Ulster Club Hurling Championships

Started by Lecale2, October 08, 2007, 01:08:54 PM

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Maximus Marillius

Well its good to see Kevin Lynchs beat Dunloy once even if it was u14s twenty five years ago :D ;)


Look I brought up the 1982 fiele because it may have been a reason for Dunloy to object to Dungiven minors entering Antrim leagues all those years ago (I could be wrong about it) so lets keep a context of where that discussion started. It is a matter of opinion as to whether you believe the story or not. I believe it to be true but won't be getting into any slagging match with anyone over it. As others have said...its history
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Well said skull

I have been told by Dunloy people who played that day and managed that day that this is fact and Hinphey didnt like it when he was told it by Dunloy people in casement on sunday and he didnt deny it.

So I believe to be true and if you dont then its fine.

As for Derry hurling, I hope you can get yourselves up to a standard where the tactics i witnessed on sunday wont be needed. I repeat it again if you concentrate on the skills of the game and play it properly then you maybe would have more support for coming over to the Antrim leagues.


Skull and Nag, I hope for a minute you don't assume I'm a former Dungiven hurler.  I said my mam's from there.  Why Dunloy should object to a Derry club playing in the Centenary year Antrim League is still beyond me.

Quote from: theskull1 on October 30, 2007, 10:03:06 AM
Good man Aerlik. I thought I had you sussed from your first post but that last one just confirmed things for me.

You take your own bitter twisted view of Dunloy and then tell us all that the rest of Antrim feel the same.  Definitely no need to elaborate. You have said enough ...cheers  :D

Like I said, the depth of dislike (putting it mildly) between Dunloy and the Glens teams I saw play them was quite startling.  I doubt if things have changed much.  Success and contempt etc.

Quote from: NAG on October 30, 2007, 09:20:51 AM

If you have nothing constructive to say go back the hoganstand and spout your rubbish there.


The closest man to actually hitting someone on the head with a hurl was K.Hinphey when he swung wildly after a Dunloy man dispossesed him.

Right, I don't dispute that and if you read carefully I quite unambiguously state that whoever does so is a p***k.

The 1982 feile final, Dungiven played 4 Kilkenny u14 lads in their side and beat Dunloy on the day, heard Hinphey senior was reminded of that fact in the social club after the match and wasnt best pleased.

I can only take your word for that as I don't know.  Wouldn't have been the first time Hinphey played ringers, believe me.

Disgraceful behaviour then and was the same again on sunday. Subs attacked the referee after he was jossled on the pitch by the Dungiven mentors. This is not made up because I saw it happen.

I'll take your word for that too.  I wasn't there but there seems to have been plenty there to qualify your statement.

Jayzus and I thought Lavey and Dunloy had bad blood between them; seems the KLs have even more.
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!


jeez boys
I dont know what kind of sihte talk and whinging is going on here, but dunloy won the game fair and square.
While some say the ref wasnt great to KL's, the fact is, KL's had the chances to win the game and what the ref did or didnt do matters not.
KL's only can have themselves to blame.
If KL's were trash talking, I didnt hear it, though Geoff talks to himself, umpires,ref, team mates, opponents and by times supporters.
Geoff is stone mad, end of story. We all know that.
If anything I thought Dunloy set the scene with a few 'rough' hits on Cathal mckeever in the opening minutes of the game.
Now it most likely was getting their retaliation in first, as the hoor will give as much as he gets, if not more. But at that stage he couldnt have done much.
I hate this trash talking sihte in football, and am surprised to hear that hurlers are at it.
Even if KL's were at it, sure are we not taught to ignore it?
I had the case of one of my midfielders getting involved with his opponent last night in the minor final, calling him a fat cnut etc - at half time I told him to shut up and concentrate on playing football only. Thats prob why he played a storming game of football in the second half- because he concentrated on his game, not on verbals.
Similar for dunloy or even KL's - who gives a stuff about what people say on the field, the best answer is to win the ball, score and win the game. There is no answer to that!
Id prefer dirty play to sihte talk. Dunloy or KL's should have ignored it if it went on. Hopefully teams will eradicate this rubbish from our games in the near future, but as it is , it means feck all - and anyone who is influenced by someone calling them names isnt fit for adult senior hurling or football.

