It's only a minority of Muslims right ?

Started by Dalquen, February 16, 2016, 03:32:30 AM

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Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 04:38:44 PM
Quote from: J70 on February 25, 2016, 04:29:13 PM
Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 04:00:40 PM
Also, there has to be a feedback mechanism. Affirmative action cannot go on forever. If the goals are not being reached then questions must be asked. People need to be fired. "Whitey" can't blamed everytime, everyplace when things are not progressing within certain communities. Such accountability will never happen though. Paternalistic white liberals like you will never allow that. You like to see yourself as Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" but you are closer to the Atticus Finch in "Go set a watchman"

Obviously there should be review and evaluation. That goes for anything.

As for the last bit, preach to me again about arrogance and presumption and sneering like you were a few days back.

No coincidence that you say there should be review and evaluation but no mention of action..typical liberal.

I make no apologies for being in your face. Liberals are insane, arrogant and relentless and cry racist at every turn to shut down debate. You deliberately ignore all evidence and continue to push your crazy agendas. You must be confronted head on and it is happening in the US and all across Europe. Get used to it.

Obviously whatever action is necessary should be taken. Is that not as bleeding obvious as review and evaluation?

I have no problem whatsoever with honest debate. Most people here do so and keep it, for the most part, civil. Conservatives like Whitey and Iceman bring a lot to the board. And I have NEVER claimed that liberals have all the answers. If you want to be an arsehole, go for it. Says more about you than anyone else when you show up brand new on a board and start labeling based on caricatures and stereotypes and throwing insults around based on your preconceptions.


Go back over the thread. You engaged with me first with some sarcastic remark about whites facing institutional racism. You have shown yourself to be  a self-righteous, all knowing arsehole on this thread and on many others that I can see of (from looking at you previous posts)

I'm all for civil debate but you liberals simply cant help yourself. You just can't keep that supercilious attitude in check  ::)


Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 05:36:58 PM
Go back over the thread. You engaged with me first with some sarcastic remark about whites facing institutional racism. You have shown yourself to be  a self-righteous, all knowing arsehole on this thread and on many others that I can see of (from looking at you previous posts)

I'm all for civil debate but you liberals simply cant help yourself. You just can't keep that supercilious attitude in check  ::)

Fair enough, I was sarcastic, and I can be at times and I accept it back in turn. But I certainly don't start the personal shit or try to write someone off as a political cartoon.

And again, "you liberals simply can't help yourself"? Have you read stew or foxcommander or even whitey at times? Everyone speaks dismissively of the other sides ideas. Everyone  ridicules ideas, especially when it comes to politics and religion. Even in some of the gaelic football threads. Its an internet discussion board. I'm pretty sure you didn't just pick it up yourself this morning.

I'll leave the last word to you. I'm moving on.



Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 02:21:15 PM

blah, blah, blah racist blah, blah blah, racist

That guff might pass muster with your fabulous friends out there in San Francisco but not here you hysterical queen.
So you live among racists in a place where it's cool to be racist. Bully for you.

It was 1400 kids over 16 years and my beef is not with the Pakistani community. I said no such thing anywhere in my posts.

QuoteMy problem is with liberal idiots like you that allowed it to happen. Kids getting raped and you sweeping it under the carpet muttering "its only a few...its only a few"
Hang on, a few words ago you denied saying that the majority of Muslims are a problem (implying that you disagree with the message in the thread's bigoted title), now you're saying that it's not "only a few."

Which is it?

Make up your mind.  You clearly think that a large proportion of Muslims are a security risk. How big a proportion? 100%? 75%? 50%?  25%? What?


Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 02:35:38 PM
btw, you are involved in the NACB at the officer level right ? Can you elaborate on what steps you have taken to address a sporting organization that is so out of whack with the racial diversity of the country it operates in.

