Gregory Campbell pronounces Go raibh Maith agat,as Curry my yoghurt?

Started by T Fearon, November 03, 2014, 06:25:22 PM

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Quote from: T Fearon on November 23, 2014, 09:13:37 PM
Gallsman I can vouch for that.100% true as I'm involved on the periphery.A lot of what goes on in public is set up with feigned insult and injury given and taken.The real joke is that many (just as evidenced by this thread) take it seriously

Right so these elected representatives are playing a game of shadow insults to achieve what goal?

T Fearon


Ironic that this debate is all about culture. If there's one thing that has culture, it's yogurt.

There's surely profit to be made from all this. If I was one of the bosses at Campbell's soups, I'd be making sure we put out a new line of yogurts with the bould Gregory's face on them.

Campbell's Yogurts (Curry, Orange and Lemon (twice as bitter) flavours) would be sure to be a big seller with Unionists.

Campbell's Extra Thick Yogurts could be a hit with Nationalists.


A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


That Campbell was talking about curry and yoghurt shows the increasing sophistication of the bigot palate.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B



1690 new jobs for Limavady as DUP'S Gregory Campbell opens curry yogurt factory

Sammy Mahood,  the Portrush Prospectus, November 24th, 2014

What started out as a joke has turned into a massive jobs boost for a County Londondree town. Northern Ireland Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure, the DUP's Gregory Campbell, has announced the creation of 1,690 jobs at a new yogurt factory. Campbell's Foods is to introduce a new range of yogurts by popular demand after a huge reaction to the Minister's "curry my yogurt" comment in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

"It started out as a joke, I admit", said Campbell. "But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. People love curry, and they love yogurt. But up to now, they've always been separate. So I thought to myself, why not bring them together in a tasty union?"

"If there' s one thing I'm all about, it's culture", continued Campbell. " And if there's one thing that has culture in it, it's yogurt. I mean Ambrosia already make rice pudding so I can't see why curry yogurt won't work. "

Campbell is optimistic that his new product has a very bright future. "In time I think it may come to be recognised as an Ulster delicacy, and perhaps become a symbol of Northern Irish cuisine in the same way the Ulster Fry has, although hopefully it'll be much less likely to give you a heart attack."

"But we won't restrict ourselves to curry yogurt of course. We'll also be introducing a Red, White and Blueberry (strawberry, vanilla and blueberry) flavour, Orange, obviously (laughs) and Lemon Sorbet - twice as bitter and extra thick - I've already wound up Jim Allister about him being the inspiration for that one!"

Sinn Fein objected to Campbell's remark as "disrespectful to the Irish language". But Campbell was defiant. "They're only a shower of Yops. But we don't want them to feel left out. We want to offer something for everybody. That's why we'll also be launching flavours for Republicans, such as "Tiocfaidh Ar Lime", "Up the RAspberry" and "Cherry Adams". And for all those who love their stout, there will be a McGuinness flavour."

"Nelson McCausland, Edwin Poots and Iris Robinson were a great help during the testing process. Iris particularly likes the Cherry Adams flavour. She couldn't get enough of it - I actually had to stop her in the corridor at Stormont when she came in for a test taste last week to tell her there was yogurt dribbling down her chin. That also reminds me of an unfortunate incident with our former member Paul Berry a few years ago, although we won't say anything about that."

"I'll be bringing in a free box of yogurts into the Assembly tomorrow for everybody in Sinn Fein. I just hope they'll be able to respect my culture."

But controversy has abounded after a planned "Fudge Sundae" flavour was vetoed by Campbell on the basis that "it would promote homosexual behaviour on the Lord's day". Gay rights campaigners have launched a lawsuit claiming Campbell's decision breaches new equality legislation.


Gregory Campbell may be on to something. When I was in India, a local brought me to a sort of dessert place where many of the dishes were a sort of sweet curried yoghurt, a feature of Indian cuisine that hasn't made it over here.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


After receiving a death threat this morning Gregory now the sympathy vote and the heat is taken off him. Thanks to the clown who issued the death threat.... NOT!
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Quote from: Orior on November 24, 2014, 10:50:50 AM
After receiving a death threat this morning Gregory now the sympathy vote and the heat is taken off him. Thanks to the clown who issued the death threat.... NOT!

He's obviously been watching the politicians in the south take the heat off themselves by claiming the same. The call was probably made at the nearest phonebox to his house by himself to himself.

Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie

Aristo 60

Aye and he probably made sure to let the answering machine take the call  - for evidential purposes!

Denn Forever

I wonder how  he might pronounce  other Thank You from Britain?

Welsh - Diolch i chi

Scottish Gaelic - Tapadh leat/leibh
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


Say nothing as long as the brit taxpayer keeps sending on the cheques to keep the place going im gonna keep saying curry ma yougart.. Infact they should work harder and send more..
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Gerry the gift that keeps on giving...using foul language to describe unionists, taking the heat of Gregory Campbell. On top of his recent handling of sex abuse claims. Poor John O'Dowd having to take the heat. Time he was gone.