auschwitz day jews. v nazis

Started by lawnseed, January 27, 2015, 12:20:51 PM

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Quote from: seafoid on January 27, 2015, 07:19:53 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on January 27, 2015, 05:51:27 PM
When I saw the thread title I feared the worst but I'm glad to see lots of intelligent discussion here.

I visited Auschwitz myself a few years ago and it will stay with me forever. I'm glad I went but it was truly, truly awful. Really brings the horror of the whole thing home.
All the major death camps were on Slav territory in the East. Not in occupied France. The Nazis saw Slavs as vermin and the favour was returned in 1945. 
France was far more civilised. the Nazis had standards in Western Europe, except in the Netherlands where they murdered most of the Jews.
Belzec and Majdanek were probably worse than Auschwitz but the Nazis destroyed them before the Red Army arrived.

Yes. WWII was ultimately about racism. The Nazi regime was dedicated to the propagation of Aryan ideals, uber menschen. Slavic peoples to the east were sub-human and to be eliminated, enslaved or banished beyond the Urals, while new Germany would use all occupied land in between as room for national expansion. By and large they had no quarrel with nations to the west, and some regime leaders probably had a sneaking regard for Britain and it's then empirical structure. You'd often wonder how would the map of Europe look today had Britain and France not signed a pact with Poland.

This always touches;


This opening post has to be the worst thing I have ever read in my life I am glad people have reied to this. How can innocent Jewish people be responsible for the crimes that are happening upon the Palestinian people today? I normally am a joker on most posts, but this has severely sobered me. law seed throughout your posts on this forum you have supported Republican/socialist values; what you said flies in the face of your 'said' beliefs. How can the deaths of 6 million people so callously killed not touch your soul. Leave out Palestine for a minute. I am a huge supporter of The Palestinian people but this does not make me see what the Nazis did was horrendous.

I will leave you with this..... International communist/pro Palestinian siger/songwriter, David Rovics is my most favourite artist. He has wrote and recorded many songs about the suffering of minority people everywhere in the world, including a song about Francis Hughes ( named- Up the Provos). He wrote a song about the Jewish uprising in Warsaw. It tells the story of the minority oppressed people who fought back for three weeks against the Nazis. Here is the link. I would suggest you all listen to it.........   


Where would Stalin clock up in the genocide dept, by all accounts he was as bad as hitler even before WW2 kicked off, due to the aftermath of WW2 and the Iron Curtain no-one knows for sure the carnage he caused in the following years


Quote from: Wildweasel74 on January 28, 2015, 12:11:50 AM
Where would Stalin clock up in the genocide dept, by all accounts he was as bad as hitler even before WW2 kicked off, due to the aftermath of WW2 and the Iron Curtain no-one knows for sure the carnage he caused in the following years

Stalin was no communist. Very blood thirsty. Check out 'the purges' that got him to ultimate power


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Call me what you want, but I just don't buy all the hype around these camps. Hitler gets syphilis from a Jewish prozzie and gasses millions? Don't make me laugh.

Jews were banned in Britain until King Billy invited them in. Because they had the money to fund his wars. No country trusted them, not just Hitler. Considering their antics, that's understandable.

The 6 million Jews figure was decided even before the war. It says it all when in some countries if you deny 6 million Jews died, you can be jailed. Why so touchy, eh? Says it all.


I think the OP is a clumsily worded attempt to draw a parallel between the holocaust during WWII and the current one that's been going on in Palestine ever since. Personally I find it sad that a people who were on the receiving end of one of the most shocking acts of mass murder in the twentieth century ended up turning into the same kind of monster that persecuted them. It's like how child abuse echoes through generations. Abusers were often abused themselves as children and it damages them mentally.

