Tyrone v Monaghan USFC Final

Started by tyroneman, June 24, 2007, 05:16:47 PM

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and none of you have commented that the back has a hold on Mugsy - one sided or what!


enjoyed the game on sunday, and unlike the pre match reports the only roasting dished out in Clones, was to the fans on the hill, god im sunkissed!

anyway, great game, Monaghan put up a fantastic display, and probably should have won, the first minutes of each half is what beat them in  the end.

it still amazes and totally infuriates me how TYrone, who allegedly are such a wonderfully skilled team still have to resort to diving, and time wasting,
god they go down quicker than a ten dollar whore!
and the minute theyre in possession again they're up like lazurus!

the minute the monaghan goal was scored, down went the tyrone boy "injured" for a few minutes to kill the momentum!

Its not a new trick, its as old as the hills but Tyrone are definelty the masters, and is there no bloody ref who is going to take them to task and just ignore them when they hit the ground.
god it just makes it impossible to admire a team who resorts to this to win a game.

anyway, well done Monaghan, and congrats Tyrone on your win, but I'm sorry for me, this Tyrone teams success will always be tainted with horrible cynical tactics. Which is a pity for wonderful players like Sean Cavannagh and Stephen O Neill


your points are noted and we'll get back to you when we give a shit.


you talk a little less shite and Ill be very nice

Great Leap Forward

Quote from: anluabu2 on July 17, 2007, 11:54:22 AM
anyway, well done Monaghan, and congrats Tyrone on your win, but I'm sorry for me, this Tyrone teams success will always be tainted with horrible cynical tactics. Which is a pity for wonderful players like Sean Cavannagh and Stephen O Neill

I am not a Tyrone fan but I find these comments ludicrous. For a start I will remember this Tyrone team as a group of players who overcame the death of 2 players to win 2 All-Irelands.

You also have to remember that the way Tyrone plays leaves them open to big hits so it's unfair to say they are a team of divers. I was at the match on Sunday and Monaghan didn't hold back and most players would lie down after a few of those hits. None of the hits were dirty but they were bloody hard.

I think it is silly that after such an exciting game played in a wonderful atmosphere we are still trying to pick out negatives out of it.


everyone is entitled to an opinion, just because you disagree with me,doesnt make them "shite" as you so eloquently put it,

im not trying to piick negatives, i thought it was a great match.

one mans  diving is another man's wonderfully talented skill!

you decide  ;)

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: anluabu2 on July 17, 2007, 11:54:22 AM

anyway, well done Monaghan, and congrats Tyrone on your win, but I'm sorry for me, this Tyrone teams success will always be tainted with horrible cynical tactics. Which is a pity for wonderful players like Sean Cavannagh and Stephen O Neill

Bit sad, when some contributors can't help but to bitch and moan, even with backhanded compliments.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


It really gets my goat when posters from other counties jump on an ill-informed bandwagon and accuse Tyrone of a) timewasting and b) diving.

Timewasting is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW - Kerry do it, Cork do it - all of them do it when it suits. Do you honestly think managers tell thier team - "if we are a point up heading into injury time lads - make sure ye keep the ball alive and let the opposition get a fair rattle at ye, it's the daycent thing to do"????? Get real.

I stood beside Fermangh fans who told me to watch thier keeper at kick outs - they said he was famous even at clulb level for delaying as soon as the opposition got 2 points in a row. Sure enough he had a mystery leg injury every time. Not enough to keep him from running 50 yards to get involved in handbags mind you. Do I see anyone slating Fermangh on the board - NO.

And lets not even get started on the masters of the tactic - Armagh. Big Joe had them using every trick in the book to slow games down. Surrounding refs, mystery cramps you name it.

On the diving issue - again I will freely admit sometimes Cavanagh etc can go down a bit easy - but this is no different to ANY other team.

After all the sh**e in 2003 from Armagh fans especially (particularly in respect of Dooher) I sat with an Armagh crowd and watched the 2003 final again. We slowed down and counted every time a player went down in 'dubious' circumstances. Armagh won it by a landslide, which even thier own supporters in the room had to admit. due to the 'hard man' myth of Amrgh though - no one accuses them of being divers. On further viewing all those 'dives' by Dooher turned out to be big hits -  funny that.

It seems very convenient to label a team and sit back and watch as other supporters buy into the stereotype withour any evidence to back it up.


Tyrone beat monaghan with the midfield and the half forward line all non existant, is it just me or should there be changes made for the next match??
'Oh honey I didn't get drunk. I just went into a strange fantasy world'

Mr. Nakata

After a day's reflection and some soothing after sun lotion, I feel that this type of performance from the lambh dearg was exactly what was required. If we had've dished out a pasting to the farney, confidence would have been sky high, fans would be dreaming of mid-September etc. etc. As it stands, MH has 3 weeks to get midfield and full back nailed. I haven't seen the tape yet but I think Devine has to take some of the blame for the midfield raping. Every time hub made a (pretty pointless) decoy run, his man didn't follow him, then Devine proceeded to make it obvious he was going the other side where the extra man was there to help out. Add to that the fact that the hoover had an off day because there was no clean catching throughout. The lack of break ball was frightening. 

I'm not going to get drawn on diving and time wasting by boys obviously looking bite...


methinks the lady doth protest too much!!!

if you cant take the criticism then just shut up 

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: anluabu2 on July 17, 2007, 02:13:16 PM
if you cant take the criticism then just shut up 

Was someone criticising, or just bitching and moaning... just bitching and moaning, nothing more. Sad.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


im sending you a dictionary, as you seem to be  struggling with comprehension.

but if  it makes you feel better, ill not laugh too much at your ignorance

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: anluabu2 on July 17, 2007, 02:25:45 PM
im sending you a dictionary, as you seem to be  struggling with comprehension.
but if  it makes you feel better, ill not laugh too much at your ignorance

Perhaps sort out your own grammar first? Still bitching...
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...