I'm not an officer on the NACB at this time, but to answer your question:

  • Began community outreach efforts for San Francisco GAA while working as PRO for their board by setting up a stall at outdoor events around the Bay Area in an effort to raise the profile of the games beyond the traditional audience and bring them to a more diverse clientele. Such events included Celtic festivals, Highland Games, and farmer's markets.
  • As a result of the outreach, established the hurling club at Stanford University where there was no tradition of hurling previously. The majority of players on that team have always been non-Irish.
  • Helped to establish the hurling club at UC Berkeley and got them organized into competitive games against Stanford, a competition that is still running. The majority of players on that team have always been non-Irish.
  • Helped to form the NCGAA and set up the national collegiate championships which draw players in from all manner of backgrounds, the majority non-Irish.
  • Translated the San Francisco GAA website into Spanish in an effort to reach out to Latino audiences. Had to defend this decision when it was ridiculed at a meeting, and I convinced everyone that we should be welcoming people into the organization from all backgrounds.
  • Architected the NACB's Games Development program and wrote the proposal that convinced Croke Park to fund it. The outcome of that has been Gaelic games reaching into local school systems and other external organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, one of which is on Treasure Island right beside our fields, an organization that provides youth club services to low-income children from predominantly black neighbourhoods like Treasure Island. More here: (Not my video BTW)
  • Delivered marketing workshops in which I advise clubs to broaden their recruitment reach and not just go after Irish Americans.
  • Advised youth boards to try to get into all school systems and not just the catholic schools.
  • Advised against the use of religious or political symbolism or anything that ties the games too closely to one ethnic group.
  • Vocally advocated and voted for motions at the NACB convention that would support clubs in non-traditional cities where the intake is majority non-Irish, and encouraged more traditional clubs to reach out beyond their traditional base.

Throughout my GAA career in America I have been a consistent advocate of bringing our games to a broader audience and becoming a more diverse and less inward-looking organization. I feel so passionately about this topic that I have even written a book on it.


Are there statistics for hispanic, black and Asian participation in the NACB..I mean club membership, regular games. Not some once off outreach. I cant find them ?

A few interesting things stood out for me in your reply. While I applaud your efforts the only one that I feel might really make a difference to true diversity is no.6 I.e. going into the schools. The video you posted is 7 years old..are these  efforts still ongoing ? My experience from observing such efforts in other states is that they fizzle out as they are driven individually by someone who happens to be Irish and happens to be a teacher.It is an ad hoc thing. I see from the NACB website that the seattle gaels are still doing something in this area so that's good. They were always a well organized club.

The other thing that puzzled me is the mention of celtic festival, highland games etc as ways to attract a more "diverse clientele". I've been to many of these events over the last 20 years and if you wanted to find the LEAST diverse population on a given day then these would be the places to go. While the clubs I have been involved with have recruited many players at these events they were almost exclusively Irish/Irish-American.   

Lets be honest. The NACB is probably always going to be very Irish (and , as a result,  very white)  and will never even remotely reflect the diversity of the US. One reason is the NACB is a mainly amateur organization. It doesn't have the resources.

My point to you, however,  is that the main reason is that this is what Irish people in America want. It may not even be a conscious thing but it is absolutely what they want. Over the years I have seen this in action and it is something I have no doubt about. To me it is a completely natural thing, of course,  but to someone with your worldview it should be an uncomfortable truth that is worth reflecting on as you force your ideology on others.


Fair fucks to you Eamonn, that takes a lot of passion and dedication.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 26, 2016, 04:49:10 AM
Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 02:21:15 PM

blah, blah, blah racist blah, blah blah, racist

That guff might pass muster with your fabulous friends out there in San Francisco but not here you hysterical queen.
So you live among racists in a place where it's cool to be racist. Bully for you.

It was 1400 kids over 16 years and my beef is not with the Pakistani community. I said no such thing anywhere in my posts.

QuoteMy problem is with liberal idiots like you that allowed it to happen. Kids getting raped and you sweeping it under the carpet muttering "its only a few...its only a few"
Hang on, a few words ago you denied saying that the majority of Muslims are a problem (implying that you disagree with the message in the thread's bigoted title), now you're saying that it's not "only a few."

Which is it?

