PC books for beginners

Started by Smokin Joe, November 27, 2007, 07:02:35 PM

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Smokin Joe

Anyone recommend one?

I got my folks a PC and they have never used one before. No matter how many times I tell them how to open a new window, or how to save a document or even how to type in a web address I inevitably get blank stares back.

Has anyone went through the same pain recently and could recommend a book that teaches them the very basics of PCs, rather than me relying on Amazon's recommendations?

It is Vista btw.


The Windows for Dummies Book is excellent, clear concise instructions covering all aspects of computing and windows. I have XP version, but windows vista version is now available

Smokin Joe


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Quote from: redcard on November 27, 2007, 10:53:32 PM

What about this one?

SammyG, any chance you'll get Tony this for Christmas?
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