Meath lads - what's the story with Sheridan?

Started by Model Hammer, August 07, 2007, 09:41:46 AM

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Model Hammer

Does he want to come back or doesn't he?
Do the fans want him back?
Does Coyle want him back or not?
Why did he leave? He didn't go to the US afaik.
Is he hard to deal with? He seems fairly tame, compared to some .....

Just curious.

Personally if there's one good thing about the Qualifiers (and there aren't many), it's seeing teams recover and go on a really good run after some of their "stars" abandon them after the provinicial campaign. Louth and Meath e.g.


I think he was just a bit fed up. He'll be back next season I'd imagine. Needs to work on his conditioning though. Has all the other necessary attributes.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


There's no issue of any kind, from what I can gather, between Joe himself and the team and management. Everybody would love to have him back.

[Edit] Sorry Model Hammer - didn't fully answer your question. No - he didn't go to the States. It's not a case of his 'abandoning' the team at all. And nobody would say Joe is hard to deal with - he's a very easy going lad, I hear (I don't know him personally) with no issues, hangups, attitudes or problems. I hear he felt persuaded that he should withdraw from the panel for private reasons that have nothing to do with any issue between himself and the group.


I would certainly hope so but I personally have lost faith in the guy. He wasnt playing well and was replaced early on against Dublin by Farrell. There probably was a natural cheer for Farrell and Meath fans probably bore no disrespect to Joe but he may have been upset by that. It was after that game that he quit the panel. You do have to question his committment and willingness to go the extra yard if he did not have the strength of character to try and prove himself. Remember he is a player that performs well in the league but generally does not perform on the big day. The All-Ireland minor against Leitrim a few years ago is a case in point when the Leitrim full forward outshone any of the Meath forwards when great things were expected of Joe. Mind you, he did do well in our first outing of the year against Kildare.

He should be welcomed and encouraged back next year definitely but any repeat of this should not be tolerated. There are plenty of good forwards in Meath and by taking him back you are depriving someone else of the chance to train and develop with the team.