The official "I hate sports X, Y and Z" thread

Started by Eamonnca1, November 06, 2013, 06:34:27 PM

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Quote from: gallsman on November 09, 2013, 08:58:53 AM
Sometimes I want to put my foot through the tv when Sky Sports is on. To name a few:

1) A few years ago, on transfer deadline day (A Sky invention - anyone who sits in front of this nonsense for five or six hours is, quite simply, a moron. Apologies to anyone on the board if this applies to you), they broadcast footage of Jim White arriving at the Sky Sports studio getting ready to present his shift on Sky Sports...

2) When Spurs played Milan in the CL a few years ago, their studio was pitchside and Jamie Redknapp was a pundit. 'Arry landed in after the match and instead of doing match analysis, they just had a big love in.

3) Any time 'Arry gives an interview through a car window.

4) Georgie Thompson was presenting her last shift on SSN. Before moving to another Sky Sports channel. 'Arry just "happened" to ring up to congratulate her. I don't know why. Georgie got all "emotional", saying it was such a surprise. If there is one thing tht is not surprising on Sky Sports, it's 'Arry being on the phone.

It's not journalism, it's not news- it's just absolute garbage.

Rather than put your foot through the TV, which is an expensive way of registering your displeasure, just switch the channel or turn it off. Lads, it's a choice. You don't have to watch any of it. At the end of the day it's a service you can choose to avail of, or not. It's not like an unfair tax or something. SSN is 90% filler nonsense and 10% news. I turn it on in the morning when I am getting dressed, check the scroll bar, get results etc, and then switch it off and go to work. No big deal.


I know that, I'm just venting. I like watching sport on TV and unashamedly do. It just bothers me that Sky seem to think we're all cavemen and produce a product designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator - all gimmicks and show, with little quality underneath it.


Also, if you feel strongly about their content you could email them and threaten to unsubscribe, which is their whole raison d'être. I remember a few years ago, the old ESPN America were contemplating ditching college football. I emailed them and said if they did I was cancelling. The replied and said they had receive 'many' emails saying the same thing and thus it was staying, and actually it is still as prevalent now on the new BT platform.


QuoteThey have a product. You are a consumer. If you decide to sit on your arse watching tractor pulling from Ukraine because sky sports tell you it's the best tractor pulling event of all time on "Tremendous Tuesday Tractors!!!!" Then that's your fault, not theirs. What do you want them to do? "Look lads, we've paid millions for this shite, but we need ye to subscribe so please put up with it as best you can. Actually never mind that, go down to the local pitch, we'll be fine and there's nothing worth watching until Sunday week"?

I know what you are saying, but if you can't make a choice about what you want to watch without Sky telling you this is awesome, then you shouldn't even have control of the remote :)

I agree 100% and I don't watch it if given the choice bar the odd fight or the NFL. I was just making the point in the context of the thread, I thought that was the whole point of this thread, no? ;D


Quote from: gallsman on November 09, 2013, 09:09:09 AM
I know that, I'm just venting. I like watching sport on TV and unashamedly do. It just bothers me that Sky seem to think we're all cavemen and produce a product designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator - all gimmicks and show, with little quality underneath it.

The quality, at the end of the day, is the game itself. The reason sky hype everything is because they are trying to get people to continue to consume rubbish and think it is caviar, with some genuinely big events and games sprinkled in. But a 24/7 channel is never going to be able to provide quality all the time.. Again, just don't watch the rubbish.

I think it's harsh to blame the channel itself here. They have to shill and sell their product.


Quote from: Zulu on November 09, 2013, 09:12:33 AM
QuoteThey have a product. You are a consumer. If you decide to sit on your arse watching tractor pulling from Ukraine because sky sports tell you it's the best tractor pulling event of all time on "Tremendous Tuesday Tractors!!!!" Then that's your fault, not theirs. What do you want them to do? "Look lads, we've paid millions for this shite, but we need ye to subscribe so please put up with it as best you can. Actually never mind that, go down to the local pitch, we'll be fine and there's nothing worth watching until Sunday week"?

I know what you are saying, but if you can't make a choice about what you want to watch without Sky telling you this is awesome, then you shouldn't even have control of the remote :)

I agree 100% and I don't watch it if given the choice bar the odd fight or the NFL. I was just making the point in the context of the thread, I thought that was the whole point of this thread, no? ;D

Well not quite I thought. I saw the thread as I hate such and such a sport, not a thread about the temerity of channels to show said sports, which you took to another level altogether about people who watch this stuff on these channels :)


Did I? I didn't think I gave the folk watching sport on TV a hard time until thebigfella got personal about it. I think it is far more reasonable to dislike the packaging of sport and the disengagement from sport in preference for sport 'entertainment' than a sport itself.

I also have no problem with TV sport, it's a great service in many ways but I do find it annoying the way they dumb down sport in the same way I find the X factor or I'm a celebrity get me out of here annoying and I think making that point is a valid discussion even if I accept that we all have the choice to ignore them if we want.

I addition, I think sky sports do a fairly poor job of promoting sport. It's not really sky sports but sky soccer, they have the NFL but hardly ever go beyond the bog basic coverage while flogging soccer, why don't they do more with the sports they have, why don't they do some pieces on the GAA (at the very least results), why don't they do more on German, Italian or Spanish soccer, why don't they do documentaries like the 30:30 series on ESPN, why don't they do more on grass roots level sport?

Why are there 5 24 hour day sports channels on sky yet nothing but rubbish on 95% of the time, when sport (real sport) could fill a good portion of these channels with genuinely interesting content?


Lads, the day is going by. It'll be dark at half four. Shouldn't you be out coaching?


I'll be heading out at for U10 and 12 training at 2pm Hardy but thanks for the reminder, and yourself?


I'm on vigilante patrol at present. I have an appointment with my functional movement consultant later. The highlight of the day will be avoiding the dancing on the TV.


Quote from: AZOffaly on November 09, 2013, 07:28:09 AM
Of course I can, but you don't have to believe that Fulham v Stoke is a clash of Giants, or that Liverpool v United in September is a title decider. I just like to have the chance to watch Liverpool, Italian Soccer, NCAA, NFL etc.

I'm also involved in sport outside my couch, but I think it's a bit much to 'hate' sports channels.

Of course my remark was tongue in cheek and was a response to the self flagellation of a couple of the posters before me.

What channel is that on?
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: Hardy on November 09, 2013, 01:33:58 PM
I'm on vigilante patrol at present. I have an appointment with my functional movement consultant later. The highlight of the day will be avoiding the dancing on the TV.

Sounds like a packed schedule!!


I missed every second of the dancing. I'm still buzzing.


I got a glimpse into why someone enthusiastic for American sports like AZ would need television during the World Series as I saw the ends to game 3 (umpires had to make a subjective obstruction call, thus ending the game) and game 4 (player brought in because of his speed too slow and gets caught stealing base, thus ending the game). To see something that is literally on the other side of the ocean in real time . . . it's borderline miraculous.