Time for Joe to go??

Started by cadhlancian, August 03, 2013, 08:44:54 PM

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give her dixie

next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Joe at his nonsense analysis again - pick the highest profile player he can, slag him off and get some attention for himself.

That was never a square ball!!


best article I can find - and that includes the wisdom from here - can be found on http://spailpin.blogspot.co.uk just about gets the whole episode and Brolly spot on
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. but he still only has one eye


Quote from: BennyHarp on August 22, 2013, 08:25:16 AM
Joe at his nonsense analysis again - pick the highest profile player he can, slag him off and get some attention for himself.


I want nuthin to do with that...
If you were any use you'd be playing.


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016



Apologies if this was posted before. I just saw it now.
Joe Brolly's Sunday Game Rant Uncensored by Oliver Callan



Well well well, it seems the Sunday Game panel are trying to outdo each other with tales of past adventures with members of the opposite sex.

I think it's no exaggeration to say the nation was collectively flabbergasted when Pat Spillane regaled us on All Ireland final day with a story about him getting the shift in Adelaide in the 1980s but now Joe Brolly has gone and stolen his shift thunder.

Nestled within his Derry Journal column this week is a story about a night of shenanigans he had in America over 20 years ago:

'After the first training session with the team in Van Courtland Park, we went to the bar overlooking the park and got very drunk.

"Duck, young Brolly," said one of the older lads, just as a volley of empty shot glasses smashed against the wall of the pub. I had barely straightened up when they drilled another row of shots and another half dozen egg cups shattered against the wall. At this point, I got into a safer position behind a pillar. Thing was, nobody asked them to stop. It was like Vikings drinking after they had sacked the nunnery and cut off the locals' heads.

As the night wore on I fell in with a girl and after a short time we were earnestly telling each other how much we loved one another. In the small hours, we ventured outside, she produced keys to an ancient $300 sedan and full as a monkey, she drove home. When she reached her building, she turned right a bit too hard and drove straight into the wall of the apartment block. It was like the opening credits in "Police Squad" where the squad car drives straight into the dustbins. She didn't even reverse. Just left the car with its nose crushed against the wall. Next morning when we emerged, she saw the damage and said, "What were you thinking of driving home? Look what you've done to my car."'
Joe was rumoured to have responded to her by saying 'I want absolutely nothing to do with that. That's an absolute disgrace. You can say whatever about you being a great shift but you can forget about it as far as you're a good driver.'

The best bit is, it's not even funniest anecdote in Brolly's article. He goes on to tell another story about two Derrymen who also found themselves in an inebriated state one night in America. They stumbled upon a police car that had been left copless, with the policemen presumably gone in pursuit of someone on foot.

Brolly eleborates, 'The two lads did what any young farmer abroad in a strange country would do. They climbed into the squad car, took hold of the mic and enquired after the price of ewes at the Dungiven sheep sales.'

After getting warned by the voice on the other line that they were committing a federal offence, the boys responded 'Jesus woman, we only want to know the price of ewes, we're not f****ing drug dealers.'

Reflecting upon Joe's article I have decided that a) I'm moving to America and b) there should be some sort of weekly television show with the Sunday Game lads where they do nothing but relive past excursions. Excellent stuff.

MWWSI 2017



I don't know what he means by no one elses business. Outside the club itself or the GAA? Unfortunately it's something that will always be used against the GAA and people do have a right to criticise if they wish.

I personally understand why Kevin Lynch's are named so but I also see where the unionists are coming from but I don't see why it should be used to label the whole GAA as IRA supporters.


I'm not really drawing a line between the two but if there was a club named 'Mullingar Hitlers' I think he'd consider it everyones business.
Surprised he said that to be honest.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


or the Longford Slashers.