Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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Quote from: Lecale Gael on June 25, 2016, 09:09:43 PM
Quote from: imagine on June 25, 2016, 09:28:28 AM
Quote from: Lecale Gael on June 24, 2016, 11:53:46 PM
Quote from: imagine on June 24, 2016, 03:04:27 PM
Quote from: Lecale Gael on June 24, 2016, 11:41:41 AM
Quote from: imagine on June 24, 2016, 12:44:24 AM
Quote from: Lecale Gael on June 23, 2016, 04:14:27 PM
Quote from: Brick Tamlin on June 22, 2016, 12:30:38 PM
Who writes this guff.
A county full of turd-polishers.

Will it be on sky sports?

when you ask smart questions like that you will understand why others avoid WUM like yourself
LG, you're a WUM more like and also a W-er for your sly dig at St Pauls and you're promotion of a 2-bit excuse for a Competition and having the stupidity for printing on this forum sh-te such as "coming to the County ground to do battle" Catch yourself on.

st pauls ? where have I mentioned st pauls in any of my previous posts. think you have me confused with someone else  ;)
I'm getting you mixed up with the clutch-you're probably be the same person.

Yeah you have so get your facts right before making a c-nt of yourself.
An apology would be in order not a further unfounded statement.
See you tomorrow at the blockbuster Bouts that are the gladiatorial Centenary Finals.

i'll not be there. in Lyon  ;D
So you're a soccer head?


The 1st half performance today wasthe worst I've ever seen from any team. They couldn't do anything right .
Only for longford poor defence although not as poor as ours it would not have been a contest.  Giving Brian Kavanagh chance after chance from frees is idiotic he is a top quality forward think he got 9 or 10 today. The last year has been bleak and to be honest thankfully it's over for another year. 20 euro 16 gbp was extortion in to watch that rubbish was the stink of slurry in the air any reflection on the football.
Sack the entire county board and take it from there.

Mourne Rover

The most frustrating aspect of today's debacle was that we all saw it coming but our county executive, who are responsible for all the managerial arrivals and departures, failed in almost all of their duties. Although McCorry may have been a handful to deal with, he was a heavyweight with a proven track record and replacing him should only have been an option if we had a suitably qualified alternative. Burns was a very fine footballer but his coaching experience was limited and it was totally unfair to ask him to take on the role in almost impossible circumstances.

He probably agreed through a sense of responsibility and a narrow win today followed by a respectable defeat in the next round would have allowed him to stand down with some dignity. Unfortunately, we need to remember his outstanding displays in two All Ireland victories and quietly put his term as manager to one side.

The few positives today were Reid, who may not have been flawless but is capable of developing into the sort of keeper required in the modern game, Turley for giving his all, Mallon who made mistakes but took some fine scores and O'Hare who could start for any Ulster county.

Our full back line was ordinary at best but it was verging on the astonishing that a half back unit which disintegrated in Clones was sent out again unchanged and it is probably best not to dwell on their individual contributions.

While our captain is a talented player, he is not a captain and taking him off when the contest was in the balance and sending him on again in extra time to zero effect summed up the lack of basic insight on the sideline.

He will be back but we need to thank Carr and Poland, two heroes going back to a side which should have won the 2005 u21 AI, for their brilliant efforts in the past and move on.

It is almost impossible to understand how Davidson could be brought into the squad at such a late stage and not given even a couple of minutes late on when our season depended on a score or two and defenders were introduced instead.

We may have a squad which is not really up to the mark but we must surely be capable of better than we witnessed today. If we do not wish to repeat the experience, change from top to bottom is essential.

cut the crap

Having read all the posts after the defeat , I'm calling for an open meeting with one item on the clar , a vote of no confidence in the executive and the resignation of Sean og our highly paid full time secretary. I would go direct to Croke park for his removal if he fails to resign.
Commentar on Donegal v Monaghan mentioned that Monaghan were going for 6 succession Ulster final appearances , well behind the record held by Down , which is 12 having won 10 of them.
How have we fallen so far ? Other counties have used our past success as a blue print for their success
it's now time that we get someone who can put us back on track, that person is definitely not Sean og McAteer, his tenure has been littered with disaster after disaster, if I'm wrong please come back and tell me different and give me a reason why he should stay.


Not having a go at Eamon but could sonebody name the men who appointed him?


