The IRA does everything...

Started by pintsofguinness, October 22, 2007, 01:36:28 PM

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Not what I want at all, Pints I am trying to stress to people like yourself that punishment beatings are not the answer. Its ok for fireside rebels like Seany to glorify them and tell the board everything the recipient of the beating is supposed to have done, when he is not here to defend himself, but in my opinion the people who carry out these attacks are as bad and sometimes worse than the people they punish.
I know punish beatings aren't the answer and the people who murdered paul quinn are as bad as him but that doesn't mean I'll be crying for quinn.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Evil Genius

Quote from: Puckoon on October 29, 2007, 07:09:58 PM
The futility of it is that articles like the one you quoted arent of much use to anyone, it just seemed too long winded with a little bit of hersay thrown in for good measure. Id rather make my own mind up than read stories like that.

What is your problem? This is a thread about Republican/IRA violence and "punishment" killings etc post-ceasefire. It was prompted by an incident in S.Armagh. I posted an article which deals specifically with Republican/IRA violence and "punishment" killings etc post-ceasefire. It even included reference to S.Armagh.

If you don't agree with what the article says, then tell us how/why.

If you think the article is irrelevant to the thread, then expalin to us how.

If you don't think the article has anything useful to say, ignore it.

If you don't need the article to make up your mind on the topic, then good for you.

Above all, if you think that adding such a contribution to a thread like this is "futile", you may be correct, but just what are you doing on an internet forum like this, then?  ???
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


oh FFS
its not the IRA that carried it out...but dont let that get in the way of your story twisting ! ::)

Evil Genius

Quote from: lynchbhoy on October 30, 2007, 12:10:04 PM
oh FFS
its not the IRA that carried it out...but dont let that get in the way of your story twisting ! ::)

If that comment was addressed at me, I should point that nowhere have I stated unequivocally that it was "the IRA that carried it out". Rather, there is widespread speculation that present or former members of the IRA carried it out, possibly following some sort of order by IRA commanders, whether at local or higher levels. And even if such speculation is misplaced, I for one find it impossible to believe that such an action could be carried out in the South Armagh area without the local IRA knowing exactly who was involved. In which case, following Gerry Adams's condemnation of the killing, plus the stated policy of the the IRA's poilitical wing (SF) to support policing in NI, one might at least expect information on the killing to be passed on to the police.

Unless, of course....... :o
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Quote from: Seany on October 27, 2007, 01:27:40 PM
Just one more fact on this, lads.  The man in question was never in the IRA.  Nor is his son.  He, like about 99.999% of people in the Cullyhanna area is a republican, supports SF and is a good GAA man.  He never attends marches, isn't a slabber and is highly respected by all in that area.  He is a very funny, friendly popular man and does not deserve what has happened to him as a result of this episode. 
Our friend's Bebo moniker is 'f**ker'.  Yes, that's what he called himself on Bebo. Check it out.  Doesn't deserve him to be brutally murdered, but it iflls in another piece of the jigsaw about the type of personality he had.
He was a really bad boy.  As were those who murdered him.  All part of a viciousness that seems to be peculiar to that part of s.armagh.

PS - could someone let his frields know that 'murdering' is spelt with a 'g' at the end.

He also has a cast iron alibi, he was at a wedding when it happened


QuoteI for one find it impossible to believe that such an action could be carried out in the South Armagh area without the local IRA knowing exactly who was involved. In which case, following Gerry Adams's condemnation of the killing, plus the stated policy of the the IRA's poilitical wing (SF) to support policing in NI, one might at least expect information on the killing to be passed on to the police.

And you'd know a lot about south armagh  ::)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Evil Genius

Quote from: pintsofguinness on October 30, 2007, 12:41:46 PM
QuoteI for one find it impossible to believe that such an action could be carried out in the South Armagh area without the local IRA knowing exactly who was involved. In which case, following Gerry Adams's condemnation of the killing, plus the stated policy of the the IRA's poilitical wing (SF) to support policing in NI, one might at least expect information on the killing to be passed on to the police.

And you'd know a lot about south armagh  ::)

No more than anyone else who has close family members living in South Armagh...

Anyhow, from your knowledge of the area, would you like to refute my opinion which you quoted above - or do you just prefer to "play the man, rather than the ball"?  ::)
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


QuoteI for one find it impossible to believe that such an action could be carried out in the South Armagh area without the local IRA knowing exactly who was involved.
If the IRA weren't involved themselves how would they know who was involved?  What sort of hold do you think the IRA have in the area?  Are you suggesting the IRA knows everything that goes on in the area?  That's a bit daft!

In which case, following Gerry Adams's condemnation of the killing, plus the stated policy of the the IRA's poilitical wing (SF) to support policing in NI, one might at least expect information on the killing to be passed on to the police.
Say the IRA do know who was involved what do you want to happen.
Wee paddy from Crossmaglen contacts Gerry Adams to tell him who done it and Gerry goes to the police and says Paddy told him X Y and Z were involved.  Now I'm no legal expert but I'm led to believe that type of "evidence" is not admissable in court.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: pintsofguinness on October 30, 2007, 05:47:23 PM
QuoteI for one find it impossible to believe that such an action could be carried out in the South Armagh area without the local IRA knowing exactly who was involved.
If the IRA weren't involved themselves how would they know who was involved?  What sort of hold do you think the IRA have in the area?  Are you suggesting the IRA knows everything that goes on in the area?  That's a bit daft!

In which case, following Gerry Adams's condemnation of the killing, plus the stated policy of the the IRA's poilitical wing (SF) to support policing in NI, one might at least expect information on the killing to be passed on to the police.
Say the IRA do know who was involved what do you want to happen.
Wee paddy from Crossmaglen contacts Gerry Adams to tell him who done it and Gerry goes to the police and says Paddy told him X Y and Z were involved.  Now I'm no legal expert but I'm led to believe that type of "evidence" is not admissable in court.

Jesus, I never had wee Paddy down as a tout :o


his holiness nb

I see Hugh Ord, our defense minister and our Taioseach all beleive, from the evidence presented to them, that the IRA were not involved here.
But I'm sure this is just a political ploy given how much they love Sinn Fein and the IRA  ::)

Get over it lads, they werent involved.
Ask me holy bollix


Well 5ivetimes - where did I gloat?
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Ah now common lads and grow up they were involved alright. The IRA have been and are still involved in illegal activity ie northern bank, killing of the lad Quinn. I don't know the ins and outs of the incident and i find it really distasteful to actually speak about it on the board but i suppose that is what it is for and no one is really being disrespectful but.  They can't be accused of the Northern bank or the killing of young Quinn because it will wreck the stability of our momentous peace deal . I also realise that the IRA don't control everything in S. Armagh but something of this magnitude wouldn't have been carried out without some highier command. Someones noise was put out of joint by what Quinn had done and it escalated ( but this is only my opinion) I did'nt know the lad or what he got up to but if it had been another gang that had done it on him there would have been redemption by now despite claims from the family not to.
I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception.


Quote from: his holiness nb on October 31, 2007, 09:39:44 AM
I see Hugh Ord, our defense minister and our Taioseach all beleive, from the evidence presented to them, that the IRA were not involved here.
But I'm sure this is just a political ploy given how much they love Sinn Fein and the IRA  ::)

Get over it lads, they werent involved.

I believe that Drumcondra bollix even less than I do that IRA shower. Bertie just wants to get a job in Europe & sod the truth.

Baile an tuaigh

A lot of people still blame the IRA for the Northern bank robbery. I have a theory that the bank wasn't robbed in the first place!