...


Testing Accessibility


Quote from: magickingdom on January 05, 2008, 12:51:05 PM
Quote from: Carmen Stateside on January 05, 2008, 03:04:04 AM

Why is it only these states that has the caucus?
Is there a reason or are they just picked out of a hat?

Quote from: ziggysego on January 04, 2008, 02:36:25 PM
American Politics confuses me. What are caucus and primarys?

best political show in town, the link below explains the system in as far as it can be explained

the iowa caucus is bolix imo as independents and republicans can vote in the democratic caucus and independents and democrats can vote in the republican caucus (can only vote in one tho). in this case the big news is obama/clinton and the republicans dislike of clinton is such that a lot of them would have voted in the democratic caucus to keep her out. the south carolina primary is known as the one that 'corrects' the iowa and new hampshire votes and gets the candidates in line... one way or the other for news junkies its all great stuff

I've heard quite a few Republicans talking about backing Hillary because they think they have a better chance against her in the general election given the high negative sentiment against her.


the stress is getting to Hillary by all accounts

McCain and Obama out to a very early lead in NH so far today

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on January 08, 2008, 04:22:29 PM
the stress is getting to Hillary by all accounts

McCain and Obama out to a very early lead in NH so far today

Aye heard her on the news this morning, was getting quite weepy - can't be having hormonally challenged women in charge of the button now could we!!  ;)


That might have been the Adi Roche moment OK.


Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on January 08, 2008, 04:22:29 PM
the stress is getting to Hillary by all accounts

McCain and Obama out to a very early lead in NH so far today

Could either be one hell of a ploy - or the end of the line for hilary. The soundbytes all over the tv yesterday - Hillary Breaks down. :o

Carmen Stateside

New Hampshire tonight, Obama again? Looking like it!