As an outsider with a healthy respect for Down football can someone tell me why no manager with the right credentials wants to manage Down at the minute?

The Down Way

To be honest I planned to have a good rant regarding the county board and one man in particular but it looks like the message is finally getting through. Walking up the Point Rd yesterday evening there was only one topic of conversation #SackChuckyNed.

Sean we all know you read these boards regularly and so too do the nodding dogs you have surrounded yourself with. Collectively you have ruined our county, we are financially, ethically and indeed morally bankrupt. You have to go. GO NOW.

For once we managed to get to a game in Clones in good time, it's hard to get everyone ready for an early start, but we were all looking forward to a good game of football on a cracking day, for once as season ticket holders we were glad not to be sitting in the Geriatric Stand. We made our usual visit to the Paragon for a pint before heading down to the Creighton for lunch and another pint. But something was missing, there were no Down people there, we were outnumbered by about 8 to 1. Lunch was bogging.
Our three boys didn't go, no interest. Work, university and life all come before the football now, but very few of the old friends go now either, they are sick of paying good money to watch utter, utter shite. Our best players simply don't want to play, some of them weren't even invited on to the panel and others can make a living betting against us. I did intend putting a bet on Down not winning a game in 2016, I knew we would struggle in the league, but you always hope that on a dry day in the summer we could roll back the years, a run in the qualifiers and defeat to one of the bigger teams. A man can dream.

For the first time ever I left Clones early, very early in fact. As soon as Monaghan scored their first goal. I stayed to the bitter end in Wexford last year and wherever we lost the year before. The defeats don't stand out anymore, the rare victories still do. On the way out I spoke to an Ulster council official, a Tyrone man. He asked what was so wrong in Down and why was our county secretary always on the field with the team, before I could even think of an excuse for your presence on a football field and that is what's needed for your continued presence the Tyrone man said Mickey Harte wouldn't put up with that, but in truth no one would. So why do we? As a friend says, he didn't even do PE at school, he knows nothing about football.

I don't have the answers to all that is wrong in Down, but I am not paid to. I pay my money and follow my team through thick and thin, good times and bad. We book hotels as soon as draws are made and fixtures are announced. You always hope for a nice away fixture in Kerry late in the league. Galway is nice too, but they always bring us to Tuam at the last minute and we inevitably lose. Maybe our county secretary could look into it.
Change is needed and change is needed now. We have to go to our clubs and demand it. I felt so strongly about it that I was going to have a banner made "#SackChuckyNed" and place it on the terrace on the town side of the Marshes, but you would probably have one of your gobshites remove it, you know the nodding dogs I mean, Rooney or Cahill or whoever is stroking your ego at the minute.
Our clubs have to take Down football back.

I did say this wouldn't be a rant, so I'll keep it short  ;) We all remember 91 it was the greatest footballing day in our lifetime. Two things stand out for me after all these years. The great Ambrose coming on late in the game and the lift it gave both the team and the crowd, but before that Eamon Burns scored a great point, Meath were on the ascendancy and Burns was inspirational. He steadied the ship. 25 years later Eamon came back in and tried to steady the ship once again. I would personally like to thank Eamon, his back room team and the squad for their efforts. They give their time freely and put their lives on hold with little or no thanks. It is an honour to represent your county. An honour that I never achieved. Change is needed. On the field and off it. Football and hurling. #SackSeanOg #SackChuckyNed


these guys will simply shrug their shoulders and say "Not my fault" and attempt to carry on with their own self importance -they have no regard for the heart of DOWN, i sat in the stand yesterday and heard a small child say "Come on Down do better"

Corner Forward

The personal abuse certain people are getting on this board is a complete disgrace. Many of these men and women give their time freely to try and better Down in all codes. Yes they make mistakes and with the beauty of hindsight would do things differently. Maybe some of those posters calling for the removal of the County Executive may put themselves forward at convention to replace them if they feel they could do a better job. Stop whinging from behind your keyboards and do something productive to better our county.


Quote from: The Down Way on June 26, 2016, 10:23:42 AM
To be honest I planned to have a good rant regarding the county board and one man in particular but it looks like the message is finally getting through. Walking up the Point Rd yesterday evening there was only one topic of conversation #SackChuckyNed.

Sean we all know you read these boards regularly and so too do the nodding dogs you have surrounded yourself with. Collectively you have ruined our county, we are financially, ethically and indeed morally bankrupt. You have to go. GO NOW.

