2015 Laois Senior Hurling

Started by redsetanta, February 13, 2015, 12:55:38 PM

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Just heard that. What's the story there???
The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. VinceLombardi

Jimmy P

Matthew Whelan played a club game Monday night apparently. Absolutely criminal behaviour from a supposed senior member of the panel. We have lost a supreme Laois hurling man in Cheddar if this situation cannot be rectified

Two Hands FFS

In Antrim players can't play for their clubs 10 days before a championship match. Although not knowing the ins & outs of the story, I say fair play to Whelan. Clubs are being dictated by County managers. County managers don't own these players. They are club players representing their county. I wish our own players would stand up to county managers who threaten to throw them off county panels if they play for their clubs.

Jimmy P

Perhaps if it was a league game for the club but to do what he has done for a practise game? 2 weeks before the biggest game of the year for Laois? Pure stupidity if you ask me.


i agree with  Two Hands, how do they get to play with their county by hurling with their club first. kilkenny hurl club championship games during the summer and it has done them no harm over the last 125 years.


Whether the rules are right or wrong it doesnt matter, the rules were not obeyed.

We will not fully appreciate what chedder has done in the last 3 years for this county until he is gone.

Jimmy P

Obviously players graduate to county panels on the back of their club form but they knew what was required of them and we are not in Kilkenny or Antrim. Cheddar has his system and right or wrong that is what is in place for the entire panel. Whelan and Jim Fitzpatrick completely went against this.

I agree that clubs should have access to their players more but was 13 days before a HUGE fixture against Offaly the best time to be playing a practise match with your club? Definitely not.

Where we go from here is anyone's guess. I cant imagine this was an isolated incident as Cheddar has invested way too much in the set-up to simply walk away over one breach perhaps this has being coming? Who knows at this stage


I cant help but agree with Jimmy point that this wasnt an isolated incident.

After Chedder fought tooth and nail to get us the professional set up a senior inter county team deserves , to get everyone on board  and invest so much of himself in this project for him to walk away 10 days before IMO the defining match of his reign is inexplicable but if he is gone he is gone so we need to regain focus on the Offaly match.


The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. VinceLombardi


Quite shocked to hear about this and even more shocked to hear of the player involved.  Heartbreaking for Cheddar to have given so much and get a slap in the face like this.  He wouldn't strike me as the kind of man to go back on a decision either, even if I dearly hope I'm wrong on that count.  Laois have moved out in betting terms in the mean time and justifiably so, but I don't think the Laois panel will implode just yet either, they will still want to do it for Cheddar even more now I'd say.


What is it with us in Laois and the self destruct button.

Cheddar must feel very let down by this alright considering the time, money and effort he has put in over the past 3 years. Hopefully the player involved is very contrite and apologies for his actions rightly or wrongly.

It would be a terrible wasy for Cheddars time to end.

As usual we will be looked at from outside as the county that self implodes when things are looking up.

I for one hope that Cheddar is back with the panel this weekend and that the players stand by him. We are far from perfect at the moment but we're a damn sight better off since he took over.
The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. VinceLombardi


Bad enough the senior players hurling but the county u 21 corner back and the county minors played in the practice match too the whole club should be suspended


What a disaster!

I'm not connected with anyone close to the setup but it's hard to believe that it all came down to players playing in a practice match. My own view from the Westmeath match was that a lot of the players didn't seem to have the high motivation levels that are needed to beat the likes of Offaly. I just wonder was there more stuff going on the background. Hard to believe that a man like Cheddar could not find a way to deal with the indiscipline in a way that had the least effect on the rest of the panel.

I feel very sorry for him. He's a credit to himself and his county and I have no doubt the rest of the panel would have him back in a hearbeat.


Giovanni its amazing as we all know, what we do in the heat of the moment and I will not believe that there was more going on ,we were as frustrated as Cheddar looking at them hurl this year but I know personally what some of those lads have given up,including the players involved in the practice match its such a pity ,as some of them are finished this year  as  was Cheddar I believe, so we are trying to teach our children  to shake hands and make up and this is a time for that , I  hope it will happen.


No doubt he's a passionate man (which was badly needed in the hurling set up) and maybe he just made a snap decision. Undoubtedly, he would have been pissed off by what might be called disloyalty to him and the panel, especially after everything he has done for the individual members of the set up. As you said, there may also have been some frustration building up at the performance levels, despite all the hard work that was being done. At the same time, without knowing him, he never struck me as a "snap decision" man. I can't believe that it's all about a club practice match - he's put too much into it to let something like that make up his mind. I believe there's a Facebook campaign to get him back and I hope he might reconsider.