Quebec - to split or not to split, that is the question?

Started by Gaoth Dobhair Abu, September 24, 2007, 09:15:02 AM

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Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Was reading a post on another thread where the Quebec independance was mentioned.
I was wondering if any of our esteemed posters based on the North American continent (or people with any knowledge on this subject) could shead any light on this subject, is there a majority in favour?, is it ever likely to happen? and if so when??


The last vote in 95 was rejected by 50.6% to 49.4%. Since then ,at least according to my  Canadian cousins support has fallen away
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu



Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on September 24, 2007, 09:28:26 AM
Would Quebec be viable as an independent state?
Yes but not if happened and of course Canada could make life very difficult for them
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Pile of shite! Quebec seems to be an amplification of all things bad about the French! They are so arrogant and bad mannered it is unbelievable. Tourists who go to Montreál and can't speak French are treated as if they've two heads and even though most of them speak English as well they will point blank refuse to speak it.

I can understand people wanting their independence from a biased and corrupt state but this is hardly what Canada is. Along with this Quebec also have their own provincial Government so it's difficult to see the political or economic advantages for independence other than "We want to be different to the rest of Canada eh?". So to answer your question I don't think it will happen.


Quote from: screenexile on September 24, 2007, 09:39:23 AM
Pile of shite! Quebec seems to be an amplification of all things bad about the French! They are so arrogant and bad mannered it is unbelievable. Tourists who go to Montreál and can't speak French are treated as if they've two heads and even though most of them speak English as well they will point blank refuse to speak it.

I can understand people wanting their independence from a biased and corrupt state but this is hardly what Canada is. Along with this Quebec also have their own provincial Government so it's difficult to see the political or economic advantages for independence other than "We want to be different to the rest of Canada eh?". So to answer your question I don't think it will happen.
Also they speak a 200 year old dialect of French so don't think your leaving cert stuff is going to save you .
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.



QuoteTourists who go to Montreál and can't speak French are treated as if they've two heads

having been in Montreál I wonder at this.

How would a French speaker get on in Toronto, or Calgary?
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on September 24, 2007, 09:28:26 AM
Would Quebec be viable as an independent state?

This old canard. Of course it would, it's a developed country.

I'd like to see an independent Quebec, because it would create an unprecedented political situation. Developed countires don't tend to break apart. Look at Belgium, they can't stand each other but they stay together for fear of being accused of succumbing to atavistic nationalism - see screenexile's comments above for a taster of this kind of Congress of Vienna-style wistfulness. It would be great for a mature liberal democracy to show it can have a peaceful divorce and would provide a model for other peaceful seperatist movements


Quote from: armaghniac on September 24, 2007, 10:04:20 AM
QuoteTourists who go to Montreál and can't speak French are treated as if they've two heads

having been in Montreál I wonder at this.

How would a French speaker get on in Toronto, or Calgary?

I think you've taken me up wrong. It's not that I'm saying it's a crime to not understand English... of course it's not. It's just the disdain and the attitude towards English speakers is what pissed me off about Montreál. Believe me Toronto is a much more friendlier place for tourists and not just the French. It may as well be American for all it's "Have a nice day" "Customer is always right" crap (whether they mean it or not when they say it at least they pretend to).

Fiodoir Ard Mhacha

What has Canada ever done for the world?

I see Belgium may split after 177 years. The Flems(?) and the Walloons can't seem to agree a new government after 100 days.
"Something wrong with your eyes?....
Yes, they're sensitive to questions!"

Gaoth Dobhair Abu