I think Kevin Hinphey came in for a lot more stick than he game out, with some of the pulls on his body during the game. He's no angel, but to think someone would take an opponents head off ....well I doubt it - anyhow ....he didnt hit the guy.,...so what are yez talking about ? ? ? ?
aunt, uncle , balls and all that....

as for the craic about kilkenny players playing for Dungiven in 1982 etc, Big Liam H not answering to the accusations?
Get a grip boys.....whats there to answer. Even if they did - Antrim clubs are hardly worried that KL's will be importing Kilkenny lads on a weekly basis to play for them these days.
Such nonsense.
KL could and arguable should have won - with a hurling style completely unlike the more physical style they played with last year.
However Dunloy won, and proved themselves to still be a great hurling powerhouse in Antrim and ulster - and fair play to them.

the wee silly squabbles on here regarding some things just dont make sense.
Cop on boys.

Congratulations Dunloy - best of luck in the AI Semi final


one other thing
Kevin Hinphey last sunday gave one of the greatest individual performances I have ever seen
maybe more should be discussed about that rather than 1982's team selection etc



I have to say fair play to you for your comments there, well said.

But you have to calm down in the K.Hinphey thing, he was or actually wasnt being marked by anyone, Dunloys Paul shields carried a knock into the game and couldnt cover the ground to keep up with him.

He played well granted yeah, but I think he should have been looking to pick out his forwards more than he did, too many long hopeful balls into the forward line which were eventually cleared by Dunloy.

The game was a tight affair which suited Dungiven as soon as Dunloy got some space the game was up for them as was seen in the last 10mins.


Agh get over your hatred Aerlik you old sore hole  ;) You're acting like a schoolboy

Decent post Lynchboy, I'm all for that.
For the record there were plenty more than Geoffrey at the mouthing. I brought it up because, it's very rare in Antrim and our boys were genuinely shocked at the level of it. I don't think it would have phased them, but just think it's the lowest of the low. There is certainly no sportsmanship in the people who do such things and if it were my club I'd be up in arms about this behavior as it brings disrespect to your club. How do you shake hands with a man at the end of end who has called you a gay bastard, a tr**p bastard, useless **** for an hour. A slap in the mouth is what a boy like that needs.

As I said in my first post after the match Kevin (The No 9) was immense and would grace any team but would agree that he wasn't marked well enough in a lot of occasions but I'm sure his fitness would make it difficult for someone to get close to him. He's a great player. His reaction however to the referee at the end of the game and also the reaction of the subs (allegedly) will land KL's in very hot water. My guess is youse will not play a part in the ulster championship next year for those indiscretions. Speaking from experience of course  :-[
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on October 30, 2007, 05:01:53 PM
My guess is youse will not play a part in the ulster championship next year for those indiscretions. Speaking from experience of course  :-[

I rest my case, your honour! ;) ;D
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!


as I was in the lower terrace beside the KL subs for the game, I saw them roaring at the ref but couldnt see anyone actually accosting him.
They possibly were venting and ranting at him.
Whether there was more - well I didnt see anything.
If there was then KL's will get a grilling from the ulster council.
I didnt think the ref was THAT bad - he was better than he was in last years replay....which cushendall would have won based on actual play anyhow - but it wasnt the ref that cost KL's the game - it was poor finishing mostly and as mentioned, speculative ball in on top of the FF line rather then accurate passes (though the above average ball winning ability of Geoff, Pheilm and Paddy in there makes it a lesser risk option).

