Galway v Mayo, CSFC May 20th

Started by Redgreenery, April 23, 2007, 06:58:37 PM

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Great to see the return of Barney! Hope you're back on a regular basis now.

A strange run-in to this one. Neither set of supporters seem to be too confident, and are taking a wait-and-see approach.
From a Mayo viewpoint, there are question marks over virtually every line of the team, and most worryingly, right down the centre.
Johnno stuck with Kilcullen all through the league, but seems to be trying out different players in challenge games - can he really judge accurately in these games?
I think Aidan Higgins, Liam O'Malley (if fit) and Keith Higgins may form the full back line.
I think Billy Joe will stay at 6 with Enda Dev and Gardiner either side of him, although there are worries in that line.
Brady and Heaney in midfield is the obvious pairing for me.
Pat Harte, Kevin O'Neill and Alan Dillon would make a very strong half forward line.
T Mort, G Brady and Conor in the full forward could ask a lot of questions.

I can't stand Pearse Stadium, and Mayo have a very bad record there. Plus it's Galway's 'turn', but I'll go for Mayo by 2 just for the hell of it. 

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Its gettin exciting now, although as one poster stated earlier it does get awful tense and its very early in the year for that but its true. Im sure nobody with money and sense would be backing either side, a draw probably being the smart money.

Could be a number of surprises in team selection when announced on both sides, thats the problem with 1st round of the championship, will be alot of changes to whichever progresses further.

Im goin to stick my neck out bigtime here and say Galway by 3-5 points. I know there is never much in it but I feel if Galway are going to win, which I think they will it must take a huge performance from the forwards especially Joyce and Meehan. Saying that I reckon Mayo will have a big say in where Sam winters if not in the county itself.

Permission to slate me if this prediction is wrong but its not based on misplaced arrogance just that this is Galways big game.


Quote from: Barney on May 14, 2007, 06:59:19 PM
Hello to all. Happy Championship Summer 2007!

Unfortunately a variety of events has conprised against me being online much the last few months, but the green and red is still draped around my shoulders as well as a JOM rosette for polling day.

f**k me - he's alive!!!
There were some serious worries about your fate over the last few months around here - not a peep so naturally we all thought the worst, I even sent flowers to the club :P
Good to have you back, and hope all is well.

In regards to the game, it is once agin too close to call. Mayo have some question marks regarding the central spine of the team that for one reason or another were not answered throughout the National League, now this is a fairly dodgy situation to be heading into a first round opener against the Tribesmen at Pearse Stadium.
That said,if we take into account the fact that most of these positions are to be filled with experienced heads it's not necessarily all doom and gloom.

Heaney I think is the man for Full back, Kilcullen has done well in the league but with the various changes over recent weeks I really will be suprised to see him wearing the No.3 jersey, Heaney has the experience of playing Galway in this position and in particular on one P.Joyce, I don't think a risk can be taken here.

CHB - this is the real conundrum I feel and being a realist I think BJP will line out here - he played well during the league and I feel he will more comfortbale here than any of the other 13 positions he's played in previously. I think it will be Enda Dev and Gardener on each wing but have doubts about the strength of this line as a whole to be honest, thank God Donnellan isn't around

MF - DB and Pat Harte,I'd love to see Heaney here and release Harte to No. 10 but as above he's needed to mind the house. DB needs to get a couple of top level games under his belt asap.

CHF & FF - We could see Ger Brady and Kevin O'Neill playing an interchanging role here, not sure who'll start where but won't be surprised to see them swop around a couple of times throughout the game (unless one stays in to occupy a two man FF line with C. Mort).
If T. Mort is fit than all that goes out the window, I would suspect if T. Mort is too start than it will be GB on the 40,with Dillon & Kilcoyne on the wings and O'Neill, and the two Morts in the inside forward line.

There's me tuppence worth for now anyway, with Johnno we'll never quite know what stunt might be pulled, Trev Mort in Full back anyone? ;D


I heard on the radio yesterday that if there is to be a replay it will be held on the following Saturday in the middle of the election count. Can't you just see this happening?

You heard it here first!!!


You could certainly see that happening.

Don't know what the mad rush is - a two week break would be sensible especially since the loser will not play until the first week of July and the winners play Leitrim around 24/25 June. It would have made more sense to hold this game back for another two weeks in the first place.

And there is a draw due....


I think a draw would be good for both teams, would certainly help us giving the likes of DB and Trevor more game time. Will be very tight so who knows maybe it will take another day in Castlebar to sort things out. I'd nearly take that given our record in Salthill!!


Possible team for Sunday (based on rumour and hearsay)

Doherty (though King may step in if Doherty's injury hasn't cleared up)

D Burke

D Meehan
N Coyne (Blake very doubtful from what I hear)
M Comer (though Sice, my preference, may get the nod)


N Coleman
F Breathnach
N Joyce
(Ja to be sprung; very bad half-forward line)

P Joyce
C Bane

Again rumour has it that Bane will be picked ahead of M Meehan on training form, though how anyone with any sense or knowledge of Galway football could think Bane is somehow better than Meehan baffles belief.

So there you have it; backs not bad, particularly if a fit Blake could start with Coyne moving sideways. Midfield very dodgy, though if they could distribute the ball as soon as they win possession the weaknesses could be off-set somewhat. Forwards so bad they could actually mither the opposition to defeat. N Joyce, Breathnach, Bane (and Coleman to an extent) have yet to show they have what it takes in c'ship fare.


Quote from: Barney on May 15, 2007, 09:46:17 AM
You could certainly see that happening.

