Woolwich Islamic Terrorist Attack

Started by Aaron Boone, May 22, 2013, 09:56:10 PM

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Quote from: muppet on May 28, 2013, 08:38:03 PM
Quote from: stew on May 28, 2013, 07:40:55 PM
Lazy stereotype? eh the parents are accountable for their children, it is not a stereotype, it is a fact.

If the parents are not to be held responsible who is?

Again you failed to mention  who was going to pay for this one one one time with these kids? what qualifications do these thousands of helpers have in order to work with these kids?

I am assuming that since no human being is to be held accountable for the kids behavior it then it falls to the State to carry the burden, is that about the height of it?

How many children have behavioral issues in Britain? I would have to think there would be thousands of them your idea of one on one time for these kids is absolutely laughable, of course the State should carry some of the burden but the parents would need to be taught how to deal with these kids, I would say it would be better for the parents to be educated and trained in how to help their own than have some stranger try and straighten them out, it would also be far more cost effective!

By the way, you don't seem to feel that A, the parents bear any responsibility whatsoever and B you have no concept of what it means to be a parent if you think the parents are not a big part of this kids behavior and that they should be held accountable to raise him to be a decent citizen, they should get help sure but not one on one help like you laughably suggest!

We raised our two girls and thank God we never had issues that these people face, if we had we would have met it head on, got ourselves educated on how to best handle it and we would have worked hard at getting to behave, end of.

As usual you assume I am making the most extreme argument and dig a trench and fight against it. No one is saying that parents should never be held accountable and equally no one is saying that the State must always be 100% responsible. There is a balance to these things.

Most parents will do everything they can for their kids. This has nothing to do with class, wealth or whether you vote Republican or Democrat. But blindly blaming parents for behavioural problems and absolving the State from responsibility is a recipe for disaster. The States has the highest incarceration rate on earth and probably in history. How much does that cost? How many victims of senseless crime might be saved if some of those incarcerated were caught early (i.e. as soon as they demonstrated the first sign of behavioural or learning difficulty) and set straight?

I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 01:59:05 AM
I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

What about kids whose parents are deceased or incapacitated in some way? If the parents don't take responsibility then what?
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on May 29, 2013, 09:51:24 AM
Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 01:59:05 AM
I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

What about kids whose parents are deceased or incapacitated in some way? If the parents don't take responsibility then what?

Then the State should take care of them in either scenario! The kids needs to be protected and have a chance at a normal life and if the parents are unfit to fulfill their duties as parents for any reason then the State has to step in and help the families.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 12:29:23 PM
Quote from: muppet on May 29, 2013, 09:51:24 AM
Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 01:59:05 AM
I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

What about kids whose parents are deceased or incapacitated in some way? If the parents don't take responsibility then what?

Then the State should take care of them in either scenario! The kids needs to be protected and have a chance at a normal life and if the parents are unfit to fulfill their duties as parents for any reason then the State has to step in and help the families.

Not to start a whole new debate, but is this not half the problem at least. The state have stepped in to help too many families and it is now expected that they will do so, parents no longer see it as their responsibility as long as the child welfare cheque keeps coming along with the dole they don't give a monkeys.


Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 12:29:23 PM
Quote from: muppet on May 29, 2013, 09:51:24 AM
Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 01:59:05 AM
I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

What about kids whose parents are deceased or incapacitated in some way? If the parents don't take responsibility then what?

Then the State should take care of them in either scenario! The kids needs to be protected and have a chance at a normal life and if the parents are unfit to fulfill their duties as parents for any reason then the State has to step in and help the families.

All perfectly reasonable and normal Stew.

But it seems at odds with this:
QuoteAgain you failed to mention  who was going to pay for this one one one time with these kids? what qualifications do these thousands of helpers have in order to work with these kids?

I am assuming that since no human being is to be held accountable for the kids behavior it then it falls to the State to carry the burden, is that about the height of it?
MWWSI 2017

Denn Forever

I liked this.


A small mosque in the U.K. is being praised for extending an olive branch to protesters from the English Defense League, a group that has helped fuel an anti-Muslim backlash following the daytime slaying of a British soldier.

When a small group of EDL supporters turned up at the mosque, they were greeted by worshippers, including children -- some who held signs that read "York Mosque welcomes anyone who condemns extremist violence."
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


Anyone see the episode of the Estate from Waterford. what a useless lazy shower of good for nothing cvnts. What hope do any of their kids have to get along in this world and break the cycle of poverty. The problem is we are giving people a hand out not a hand up. I'm all for helping those who've fallen on hard times, but as for those who make bad decision after bad decision there must be an end point. Its not the governments money that's supporting these people-it's the taxpayers money.

