Pat Spillane on top with Des Cahill

Started by LegalEagle, August 22, 2007, 07:00:20 PM

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Mike Sheehy

QuoteWhat's the general consensus on Spillane in Kerry itself? Sheehy? KM?

of course he is an eejit but if you add up the Paddy heaneys, Joe Brollys etc with their constant sniping at Kerry and our "soft" AI then that easily counterbalances anything that Pat Spillane has to say.


Jesus I think Mr Sheehy may indeed be Mr Pat Spillane in disguise ;)


Quote from: Kerry Mike on August 23, 2007, 12:25:50 AM
Great footballer in his day, was prone to a bit a play acting but scored some bamboozling points and goals for us, the torture he put himself through to regain fitness after a couple of major knee operations has to be respected, swiming accross Kenmare Bay and strapping big weights to his ankles are the signs of a mad man, he will carry his footballing injuries with him for life. His first book was just about readable and stirred up alot of ruptions in the Kingdom, his second was pure yerra.

He's a typical Cute Kerry Hoor, He winds people up on the SG and in the SW but dont take him too seriously dont read or watch him if he pisses you off that much, I laugh at him mostly. He is very passionate about Football and if he is a little biased towards the Kingdom so be it, anyone that has met him or called into his pub will always get a warm welcome.
his first book was great imo
I wouldnt say he was a play actor in the diving sense, he would waste time , pure cuteness...
but its well known that he was no tough guy , as he admits himself in that book - Heffo brought him in the squad to play the aussies and only used him as a runner because he hadnt the stomach to play in what was an all out war of a series.
but sure we are a nation of nutcases.


I think Spillane is a dose of the highest order, but I think he's good value. As long as you don't take to heart what he says, the craic is good.

Anyway, does anyone take him serious anymore... even in Kerry?
Testing Accessibility


BTW, the interview with Des was very good I thought. The first time I ever remember Spillane coming across as likeable!

Drumanee 1

jesus lads i heard the full interview and to me he did not slag neither tyrone or armagh,he mentioned how hard it was to win back to back all irelands today and even said that kerry would not have won as many in the modern game as he said they only had to peak twice a year for cork and dublin,al in all he came across very well and was very honest in his opinions


Hurrah for Pat then !! All is forgiven !

full back

Fear ón Srath Bán

In fairness and truth, it was an interesting interview, and contrary to the tripe he writes he came across well. Why does he have to descend to the gutter-press levels of a modern day Faustian pact to have such low digs at members of the organisation he professes to love so much, who themselves have given so much to the organisation I can only guess at, and it's not a pretty guess.

That Micko never mentioned the opposition, or any key players thereof, in Pat's time is surely a relic of that time, and of that uniquely great team. Perhaps that's what he has difficultly coming to terms with: that Micko could only have been so cavalier about tactics in respect of the opposition with one team, and one team only; it's surely not an approach he could have persisted with on his travels throughout management elsewhere... or could he? 

Stopped outside his pub in Templenoe last year but couldn't bring myself to darken his threshold. Don't doubt that the welcome would have been warm or such, but doubted my own ability to stomach, at best, insincerity, or at worst, outright hypocrisy. If only he didn't sell his soul for the dirty buck, for his legacy and image are tarnished forever.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...

magpie seanie

The problem is that there are so many idiots who know nothing about the games who watch the Sunday Game or read what he writes in the Sunday Worst and take it as gospel.

I've no doubt he's a nice fella in person and have heard evidence to support this. People that have passion about something - well in my book I'd make allowances for them over folk that are 2 dimensional and boring. I was a huge admirer of him as a player - in fact he was probably my first GAA hero. Fierce disappointed when I called into the pub in Templenoe and he wasn't there but I nearly knocked a few of his trophies off the wall with the pool cue by accident!

An all-time great but not what is required as a TV presenter or pundit for GAA in my book.


Is it just by chance that Brolly and Spillane don't seem to come head to head.
Did Spillane want to move to Sunday game host to avoid Smart asses Joe or was it simply Joe needed to get back to Ravenhill Rd in time to put the waynes to school?

I'd love to see Joe on the Sunday game some day with Spillane or even better have the two of them in a head to head discussion about football with an audience.
Now that would be entertaining.

In fairness to Tohill, he handles him well and often dimisses his childish Norn Bias with a long pause and eye roll to the heavens before answering a different question.

I think its unfair of RTE Sport to continue with such a unliked host of their national games and I'd say all the guests on the show can't bear the sight of him either.
Even lick ass Yes man Tony Davis has been often rubbed up the wrong way with Spillane.

Spillane reminds me of the hateful clubmate who no-one wants to sit beside on the journey to the big game as he will continue to nag and do yer head in

I think we should all bombard RTE until we get rid of the Fecker.


FOS - That's scathing  - do you think he does it for the money ? Surely not ? I asked this question before - does anybody know how much these special guests / experts / presenters get for doing the Sunday game ?? Just curiousity.

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: orangeman on August 23, 2007, 01:13:50 PM
FOS - That's scathing  - do you think he does it for the money ?

In a word orangeman (his tabloid trash), yes.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Quote from: Kerry Mike on August 23, 2007, 12:25:50 AM
His first book was just about readable and stirred up alot of ruptions in the Kingdom, his second was pure yerra.

It was a good read alright, but his habit of talking about every game he played in in terms - 'Kerry were losing until I came on as a second half sub, turned the game and we won...'etc

AFAIR he opens the book by stating that he should have won an All-Star in '92 even though they were beaten in the Munster final by Clare.


He's generating so much talk / debate that RTE will likely keep him.