Don't know what the mad rush is - a two week break would be sensible especially since the loser will not play until the first week of July and the winners play Leitrim around 24/25 June. It would have made more sense to hold this game back for another two weeks in the first place.

And there is a draw due....

Id say they are conscious of club fixtures so they will play the games a week after, if its a draw.
The club calender is tight enough and if two more weekends were lost there would be uproar.

Welcome back Barney,
How is the campaign going?   :P ;D ;)  :D

Msgr. Horan

All we can base our predictions on really is the game the last day in Croke Park. Mayo were exposed in the half back line and midfield, however they improved in the final in midfield and argubaly came out on top against Donegal. The half back line didnt improve however. If Mayo give Galway as many chances as they did in Croker then unfortunatley I predict a 4-5 point win for Galway. If somehow (and I cant see how) our half backline improves immeasurably then it'll be too close to call. Heaney has to go on Joyce. He'll be a loss out the field but I'd rather that then seeing Joyce bagging 1-5 or something.


based on my previously impeccable prediction record. ill have to go for mayo by 6 to 7 points. Mayos continually under performance against galway is a worry and should keep the score to that. At the moment galway are just not 'up there' and mayo realisticly should not have a problem with them.
almost all Galways  new introductions in the last few years have fallen well short of the men they replaced  which sees them going back to the padraic Joyces savages and Ja fallon and even Nicky Joyce a man with a great future behind him. M meehan has never played well against Mayo and sean aemstrong who like so many of mayos failures looked such a class underage player seems to have let it slip.
Donnellan is the one man who could really make a difference but as stephnhite say thank God he  isn't around. Maybe he was expecting to be asked to wi the family seat back
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


Quote from: mouview on May 15, 2007, 10:29:46 AM
Again rumour has it that Bane will be picked ahead of M Meehan on training form, though how anyone with any sense or knowledge of Galway football could think Bane is somehow better than Meehan baffles belief.

Thats a bit ridiculous alright. Meehan didnt play senior league last week and is only doing light training, no word of it in the media however. If he is fit there is no doubt but he will start.


Ros, since we keep underperforming against Galway, why do you think we'll win by 6 or 7 pts??


Quote from: Farrandeelin on May 14, 2007, 05:41:00 PM
Like ildanach I don't think I'll be able to go cos of exams in Dublin on Monday. If the stadium was built nearer the city it'd be no problem. Funny the last time, we got away handy and were home at a reasonable time in the evening.
Must be mixxing me up with someone else. I will definately be in attendance god willing. For my 2 cent worth i have changed my mind with team lineout since the first page of the thread and some of the reports i have heard from the challenge games (unfortunately i was not able to attend them)
Would like to see Heaney on the edge of the square with perhaps kilcullen moving to midfield with brady. Harte to wing forward. Andy Moran at centre and dillion beside him, With A full Forward line of the 2 Morts and ONeill. BJP did not have a good game against galway in the league semi but it was more his distribution that let him down not his marking and reading of the game, so i would stick with him in the centre. I think this is going to be a close affair but I fancy mayo by 1 or 2 to take it.
Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.


This is a very tight one to call and it's also very hard to predict how both sides will line out.
If I was O'Mahoney I'd put Heaney on Joyce or if he was willing to move O'Malley in from the corner I'd put O'Malley on him as he looks a fine defender.
Heaney has done quite well on Joyce over the years, though Padraig has played well himself a number of times against Mayo.
From a Galway point of view I'd be delighted to see Kilcullen at full back as I think Padraig could roast him.

The form of Mikey Meehan is one of my biggest worries for Sunday though. He's failed to get on the scoresheet since coming back into the team towards the end of the league and has missed Galway's most recent challenge matches as well as the first 2 rounds of the club senior league through injury.
It's plainly obvious that playing in the corner doesn't suit him.He's not the quickest and a central position would suit him much more.He tends to get bottled up a bit when played in the corner. If Joyce drifts during the game as he tends to do then they should immediately put Mikey in at full forward. He would be much more of a threat from there than stuck out in the corner.

By my reckoning the goalie and 5 of the backs are certs(Doherty, Fitzy,Hanly,Damo Burke in fb line & Dec Meehan and Coyne in hb line).
Bergin is a cert at midfield while the 2 Joyces, Mike Meehan and Bane are certain to start up front.

Blake and Coleman are also certs to start in my book. The only question is where. I'd have Blake at number 6, but it's possible he'll be named at midfield again.
Coleman will start either at midfield or wing forward to help out midfield.
That leaves Comer & Sice to fight out for a wing back spot if Blake is started at midfield.
If Blake is at no.6 then Cullinane, Ja or Coleman will start at midfield.

The remaining forward places will be between Ja,Savo,Matt Clancy and Fiachra Breathnach (assuming Armstrong is out through injury).

For what it's worth my team would be...
Hanley (I have my doubts about Finian though)
D Burke
Meehan (to move to 14 when Joyce moves out)
P Joyce
N Joyce

I'm still unsure about that team I've named above though as the half forward line lacks something.


It is nearly impossible to call this one indeed. Everything needs to be taken into consideration including the weather.

The weather on Saturday is promised Cool and breezy, with sunshine and heavy or thundery showers, and blustery west to northwest winds.

That will make for a wet surface id say although it could dry in the morning and early afternoon because if im not mistaken the throw-in is at 4pm

There is no forecast for Sunday yet as such but it is expected to be Partly Cloudy with 20% chance of rain in a cool 13.8 ºC

I would say wet conditions would suit Galway better than Mayo but the rain could hold off.... fingers crossed  :-\