The Official 2016 US Presidential election thread

Started by Eamonnca1, July 10, 2014, 05:07:57 AM

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whitey all the Republicans wedge issues are manufactured and all the Democrats wedge issues are legitimate??????

You and I know the rape issue is nonsense, but in a GE all types of stuff is dragged up...remember the one about Mitt Romney driving with the Irish Red Setter on the roof of his station wagon.

Bernie is not the most articulate of speakers so I can absolutely see him bumbling his way through that answer!

Oh and one of Hillarys surrogates, David Brock just played the race card attacking Bernies new ad:


Quote from: whitey on January 25, 2016, 10:53:43 PM all the Republicans wedge issues are manufactured and all the Democrats wedge issues are legitimate??????

You and I know the rape issue is nonsense, but in a GE all types of stuff is dragged up...remember the one about Mitt Romney driving with the Irish Red Setter on the roof of his station wagon.

Bernie is not the most articulate of speakers so I can absolutely see him bumbling his way through that answer!

Oh and one of Hillarys surrogates, David Brock just played the race card attacking Bernies new ad:

Not all, of course, but for the most part, IMO, yes.

But I'm perfectly willing to take a look at them one by one over the next while if you like.

Romney's dog was NEVER a serious issue! Not like, say, the 47% gaffe.

But yeah, everything is magnified and "outrage" is the order of the day in a general election.

That's why I'm all in favour of Hillary getting a serious challenge from Sanders. Get all the shite, the hypocrisy, the trying-to-have-it-both-ways etc., out in the open now.

(Brock is a strange one BTW. Was one of the prime attack dogs of the right in the 90s, then saw the error of his ways, did a total about turn and ended up founding Media Matters!)

Its actually similar to the debate among some on the right regarding Ted Cruz's birther "issues". Some reckon, idiotic or not on the part of Trump, that it might be better to actually go ahead and get it tested in the courts NOW, just in case, and rather than have it hanging over them in October or, worse, later. Especially as Cruz himself, being a constitutional originalist, is the type of person who philosophically, if he's consistent, should be questioning his OWN right to run for president. Most other people don't care, but its people like him who make such a song and dance about what the founders meant at the very second they drafted the constitution.


QuoteChomsky said the GOP and its presidential candidates are "literally a serious danger to decent human survival" and cited Republicans' rejection of measures to deal with climate change, which he called a "looming environmental catastrophe."

Chomsky eh?
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


So, lads and lassies, if Bloomberg does throw his hat into the ring, which party is hurt more?  My gut reaction is that the Dems have more to lose.  Business-friendly but socially liberal, he is not well received outside NY, it seems to me, so I think he'd be more likely to poach votes from Clinton and definitely Sanders, and abracadabra, let me introduce to you President Trump or President Cruz.  Horrorshow!


Jesus lads this  Doco on C4 is scary shit!!! The people he's appealing to are basically getting swayed by propaganda and he has yet to set out his vision for America other than 'build a wall' and 'Muslims out'.

The World is cowped if that clown gets elected!


Quote from: Oraisteach on January 26, 2016, 06:05:39 PM
So, lads and lassies, if Bloomberg does throw his hat into the ring, which party is hurt more?  My gut reaction is that the Dems have more to lose.  Business-friendly but socially liberal, he is not well received outside NY, it seems to me, so I think he'd be more likely to poach votes from Clinton and definitely Sanders, and abracadabra, let me introduce to you President Trump or President Cruz.  Horrorshow!

I would agree. All it will take is one mention of supersized soft drinks and the average GOP voter will be up in arms about the nanny state. This despite him being a completely pro-development Wall St dude. I guess he espouses those New York values that Cruz doesn't like!

I thought he did a very good job as mayor of NYC. I actually voted for him, despite the R after his name! :P

No wides

Quote from: screenexile on January 26, 2016, 09:31:39 PM
Jesus lads this  Doco on C4 is scary shit!!! The people he's appealing to are basically getting swayed by propaganda and he has yet to set out his vision for America other than 'build a wall' and 'Muslims out'.

The World is cowped if that clown gets elected!

Yeah but will the people he appeals to vote, even if by some miracle he becomes the republican candidate he will never win, that rape incident must be raised soon.


Quote from: No wides on January 27, 2016, 08:43:30 AM
Quote from: screenexile on January 26, 2016, 09:31:39 PM
Jesus lads this  Doco on C4 is scary shit!!! The people he's appealing to are basically getting swayed by propaganda and he has yet to set out his vision for America other than 'build a wall' and 'Muslims out'.

The World is cowped if that clown gets elected!

Yeah but will the people he appeals to vote, even if by some miracle he becomes the republican candidate he will never win, that rape incident must be raised soon.

It'll get glossed over! He'll call the people who bring it up weak and losers and move on to the next thing as if it never happened!

The Megyn Kelly comment didn't hurt him a bit even with women voters!! It'll be interesting to see how the stand off with Fox News & the Iowa debate plays out. . . it doesn't look like Fox is backing down but can Trump's ego take not being the centre of attention in a debate in Iowa??!!

No wides

The stalking of Selina Scott was outrageous and no matter what that tool Salmond says, he allowed him to run a muck in Scotland.


The kind of mind that is convinced that Hilary and Bill Clinton were involved in the 'murder' of Vince Foster should have no problem hand-waving away Donald Trump's, shall we say, foibles.


I fear that the kind of mind that is attracted to the hateful rhetoric of Trump would find his abuse of his wife not reprehensible but the opposite.


Quote from: Hardy on January 27, 2016, 03:02:23 PM
I fear that the kind of mind that is attracted to the hateful rhetoric of Trump would find his abuse of his wife not reprehensible but the opposite.

Wheres the outrage at Hillary for enabling a serial sexual abuser and sexual predator for decades?

Where's the outrage at Hillary attacking and bellittling his accusers?

Democrats are the biggest fvcking hypocrites in the world.....Ted Kennedy re elected own and time again after leaving a young woman to drown while he slink away into the night to save his skin

Walter Cronc

Quote from: whitey on January 27, 2016, 03:28:06 PM
Quote from: Hardy on January 27, 2016, 03:02:23 PM
I fear that the kind of mind that is attracted to the hateful rhetoric of Trump would find his abuse of his wife not reprehensible but the opposite.

Wheres the outrage at Hillary for enabling a serial sexual abuser and sexual predator for decades?

Where's the outrage at Hillary attacking and bellittling his accusers?

Democrats are the biggest fvcking hypocrites in the world.....Ted Kennedy re elected own and time again after leaving a young woman to drown while he slink away into the night to save his skin

Surely a lesser of two evils Whitey??

Not that I ever would but I assume its the same as voting Labour in England!


Bloomberg would attract moderates form both parties, mainstream Republicans are screaming out for a candidate that is more moderate, they are mostly embarrassed by what has happened to their party. Romney had to go all the way to the right in 2012 to get nominated when he came back to the middle during the election he was made look like a complete hypocrite. Bloomberg as an independent would not have to appeal to the wack jobs on the right.
I am a registered Democrat, Hillary doesn't really appeal to me so if its between Trump, Clinton or Bloomberg I would definitely consider Bloomberg.


I think it's generally accepted that Chappaquiddick harmed Teddy Kennedy's prospects for getting the Democratic nomination, both in 1972 and in 1980. I wonder what would harm Donald Trump's standing among Republicans who are currently planning to vote for him.