Gambling left Oisin Mc Conville with debts of £100,000

Started by Balboa, September 18, 2007, 11:12:03 AM

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QuoteAn Armagh man having something positive to say about Peter

Canavan was a right bollix at times on the field, as well as being plain brilliant, both of which are annoying to Armagh people. However I have heard very positive things about his dealings with people off the field, which reflect credit on the man.

For well known players any adverse activity, real or imagined,  is repeated ad nauseam and their good work is overlooked.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B

Tyrone Dreamer

Anyone remember the video the Armagh one's made about Peter Canavan after beating Tyrone in the 2005 ulster final. A south Armagh man putting on a gay voice and going on about Canavan and Mulligan being gay. Made Canavan's winning point in the semi just over a month later all the more sweeter, guess the joke was on them.


whiskey steve is right in his entirety, although i was talkin to mc geeney yesterday n he says tht hes been asked to go over to asussie rules to be the manager of colingwood

Over the Bar

QuoteCanavan was a right bollix at times on the field

Like when he stuck that free over in injury time AISF '05?  :-\


Every GAA player in the 6 counties is an absolute saint and to suggest any of them has any negative traits is ridiculous........


It's getting more and more like orchard county every day.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Can i tell you my anecdote about Saint Oisin, i saw him one day helping a couple of old ladies across the road with their shopping, i then asked him what he had planned for the rest of the day,to which he replied that he would be heading shortly to read stories to some blind children from both sides of the community. He told me he didnt want the press to hear of these good deeds though...... So leave Oisin alone.

Over the Bar

Personally I'd blame the bookies for taking bets from him when they knew he had an addiction, but maybe he wasn't putting the bets on himself and was getting school kids to do 'runner' for him in return for buying their carry-outs for them.  :P

Tyrone lady

Know very little about Mc Conville as a person. But thats irrelevant, the lad obviously had a serious problem and i hope to god he has it well under control, dont think any gambler or anyone with any kind of addiction is ever cured, they can only control something as best they can. If this book helps him pay of his debts then so be it, noone is asking anyone to buy it.
Five times ur attitude personally makes me sick, your the most jumped up arrogant self righteous person i have saw on here in a long time. Who are you to say gambling or acoholism isnt an illness ? Some people can take a few drinks and stop, some people can make a few bets win a few pound and go home happy, others cant, they have a compulsion for more and more, and even though they know they are going to the depths of insanity with their actions they dont stop it, because they cant  eventually some may control it. Dont you think alcoholics would love to walk away after a few drinks, and gamblers after a few bets?? An illness and a horrible disease as is any addiction when you have lost control and the only way you can see to make things better is doing the very thing that put you in the mess in the first place.


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 24, 2007, 05:53:35 PM
Quote from: stew on September 24, 2007, 02:44:12 PM
Quote from: 5iveTimes on September 24, 2007, 11:37:20 AM
Rufus, if you want to class gambling as an illness, then so be it. I see it as a weakness, the same way as I see alcoholism. No one ever forced anyone to gamble/drink. Its a personal choice. At the end of the day Oisin chose to write this book for one reason or another. We can all have our own opinionjs on his motives, but we may be wrong. If he hadnt decided to write this book, we wouldnt be having this argument. We all know how good he was on the playing field, but now he will also be remembered for his weakness as a human being. I can just speak from my own experiences, but if I was in Oisins shoes, I would want to be remembered for being the man that scored the goal that beat the Kingdom in Croke Park, there was a book in that story alone.
Good luck to the lad, I hope he sorts himself out.

It must be great to never have erred, let someone down or hurt someone by vitue of your actions and deeds. I didnt think it was posible to have so many people live that way and for them all to post on this board is remarkable.

I have no time for Peter Canavan but if he was in the  financial shape Oisin was in I would pull for him all the way because I would rather see people suceed in beating their demons than further succumb to them and if mcConville has to write a book to pay off what he owes so be it, as long as he is not making personal attacks on others I am fine with it.

I have never been a gambler but i have known and loved those who are and it is a horrible disease and I hope and pray that Oisin gets himself sorted. To be honest 5times I dont think you give two shites if Oisin sorts himself out or not.

An Armagh man having something positive to say about Peter would be a first, you'd have to admit Stew ;)

Well if it helps I have him as the best player ever to play the game and said so on here many years ago.

In fairness there are a brave few tyrone boys that cant abide the wee fecker either.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


such nonsense spouted here- if gambling is about as much of an illness as being an alco neither is an illness nor a disease it just a means to try to justify peoples own mess ups in life and this must be seen as what it is a publicity stunt and i really hope it backfires especially after the nonsense about not betting on himself- oisin you are pathetic and i really hope your book flops as any decent person can see right through what you are doing, oision the book sure it could be wrote on the back of a stamp- wait mcgeeny will be next when he flops at management

full back

Quote from: thevoiceofreason on September 25, 2007, 02:35:32 PM
such nonsense spouted here- if gambling is about as much of an illness as being an alco neither is an illness nor a disease it just a means to try to justify peoples own mess ups in life and this must be seen as what it is a publicity stunt and i really hope it backfires especially after the nonsense about not betting on himself- oisin you are pathetic and i really hope your book flops as any decent person can see right through what you are doing, oision the book sure it could be wrote on the back of a stamp- wait mcgeeny will be next when he flops at management

What a f**king asshole >:(


AHH the voice of reason,  ???  were have you been all our lives? Great 1st post :-\ Tube
I'll go back if Marsdens back

the Deel Rover

is he the voiceofreason or the mayomachine either way he is a wum
Crossmolina Deel Rovers
All Ireland Club Champions 2001


just calling it as i see it and i am entitled to speak my mind, really hope it flops and i know it will beside the stupid handouts from armagh people, ive a tip for you oisin dont bet on armagh ha ha you loser!!