For once we managed to get to a game in Clones in good time, it's hard to get everyone ready for an early start, but we were all looking forward to a good game of football on a cracking day, for once as season ticket holders we were glad not to be sitting in the Geriatric Stand. We made our usual visit to the Paragon for a pint before heading down to the Creighton for lunch and another pint. But something was missing, there were no Down people there, we were outnumbered by about 8 to 1. Lunch was bogging.
Our three boys didn't go, no interest. Work, university and life all come before the football now, but very few of the old friends go now either, they are sick of paying good money to watch utter, utter shite. Our best players simply don't want to play, some of them weren't even invited on to the panel and others can make a living betting against us. I did intend putting a bet on Down not winning a game in 2016, I knew we would struggle in the league, but you always hope that on a dry day in the summer we could roll back the years, a run in the qualifiers and defeat to one of the bigger teams. A man can dream.

For the first time ever I left Clones early, very early in fact. As soon as Monaghan scored their first goal. I stayed to the bitter end in Wexford last year and wherever we lost the year before. The defeats don't stand out anymore, the rare victories still do. On the way out I spoke to an Ulster council official, a Tyrone man. He asked what was so wrong in Down and why was our county secretary always on the field with the team, before I could even think of an excuse for your presence on a football field and that is what's needed for your continued presence the Tyrone man said Mickey Harte wouldn't put up with that, but in truth no one would. So why do we? As a friend says, he didn't even do PE at school, he knows nothing about football.

I don't have the answers to all that is wrong in Down, but I am not paid to. I pay my money and follow my team through thick and thin, good times and bad. We book hotels as soon as draws are made and fixtures are announced. You always hope for a nice away fixture in Kerry late in the league. Galway is nice too, but they always bring us to Tuam at the last minute and we inevitably lose. Maybe our county secretary could look into it.
Change is needed and change is needed now. We have to go to our clubs and demand it. I felt so strongly about it that I was going to have a banner made "#SackChuckyNed" and place it on the terrace on the town side of the Marshes, but you would probably have one of your gobshites remove it, you know the nodding dogs I mean, Rooney or Cahill or whoever is stroking your ego at the minute.
Our clubs have to take Down football back.

I did say this wouldn't be a rant, so I'll keep it short  ;) We all remember 91 it was the greatest footballing day in our lifetime. Two things stand out for me after all these years. The great Ambrose coming on late in the game and the lift it gave both the team and the crowd, but before that Eamon Burns scored a great point, Meath were on the ascendancy and Burns was inspirational. He steadied the ship. 25 years later Eamon came back in and tried to steady the ship once again. I would personally like to thank Eamon, his back room team and the squad for their efforts. They give their time freely and put their lives on hold with little or no thanks. It is an honour to represent your county. An honour that I never achieved. Change is needed. On the field and off it. Football and hurling. #SackSeanOg #SackChuckyNed
It's no wonder your three boys don't go to matches anymore.If you talk like your write.

The Down Way

Maybe you could give us a few wise words of your own.

The untouchable golden circle of Down football don't have to worry about paying for tickets or travelling to Clones, they travel free on the team bus.

@Corner Forward. You mention the beauty of hindsight, it's true we d all have 20/20 vision with that benefit, but this isn't a one-off event. This has become the norm for Down. We are probably ranked eighth in Ulster with only Antrim below us. The sad thing is we just accept it.

Chucky Ned wasn't fit to run a sweet shop, in front of the dole office in Newry. Yet we have allowed him to bankrupt our county. This shouldn't even be a topic for conversation, he should have been given the road many years ago. One way or the other he goes, he has no dignity we all know that much, he may have to be dragged out, but I can assure you he is no more.


 You're probably on the way to another banning from this Board with your latest username.

one day

I know things are bad, but constantly singling out one man in particular is wrong.
Rome wasn't built in a day.


Quote from: one day on June 26, 2016, 06:24:18 PM
I know things are bad, but constantly singling out one man in particular is wrong.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
under one man's leadership we have seen a generation of mediocrity and underachievement. We haven't won a senior Ulster championship since 1994 for fecks sake, if he's building something he's definitely taking his time. Is there any foundations even built on this 'Rome' project?
nil satis nisi optimum

one day

When did he take up the post?