Cavan vs Fermangh....Again

Started by bottom brick, July 01, 2013, 10:40:22 AM

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rodney trotter

Quote from: ExiledGael on July 15, 2013, 04:56:00 PM
Some nonsense talked on here. Myles, the first half of that post is spot on but you lost it a bit thereafter.
Hyland has midas touch and Canavan has only brought indiscipline to Fermanagh? Any chance of perspective?
Fermanagh are in a much better place than they were after the John O'Neill era - trounced by Derry and London

That wouldn't be hard now in fairness,. Canavan had a chance to get his tactics right this time around, after it took 25 minutes to score in Brewster, but yet again Fermanagh were all at sea.

Amusing when you say the only dirty game this  you saw this year was in Breffni, cynical football won that League game for Fermanagh earlier in the year. 3 players getting sent off said enough . Total indiscipline, Maybe Canavan should focus more on the fooball side of things.


Bullshit assessment of the ref. Ye can't tackle and constantly pulling and dragging. Only one team was playing football and sure if you can't win at football try win another way. What about the kick to Givneys head when he lay on the ground? Ye targeted Mackey for dirty hits in both games. Then we have Canavan with his crying about the ref, injuries and the long wait for the match. The ref wasn't that bad, ye were.


If you think the referee had a decent game then you're blind, blinkered or ignorant.
He has been criticised in every newspaper report I've seen today.
Dunno what kick to the head you're referring to or if it ever happened, I doubt it was anything intentional.
Anyway, just wanted to put Fermanagh view on record.
Good luck to 'ye'


As another neutral that attended the match I also agree that was one of the worst refereeing displays I've ever seen...totally inconsistent and too fond of the whistle!

Ps.....That's not taking anything away from Cavan, they were the better team and deserved the win...


Quote from: ExiledGael on July 15, 2013, 11:13:40 PM
If you think the referee had a decent game then you're blind, blinkered or ignorant.
He has been criticised in every newspaper report I've seen today.
Dunno what kick to the head you're referring to or if it ever happened, I doubt it was anything intentional.
Anyway, just wanted to put Fermanagh view on record.
Good luck to 'ye'

The ref was poor without a doubt. He always is that lad. However, everyone knows what he is like so why Fermanagh persisted with mouthing and dragging at players when they had been awarded a free is beyond me. Cavan were the better team but Fermanaghs discipline was terrible and I don't think the ref made a huge difference to the outcome given that we spent the last 20 mins of the match in cruise control.


Well done Cavan, they were way the better team. Better players, playing a system that really worked for them. The work at underage looks like it may soon start to pay off at senior level. Fermanagh could do with taking a look at what you done at underage and use it as a blue print for ourselves.

With regards the ref, it was probably the worst display of refereeing I have ever seen, I honestly wouldn't let him referee an Under-12 game after that display. Fermanaghs discipline was poor but alot of this came from poor frustation at the ref and a feeling that the ref was bias, which to be honest seemed to be the case from were I was sitting (this is no excuse but, they still need to be disciplied).

But good luck to Cavan, I think you have a great shout against Derry and it could turn out to be a long enough summer for you's.


Have to agree, see the Derry Cavan game as very 50/50. Thought home advantage may swing it Derry's way but PJ McCloskey's injury may be the difference. He has been their best player this year and it's no coincidence he missed the first game against Down when they lost and returned for the game they won.