The best one ever was the single mom who was too lazy to go down to town hall to get a waiver for her bin charges. What did she do-fire about 50 bags of trash right outside her back door. What type of example did that set for her young daughter? Can you imagine a respectable family having to live beside a pig like that.


Quote from: muppet on May 29, 2013, 01:35:33 PM
Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 12:29:23 PM
Quote from: muppet on May 29, 2013, 09:51:24 AM
Quote from: stew on May 29, 2013, 01:59:05 AM
I didn't bring class into this thread, someone else did.

I also said that the parents AND the State need to work together to get this done, no excuse for a parent not to get educated on how to best help their children.

The State should hold training seminars in all major metropolitan area's and they should also support the more rural area's in educating the parents so that they can learn to work through the issues with their children.

The system in the States is a disgrace to be sure, no arguments on that score!

What about kids whose parents are deceased or incapacitated in some way? If the parents don't take responsibility then what?

Then the State should take care of them in either scenario! The kids needs to be protected and have a chance at a normal life and if the parents are unfit to fulfill their duties as parents for any reason then the State has to step in and help the families.

All perfectly reasonable and normal Stew.

But it seems at odds with this:
QuoteAgain you failed to mention  who was going to pay for this one one one time with these kids? what qualifications do these thousands of helpers have in order to work with these kids?

I am assuming that since no human being is to be held accountable for the kids behavior it then it falls to the State to carry the burden, is that about the height of it?

Not at all, you gave me scenarios after that was written and I answered with honest answers that are consistent, if a kid is an orphan the State should be taking care of those children but these cases are few and far between, I had to wrench out of you an acknowledgement that the parents should be responsible for their children's behavior and at that point the scenario's came into the fray.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quotefcuk you are some pup, I assume the 10 year old with behavioral problems has parents, where would the money come from to pay for this one on one support?

Hold someone accountable for the kids behavior, here's a radical thought, how about mummy and or daddy sat the wee fella down and tell him  to do his homework, get him into a routine every night same time for this work and if he fcuks about stick a boot up his hole, you namby pamby liberals make me want to puke!

This comment betrayed your real thinking.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on June 01, 2013, 12:54:03 AM
Quotefcuk you are some pup, I assume the 10 year old with behavioral problems has parents, where would the money come from to pay for this one on one support?

Hold someone accountable for the kids behavior, here's a radical thought, how about mummy and or daddy sat the wee fella down and tell him  to do his homework, get him into a routine every night same time for this work and if he fcuks about stick a boot up his hole, you namby pamby liberals make me want to puke!

This comment betrayed your real thinking.

You are aptly named, I mean what I say and meant every word, just because i want to hold people accountable and want fiscal responsibility does not mean I am a heartless cnut, far from it.

You wanted no part of the parents being accountable for the actions/ behavior of their kids, it was dragged out of you, you had one of the dumbest idea's ever on this board and you look ridiculous on this thread, quit posting lad, you are making a complete tit out of yourself ffs!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

Aaron Boone

2nd lad charged today with murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich. Both of the Nigerian-community gents are looking at 40-year stretches at Her Majesty's pleasure.


Quote from: stew on June 02, 2013, 12:45:04 AM
Quote from: muppet on June 01, 2013, 12:54:03 AM
Quotefcuk you are some pup, I assume the 10 year old with behavioral problems has parents, where would the money come from to pay for this one on one support?

Hold someone accountable for the kids behavior, here's a radical thought, how about mummy and or daddy sat the wee fella down and tell him  to do his homework, get him into a routine every night same time for this work and if he fcuks about stick a boot up his hole, you namby pamby liberals make me want to puke!

This comment betrayed your real thinking.

You are aptly named, I mean what I say and meant every word, just because i want to hold people accountable and want fiscal responsibility does not mean I am a heartless cnut, far from it.

You wanted no part of the parents being accountable for the actions/ behavior of their kids, it was dragged out of you, you had one of the dumbest idea's ever on this board and you look ridiculous on this thread, quit posting lad, you are making a complete tit out of yourself ffs!

What was my 'dumbest idea ever on this board'?

What did you 'drag out of me'?

You started with your neo-con rant and ended up agreeing with every body when asked a couple of really basic questions.

Are you sure you are all there Stew?
MWWSI 2017

Never beat the deeler

Hasta la victoria siempre


Has Stew just been busted as a liberal at heart?