Make up your mind.  You clearly think that a large proportion of Muslims are a security risk. How big a proportion? 100%? 75%? 50%?  25%? What?

you are all over the place in this reply  ::)

Quote"Hang on, a few words ago you denied saying that the majority of Muslims are a problem (implying that you disagree with the message in the thread's bigoted title), now you're saying that it's not "only a few.""

This makes no sense at all. There was nothing in my post about a minority or majority of Muslims ?? ...My post was about the Rotherham sex case and its coverup..why are you implying anything about it viz-a-vie the thread title ?

This is quite bizarre. It is as if you are imagining some conversation and attributing it to having gone on in my head and your asking me to make up my mind  ;D

You liberals are literally insane, you are so convinced of your righteousness that you tell other people what they are thinking so that you can chastise them.

jesus Christ.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 26, 2016, 05:09:51 AM
I feel so passionately about this topic that I have even written a book on it.

Wasn't "Waiting to launch" a 2006 romantic comedy with Matthew McConnaghey and Sarah Jessica Parker. I bet Parker plays Eamonns character.
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie


Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 26, 2016, 08:00:58 PM
Are there statistics for hispanic, black and Asian participation in the NACB..I mean club membership, regular games. Not some once off outreach. I cant find them ?

A few interesting things stood out for me in your reply. While I applaud your efforts the only one that I feel might really make a difference to true diversity is no.6 I.e. going into the schools. The video you posted is 7 years old..are these  efforts still ongoing ? My experience from observing such efforts in other states is that they fizzle out as they are driven individually by someone who happens to be Irish and happens to be a teacher.It is an ad hoc thing. I see from the NACB website that the seattle gaels are still doing something in this area so that's good. They were always a well organized club.

The other thing that puzzled me is the mention of celtic festival, highland games etc as ways to attract a more "diverse clientele". I've been to many of these events over the last 20 years and if you wanted to find the LEAST diverse population on a given day then these would be the places to go. While the clubs I have been involved with have recruited many players at these events they were almost exclusively Irish/Irish-American.   

Lets be honest. The NACB is probably always going to be very Irish (and , as a result,  very white)  and will never even remotely reflect the diversity of the US. One reason is the NACB is a mainly amateur organization. It doesn't have the resources.

My point to you, however,  is that the main reason is that this is what Irish people in America want. It may not even be a conscious thing but it is absolutely what they want. Over the years I have seen this in action and it is something I have no doubt about. To me it is a completely natural thing, of course,  but to someone with your worldview it should be an uncomfortable truth that is worth reflecting on as you force your ideology on others.

We're getting into a good discussion here which probably belongs on another thread, but while we're on the subject:

The NACB does not record statistics on race, religion etc. so it's a bit hard to come up with concrete metrics. They'd have to add some fields in the registration system to record that data. Anecdotally, I can say that the NACB playoffs are still predominantly white, with a splattering of Latinos, Asians, and very few blacks.

The efforts in the video are still ongoing since they are driven by the paid Games Development Administrators.

Celtic festivals and Highland games attract a fairly eclectic mix of people in California, but to be honest I only went to a few of them and got a limited response. I put more effort into farmers markets which attract no one demographic in particular, but again the response did not justify the effort. The best response I got was at the St Patrick's Day parade in San Francisco. That said, there are a few things I'd have done differently that I know how to do now that would have given a better response. These days I still help the Stanford students out with their recruiting at the activities fair (fresher's fair). I've figured out how to get a TV working at an outdoor event, and playing the Fastest Game on Grass video on a loop on a DVD greatly improves the number of conversions at those events. (That video was something I neglected to mention before, it targets the broadest audience possible and avoids using the usual deedly-dee Irish music. Last time I looked there was about 1.5 million views on it.)