Look at the blood libel and the protocols of the elders of Zion. Then look at the reports of "human shields" in Gaza and the idea that the Palestinians want all Jews dead. These anti-Arab ideas are as widely accepted in respectable western circles today as the anti-semitic stuff was a hundred years ago. I look at the way Palestinians are portrayed in political cartoons today and cannot help but be reminded of the way Jews were portrayed in German papers in the 1930s.

Someone mentioned that the Germans of today, Merkel et al, should not be in charge of Europe because of WWII.  I disagree. Modern Germany is a progressive, peaceful country. I'd like to think that people wouldn't judge the Ireland of today based on the Ireland of the 1950s, so I don't see why Germany should keep hanging its head in shame in all perpetuity over a chain of events that ultimately began in the nineteenth century. We don't seem to feel the same about Japan, another advanced peaceful country full of the most polite and inoffensive people you've ever met. Their neighbors probably feel different though.

On Hitler, there are nutjobs like him all the time and most of them end up staying in obscurity unless they live in America where you have a constitutionally protected right to acquire the mess to shoot up your school. The reason Hitler became so dangerous is because he was in the right place at the right time. He was a sociopath to begin with, completely lacking in empathy. He'd gotten the upbringing that taught him to hate Jews. He'd gotten desensitized to mass slaughter by his time in the trenches of WWI, and he survived the ordeal. He was rejected in his efforts to get into art school, which further fueled his resentment. He was as enraged as a lot of others about the central powers' treatment at the hands of the Treaty of Versailles. He got some practice at speaking at political meetings, and honed his oratory skills when he saw that his words were getting some people's attention. The ideas he espoused so eloquently tapped into a lot of ideas that were popular at the time, and hatred and anger are very easy emotions to exploit. He copied the "branding" and "marketing" tactics that had been perfected by the communists.

So was he alone responsible? Absolutely not. He just tapped into the zeitgeist. But what caused the zeitgeist? The pre-existing culture of anti-semitism mixed with the austerity of war reparations. There was also an absence of a lot of the international diplomatic bureaucracy that we take for granted today, so there weren't as many channels for settling international disputes peacefully. Germany and Austria were perfect breeding grounds for extremists.  This is why the "bomb bomb bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran" crowd makes me so nervous.

The lesson which I hope we've all learned is that when a foe is defeated in war, there's no point in going on defeating them for all eternity. That's why there was no second Treaty of Versailles or post-war humiliation of the axis powers. Germany, Italy and Japan were to be re-built and their economies gotten back into business as a matter of priority. If only the same wisdom had prevailed after the Six Day War, or other conflicts for that matter.


The original post is sad and pathetic, wind up or not you should be ashamed of yourself. It begs the question does anyone police this board?

The victims of the Holocaust and the state of Isreal are completely unrelated, any attempt to link the two is nothing short of delusional.

Hang your head in shame lawnseed along with the rest of humanity for the fact that we are capable of such things.


Michael Rosen
April 22, 2014 •

I sometimes fear that people think that fascism arrives in fancy dress worn by grotesques and monsters as played out in endless re-runs of the Nazis. Fascism arrives as your friend. It will restore your honour, make you feel proud, protect your house, give you a job, clean up the neighbourhood, remind you of how great you once were, clear out the venal and the corrupt, remove anything you feel is unlike you...It doesn't walk in saying, "Our programme means militias, mass imprisonments, transportations, war and persecution."


Quote from: omaghjoe on January 28, 2015, 04:50:03 AM
The original post is sad and pathetic, wind up or not you should be ashamed of yourself. It begs the question does anyone police this board?
The victims of the Holocaust and the state of Isreal are completely unrelated, any attempt to link the two is nothing short of delusional.
Hang your head in shame lawnseed along with the rest of humanity for the fact that we are capable of such things.

The victims of the Holocaust had nothing to do with Israel , Joe, but to say they are unrelated to Israel's framing of its conflict with the Palestinians is not correct.

Shabtai Teveth was the official biographer of David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister's and he wrote
'If there was a line in Ben-Gurion's mind between the beneficial disaster and an all-destroying catastrophe, it must have been a very fine one.'

