Is Stormont going to fall?

Started by Denn Forever, August 21, 2015, 10:46:35 AM

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Quote from: Orior on August 21, 2015, 11:24:12 AM
Denmark? Sure didn't Brian Boru send those boys packing in the year 1014.

I cannot believe the amount of wailing over this. Sure it is just a bunch of criminals getting even with each other. What does it matter that their CV has paramilitary experience?

Agreed. Don't see what the link would be between the guys who murdered McGuigan and the folks on the hill. The only thing I would say is that SF must have to walk a pretty tight rope when dealing with ex-provos. They're bound to know alot about the paramilitary past of Gerry, Martin and other prominent Shinners that would make for more explosive headlines than this current storm in a teacup.
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If a loopy unionist does something stupid we get a thirty page thread here. When the IRA show themselves to be dangerous liars and charlatans, endangering everything the peace in the north is built on, and Sinn Fein are in the midst of one of their deepest crisises since power-sharing started we get nary a murmur.


The IRA disbanded in 2005. If they were still operational it would have been mentioned long before now. There is no way this murder was sanctioned. Political suicide.


Quote from: Syferus on August 22, 2015, 05:25:13 PM
If a loopy unionist does something stupid we get a thirty page thread here. When the IRA show themselves to be dangerous liars and charlatans, endangering everything the peace in the north is built on, and Sinn Fein are in the midst of one of their deepest crisises since power-sharing started we get nary a murmur.
What's the point? My outrage has long since morphed into meh, d**kheads, crooks, charlatans, useless hoors.

The PSNI are currently in 'negotiations' with 'community' representatives to take down a UVF flag from a junction point on a Railway line. Just be thankful you dont live in this joke of a country.


Quote from: Milltown Row2 on August 21, 2015, 10:52:17 AM
How many falls has it taken now? Stormont is full of shit, I'd rather the money be saved and given to improving this place instead of constant fecking bickering and money being wasted

Has a decent decision/ piece of legislation  come out stormont yet??
Jobs for the boys

Milltown Row2

Quote from: naka on August 23, 2015, 08:59:08 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on August 21, 2015, 10:52:17 AM
How many falls has it taken now? Stormont is full of shit, I'd rather the money be saved and given to improving this place instead of constant fecking bickering and money being wasted

Has a decent decision/ piece of legislation  come out stormont yet??
Jobs for the boys

What has it really done since its been set up?? All the real decisions surely are still done from London? I don't care much for the tribal politics that goes on here.... Its a bit cringy watching them bickering (same in London too) all this "he said this, and we're going to do that, and we are going to bring this down" bullshit!!!!
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

T Fearon

All this shows how undemocratic the Northern state is.A blind eye is turned to paramilitarism on both sides,as long as they kill their "own" people,hypocrisy abounds (didn't our eminent First Minister remark not so long ago,that the UVF are getting restless in East Belfast and should be awarded European Funding?).


The IRA did not go away, no matter what Gerry says. Mike Nesbitt is correct in that even for me a nationalist Gerry has no credibility. But then neither does Mike who's party will stand with the UDA/UVF/OO at Twaddell or Robinson who sees no problem with Ruthie attending UVF parades. The Northern State is a political cesspit. Unionists and Loyalists of all ilk's who are engaged actively in politics want no truck with Nationalism and Republicanism. SF are expected to be held to account for the actions of IRA men over whom they have little control but PUL politicians see no hypocrisy in their own interaction with extremist unionism and loyalism and violent street protests. The Northern state can not be reformed. There is absolutely no place for Irish Nationalist culture or symbolism in the exclusively unionist British state most PUL politicians envisage. SF and the SDLP should if they have any integrity just walk away from Stormont until the realise that actually sharing power and accommodating the two main ethnic groups here is our only chance for lasting peace.


Awful silence from the SF gang of Gaaboarders ;)
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Quote from: Rossfan on August 25, 2015, 12:09:48 AM
Awful silence from the SF gang of Gaaboarders ;)

I also noticed a lack of comment in the press from SF. But why should they have to make comments about an old boys network?
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Quote from: Orior on August 25, 2015, 12:54:03 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on August 25, 2015, 12:09:48 AM
Awful silence from the SF gang of Gaaboarders ;)

I also noticed a lack of comment in the press from SF. But why should they have to make comments about an old boys network?
If an "old boys network" is going around killing people and "enforcing" its writ in places it must be worthy of some comment..........
It's all good news for FG/FF/Labour anyway as they know it will knock a some seats off SF's total in the next election in the 26 Cos.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Quote from: Orior on August 25, 2015, 12:54:03 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on August 25, 2015, 12:09:48 AM
Awful silence from the SF gang of Gaaboarders ;)

I also noticed a lack of comment in the press from SF. But why should they have to make comments about an old boys network?
McGuinness, Adams and Kelly have condemned it. Nothing much else they can do or say really, other than just sit tight and wait for the next scandal, headline or whatever else to come along.

Nigel White

Iron Mike pulling out of Executive and going to form opposition. That should put the cat among the pigeons.


Ridiculous; looks very much like an attempt to show they're still relevant and do have influence. It seems they'd be only too delighted if the Troubles started up again just so they could say 'I told you so'