Kevin Hinphey might not have been marked well, but if you look at the speed he played at, the speed at which he ran and the amount of ground covered on sun , theres not too many would have lived with that kind of virtuoso perf.
His dad thought Liam had a better game, but thats because he's the favourite. :o

we were taught never to speak to an opponent. If they spoke or hit, the next thing you had to do was to 'do them' or at least go in hard to let them know your were not afraid - even if you were !
I cant stand this new mouthy rubbish. Make allowances for the likes of Geoff as he is a complete nutcase.

Maximus Marillius

Quote from: lynchbhoy on October 31, 2007, 09:48:50 AM
as I was in the lower terrace beside the KL subs for the game, I saw them roaring at the ref but couldnt see anyone actually accosting him.
They possibly were venting and ranting at him.
Whether there was more - well I didnt see anything.
If there was then KL's will get a grilling from the ulster council.
I didnt think the ref was THAT bad - he was better than he was in last years replay....which cushendall would have won based on actual play anyhow - but it wasnt the ref that cost KL's the game - it was poor finishing mostly and as mentioned, speculative ball in on top of the FF line rather then accurate passes (though the above average ball winning ability of Geoff, Pheilm and Paddy in there makes it a lesser risk option).

Kevin Hinphey might not have been marked well, but if you look at the speed he played at, the speed at which he ran and the amount of ground covered on sun , theres not too many would have lived with that kind of virtuoso perf.
His dad thought Liam had a better game, but thats because he's the favourite. :o

we were taught never to speak to an opponent. If they spoke or hit, the next thing you had to do was to 'do them' or at least go in hard to let them know your were not afraid - even if you were !
I cant stand this new mouthy rubbish. Make allowances for the likes of Geoff as he is a complete nutcase.

More like one of the biggest assholes you'll ever meet also. Still doesn't excuse him


I never saw anything to do with the referee but the administrator on the Antrim website made a very strong accusation, if true there will be consequences.

Lads i have heard all this talk about how bad the referee was to Dungiven, but no one seems to be mentioning incidents he got wrong.  Except for Liam Hinphey who claimed the time he blew the man up for dropping his hurl and handpassing, now i haven't seen the DVD yet but at the time i thought that was a certain free
What happens next????


One of the men on the line manager seriously did shoulder charge the referee in the chest as he came off.


I know the Lynches are getting some slating on this thread for a lot of things and I'm not saying they're guilty or innocent but are we tarring all these lads with a big brush. I've known a few Lynches lads from my university days and they are the salt of the earth, both on and off the field. I've had my battles against the Lynches on field as well and apart from the spoilt brat Geoffrey all will shake hands after the game and leave it like that.

At the same time Da Hinphey is an utter gobshite but I think it's unfair that he is deemed to represent all that is the Lynches. Maybe his persona is rubbing off on teams that he manages, I don't know!
The gobbiness may be a recent phenomonen but most teams have some shit stirrer in their midst's who ends up starting the row and is nowhere to be seen when it's in full flow.


maxpower - I think I have said that I dont hold the ref responsible for the result.
Its a knee jerk reaction for a lot of folk to blame a ref when they lose. Human nature I supose.

max - you have issues with geoff - did he eat your burger , drink your pint or steal yer missus ?

Also lads, I'll stand up for Liam Hinphey senior here. Whatever you  may think about him being a gobsihte etc etc etc
I'll tell you that he is a good man, a nice chap, a true Gael who has devoted most of his last 35 odd years developing , coaching, managing hurling in Dungiven and Derry.
He was the mentor for Kevin Lynch himself and Liam sr was one of the main drivers for the proper establishment of hurling in county Derry.

I will admit, he is a bit odd by times and has his own idiosyncracies etc (who doesnt) but take my word for it boys - if you know him, he is one decent fellow (though he would embarrass you with some of the quare things he says).
So please dont denegrate the name of a man who has done so much for hurling in Dungiven,Derry and by default Ulster.
He def doesnt deserve that - no matter peoples personal issues or gripes about him.