The Holocaust industry is very real- it's the reason Israel is above international law.
Maybe Lawnseed was not particularly eloquent in the first post but he's hardly responsible for the evil in humanity.

Wars, even small local ones, lead to morality being suspended and the weakest targeted

WW2 didn't end on 8 august 1945 either. Germans were being murdered well into 1947 and over 2.5 million died after the official end of the war.

That's why Germany is so anti war now and England isn't. Germans lived total war right to its logical conclusion.   
The Allies weren't a whole lot better than the Axis.

A lot has been written about World War II, and some has even been written about the aftermath regarding the development of the Cold War. However, there is not a lot of published information giving an overall view of the occupation of Germany and the development of the divided country that lasted for 40 years. After the Reich, by Giles MacDonogh, rectifies that fact. It is heavily sourced, examining individual accounts as well as publications covering certain aspects of the occupation to give a broad overview of the horrors that developed and the neglect and outright savagery that caused the deaths of huge numbers of Germans in the aftermath of the war. MacDonogh gives a vivid yet very depressing picture showing that inhumanity was not limited to the Nazis.


Great post there Eamonca1.

A lot of other posts are just depressing, few people need to do some reading up and generally open their tiny minds.


Humanity can be really depressing

"TEL AVIV, Israel — Hadasa Hershkovichi fled to Israel in search of a home after the Nazis murdered her entire family. "But while million-dollar apartments pop up throughout her Tel Aviv neighborhood, Hershkovichi lives in a shack originally built as a laundry room on the roof of a five-story building. "The cold winter wind is coming in through the windows so I shove newspapers around the edges to stop the wind coming in," said the Romanian-born Hershkovichi, who suffers from a combination of ailments that make it very hard for her to climb the stairs to her tiny apartment. "This is not the way for a human being to live," the 80-year-old said. "I only have a few more years to live and I want a proper home." "Hershkovichi is one of 190,000 Holocaust survivors residing in Israel today. She is also one of the 50,000 estimated to live below the poverty line, according to the Association for Immediate Help for Holocaust Survivors. Israel classifies a person as poor if they survive on around $600 or less a month. "I'm ashamed, I want to cry but crying doesn't help," Susan Rotem, a volunteer with the Association for Immediate Help for Holocaust Survivors, told NBC News. "It's hard to be old but it's very hard to be old, sick and lonely."


Quote from: muppet on January 28, 2015, 08:31:15 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 28, 2015, 04:15:46 AM
Look at the blood libel and the protocols of the elders of Zion.

Are you serious? Or are you deliberately just trying to incite the incredibly stupid or naive?

Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 28, 2015, 04:15:46 AM

Look at the blood libel and the protocols of the elders of Zion. Then look at the reports of "human shields" in Gaza and the idea that the Palestinians want all Jews dead. These anti-Arab ideas are as widely accepted in respectable western circles today as the anti-semitic stuff was a hundred years ago. I look at the way Palestinians are portrayed in political cartoons today and cannot help but be reminded of the way Jews were portrayed in German papers in the 1930s.

I'm sure Eamon will be able to speak for himself, but I think the point he was trying to get across that misinformation and downright lies were being propagated by the anti-Semites and Nazi's to portray the Jews as something sub human, akin to some of the propaganda put out by Tel Aviv in relation to the Palestinians using their children as shields etc, etc, so somehow lessening their extermination.
The very same tactic was used by the Rev Ian, so we should be well used to it by now.   


Quote from: muppet on January 28, 2015, 08:31:15 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on January 28, 2015, 04:15:46 AM
Look at the blood libel and the protocols of the elders of Zion.

Are you serious? Or are you deliberately just trying to incite the incredibly stupid or naive?

Jesus calm down and read the whole f**king paragraph. It's clearly obvious that he's comparing pieces of propaganda. People love searching for something to upset them in posts on this forum.
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