I disagree with your contention that the NACB is and always will be predominantly Irish. I've been going to the convention for about ten years now and I've seen the evolution. Ten years ago, the Irish ex-pat clubs of Boston dominated the proceedings through their voting strength and were able to get their own way consistently. The US-born clubs were barely represented at all.  Nowadays the convention is very different. Thanks to so many hurling clubs popping up in random cities, most started by Americans for Americans, the complexion of the convention has completely changed. Traditional clubs from cities like Boston now have to plead with the upstart US-born clubs like Milwaukee and Indy if they want to get a motion passed. This is reflected in player registration figures, where numbers have held steady or declined in Irish-American cities (Boston, Chicago, Philly, SF) but increased in other cities (Milwaukee, Indy, St Louis, Twin Cities, Portland, and many more.)  I'd say in the next five years you'll start to see the American-born clubs calling the shots a lot more, and I don't see any sign of that trend going into reverse.

In short, ten years ago it was the Irish who dominated the few US-born clubs, now it's closer to 50/50, and ten years from now it'll be majority US-born.

The playoffs reflect this too. The NACB and the playoff hosts are having a hard time keeping up with demand for field space because there's been so much growth in the junior grades because of so many Americans taking up the game.  Canton in Boston and Gaelic Park in Chicago are at capacity when they host the playoffs. In San Francisco we have to commandeer nearby rugby and soccer fields on Treasure Island and run shuttles between them, all because so many Americans are getting into the game.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 26, 2016, 05:09:51 AM
Quote from: jimmyd41 on February 25, 2016, 02:35:38 PM
btw, you are involved in the NACB at the officer level right ? Can you elaborate on what steps you have taken to address a sporting organization that is so out of whack with the racial diversity of the country it operates in.

I'm not an officer on the NACB at this time, but to answer your question:

  • Began community outreach efforts for San Francisco GAA while working as PRO for their board by setting up a stall at outdoor events around the Bay Area in an effort to raise the profile of the games beyond the traditional audience and bring them to a more diverse clientele. Such events included Celtic festivals, Highland Games, and farmer's markets.
  • As a result of the outreach, established the hurling club at Stanford University where there was no tradition of hurling previously. The majority of players on that team have always been non-Irish.
  • Helped to establish the hurling club at UC Berkeley and got them organized into competitive games against Stanford, a competition that is still running. The majority of players on that team have always been non-Irish.
  • Helped to form the NCGAA and set up the national collegiate championships which draw players in from all manner of backgrounds, the majority non-Irish.
  • Translated the San Francisco GAA website into Spanish in an effort to reach out to Latino audiences. Had to defend this decision when it was ridiculed at a meeting, and I convinced everyone that we should be welcoming people into the organization from all backgrounds.
  • Architected the NACB's Games Development program and wrote the proposal that convinced Croke Park to fund it. The outcome of that has been Gaelic games reaching into local school systems and other external organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, one of which is on Treasure Island right beside our fields, an organization that provides youth club services to low-income children from predominantly black neighbourhoods like Treasure Island. More here: (Not my video BTW)
  • Delivered marketing workshops in which I advise clubs to broaden their recruitment reach and not just go after Irish Americans.
  • Advised youth boards to try to get into all school systems and not just the catholic schools.
  • Advised against the use of religious or political symbolism or anything that ties the games too closely to one ethnic group.
  • Vocally advocated and voted for motions at the NACB convention that would support clubs in non-traditional cities where the intake is majority non-Irish, and encouraged more traditional clubs to reach out beyond their traditional base.

Throughout my GAA career in America I have been a consistent advocate of bringing our games to a broader audience and becoming a more diverse and less inward-looking organization. I feel so passionately about this topic that I have even written a book on it.

Fair play to you fir your work there Eamonn but I find your fifth point interesting, surely the good people of sanctuary city San francisco, a liberal hotbed did not want to stand in the way of Hispanics playing our games, say it ain't so!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


The summer invasion has begun early. The illegal migrants will not be denied. They want into Europe and into Europe they will get. It is a done deal.

They have sensed the weakness. The liberal treachery. They know that all they have to do is get one foot in the door, even momentarily, and that's it. They and their extended families are then here for ever with the full blessing and complicity of the liberals.

At least 3 million will force their way through this summer with a reservoir of 60-120million refugee/migrants looking on intently.


 And don't forget the 400 million descendants of those Europeans who illegally invaded the Americas.
Trump will be sending them all back to Europe.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM