Shamrock Rovers Ultras

Started by 15 Johnny Blues, April 04, 2007, 05:21:26 PM

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Good Relations

There is a need for a southside venue for matches involving southside dublin clubs. Possibly the odd Dublin match. There is a new south Dublin team coming into the hurling league and they need a home ground. Seriously it's a losing battle to try and undermine the GAAs need for a southside venue. The GAA don;t need a stadia for juvenille matches, they can play in the facilities already owned by the clubs in the area.

Your way off the mark there with that one.Whats wrong with Southside teams travelling to Parnell Park.The odd Dublin match :D :D
Are ya joking me or what..Thats pathetic.Trying to undermine the GAA..Well what is the GAA doing to soccer..Think before you speak.. >:( >:(

You never gave an answer to the final question.What about GAA grounds around the country opening up to local soccer clubs???

Good Relations

Galway United 1.148
Shamrock Rovers 1.089
Dundalk FC 1.078
Finn Harps 428
Athlone Town 421
Cobh Ramblers 368
Limerick 364
Kildare County 265
Monaghan United 204
Kilkenny City 122
Overall - 570

Youre way off the mark with that number for Rovers...I was at every home game last season and Rovers
always get at least 3,000 home fans to there matches.When they do get to Tallaght in a soccer only venue Id say the
attendance will at least double and we will build up a huge fan base.So get stats and figures right.


Oh right so the GAA would have no use for a stadium in south dublin, is that your arguement? Is that actually it? Funny then that we'll have to develop one if we dont get into Tallaght. Seems a crazy thing to do if there's no logical use for one.

Think before i speak? ahahhaha

What about GAA grounds opening to local soccer? You STILL seem to think this is a soccer ground. IT IS NOT. it IS a municipal stadium. For the love of god the differences are profound, are you too stupid to see the difference between owning something and renting something? public money and private money.

That's it. You're either stupid or barking mad. probably both.  ??? ::) ::) ::)

behind the wire

to try and make these loosers see sense is a loosing battle tayto. i think its blind stupidity coupled with the fact that they dont want to admit that the gaa has a very valid point. those who follow the inferior ground game appear to have little respect.
He who laughs last thinks the slowest

Good Relations

You see it is not a municipal stadium...Rovers started building it as a soccer stadium and the council are finishing it as
a soccer only stadium..So your also saying that every county ground in Ireland was built with no public spending what so ever.
Again another stupid statement from you.

Good Relations

Behind the wire..There just doesn't seem to be any point to try and have a valid debate/conversation with you. Your calling Rovers supporters loosers.That doesn't say much for your mentality.Very short line of thinking. ;D ;D

behind the wire

good relations we have tried to be reasonable with u, but u just dont want to even consider our opinion. we are fed up with your arguments which in the opinion of most right minded people on here dont carry any weight. thats why i have resorted to calling you a loser. (which i think you are).

by the way, would you be dublinfella by any chance?
He who laughs last thinks the slowest


Quote from: Good Relations on April 12, 2007, 12:48:19 PM
Rovers started building it as a soccer stadium and the council are finishing it

:D :D :D

In one little phrase, so much is summed up.

Good Relations

Definitely not Dublinfella for one....You have to understand that Rovers fans are amoungst the most passionate supporters
in the Country.We own Shamrock Rovers literally.So to have your dreams put on the long finger for almost 10 years and then finally to think that that your dream will be a reality only to have it snatched away at the last minute is heart breaking.And Im not looking for sympathy here just stating it from a Rovers supporters point of view. Now if TD just kept there noses out of Rovers affairs this would not be an issue.The GAA are very quiet on all this.

Lone Shark

Good Relations, I have no doubt that you are not Dublinfella - to be fair to him, he did argue a reasonably good case against all the odds. I certainly didn't agree with most of what he said, and he greatly diminished his own credibility by all his comments about "....word on the grapevine...." and "....whispers in Dublin pubs...." but he did make several good points and on a lot of points of fact he was reasonably accurate.

He certainly never came out with anything like this:

Quote from: Good Relations on April 12, 2007, 12:48:19 PM
You see it is not a municipal stadium...Rovers started building it as a soccer stadium and the council are finishing it as
a soccer only stadium..So your also saying that every county ground in Ireland was built with no public spending what so ever.
Again another stupid statement from you.

Rovers, in their current incarnation as a "supporter owned" entity have contributed absolutely zero to the construction of this current stadium. Rovers in their previous incarnation may have contributed some money, albeit not much, but since they were a tax defaulting and non wage paying organisation I think we are being nice to ye by taking at face value that the new Rovers are a new concern.

As it happens most county grounds in Ireland were built with little or no public support. There may have been assistance to some, but it was some grant aid which in no case amounted to covering anything like the majority of the cost. Rovers on the other hand seem to think that they are entitled to this Municipal stadium, free, gratis, and with no strings attached, merely because they claim to be a "Community Organisation". This despite the fact that to the best of my knowledge they field considerably less juvenile teams than the GAA clubs in the Tallaght area, less adult teams than any single GAA club in the Tallaght area and I've never heard of them fielding any women's teams.

The council are supposedly finishing as a soccer stadium BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE that made them change an earlier resolution, interference that a court of the land has deemed questionable enough to be worthy of a judicial review.

Quote from: Good Relations on April 12, 2007, 12:37:24 PM
Galway United 1.148
Shamrock Rovers 1.089
Dundalk FC 1.078
Finn Harps 428
Athlone Town 421
Cobh Ramblers 368
Limerick 364
Kildare County 265
Monaghan United 204
Kilkenny City 122
Overall - 570

Youre way off the mark with that number for Rovers...I was at every home game last season and Rovers
always get at least 3,000 home fans to there matches.When they do get to Tallaght in a soccer only venue Id say the
attendance will at least double and we will build up a huge fan base.So get stats and figures right.

It's exactly because of the likes of this kind of carry on that makes the rest of the country believe that the Eircom League is a basket case. These are the best we have in terms of official statistics, with Derry City claimed to have the best attendances in Ireland last year at a 3,000 or so average. Yet here you are claiming that Rovers had that while not even playing in the top flight. Now one of two things is going on here


(1) You're plucking numbers from the deepest darkest recesses of your colon with no back up


(2) Clubs are under-reporting attendances on a large scale, thus meaning that their books are being kept incorrectly, which is the kind of carry on that led to Rovers going to the wall in the first place and the kind of carry on that means they shouldn't be let have any kind of government assistance, never mind the ridiculous largesse ye claim ye deserve.

Feel free to pick one - neither reflects well on you or your club.

Quote from: Good Relations on April 12, 2007, 01:11:44 PM
Now if TD just kept there noses out of Rovers affairs this would not be an issue.

If Rovers were building a stadium, paying for it, applying for planning permission and going about it by themselves then it would be Rovers affairs. The fact that ye expect the council to build it for ye, and ye alone, makes it a public affair.

behind the wire

good man lone shark, you have said everything i was thinking. if the rovers 'supporters/owners/community workers' (delete as appropriate) arent able to grasp what you have just laid down in black and white then i think we should just give up.

good relations, sorry if you were offended by me thinking you might be dublinfella - its just that he hasnt been heard of i a while and you are a newbie 2+2= you know the craic.
He who laughs last thinks the slowest

Good Relations

Ha :D :D...Im sure if it became a public affair and was down to the good people of Tallaght what they wanted to see built Im 100% confident that they would want a soccer only stadium and to be honest TD are not making too many friends with all this.You obviously dont understand how the grants scheme works for County boards to build amenities for GAA purposes.If a grant is granted and in a lot of cases it is nearly 50% of the cost is put up by government.So that is a lot.

As far as I am concerned the GAA just hate to see soccer doing well despite the fact that it is the most participated sport in the country.

Twenty years to the day..

Today we've been without a home for 20 years. Respect to all who've stayed loyal throughout that time, respect to those who've become Hoops since we lost Milltown, and with deep respect for those we've lost along the way and those Hoops who've yet to come, let's do all in our power to end this nightmare.
Shamrock Rovers will never die.


QuoteShamrock Rovers will never die.

Or else, when it does, it will be resuscitated with public money, no questions asked and we'll all forget why it died in the first place.

Ye are gas lads.

magpie seanie

As turk would say - Lone Shark destroyed Good Relations!

Lone Shark

You didn't even attempt to address any of the issues. That is pathetic. I've no interest in getting involved in abuse across codes, but if you want to come on here and debate your case, then debate it. Don't just trot out little dreamy statements that will mean feck all to the peopl on here, people for whom supporting your club through thick and thin is just taken for granted, it's what we do. It's certainly nothing you want praise for.

So far you've

(1) Made statements about Rovers great attendances - without corroboration

(2) Made a bland statement about how the GAA hate to see soccer doing well - with no basis in fact. Thomas Davis GAA club are looking after their own interests, and the committee and chairman would be doing the club members a dis-service if they were not doing just that. I have no doubt that the club met on several occasions to discuss their options, and those members are the only people they've to answer to. They certainly couldn't care less, nor should they, about "not making too many friends"

(3) Stated that GAA grants tend to be of the order of 50% of the total cost - again with no corroboration. You are incorrect here, plain and simple. Rather than just accusations firing over and back about no proof on either side, my own county received €400,000 euro towards the cost of our new stand - a development that cost €5.5 million. Not nearly 50%, not even 10%.

(4) Stated that the people of Tallaght would want the stadium to be soccer only - again without corroboration. A quick tally of how many residents of greater Tallaght are members of Rovers vs how many residents are members of the 6 GAA clubs here would be extremely interesting.

I'm noticing a trend here. Things don't become facts just because you say they are - so either put up, or with the best will in the world, shut up. We are open to debate here, but what you're doing is not debate - it's hot air with no facts whatsoever.