
Started by BennyHarp, March 17, 2013, 12:54:22 AM

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magpie seanie

Jaysus Fearglasmor - even the name Dr Neary sends shivers down my spine.

I've the same as yourself - two girls by c-section. Life is busy!!!!


Thanks for all the information fellas. Hopefully all will go to plan tomorrow and looks like ill have a busy few weeks ahead.
That was never a square ball!!

magpie seanie

One other thing - if you're going to wet the babies head with the lads do it well in advance of herself and the bundle of joy coming home. You need a good nights sleep the night before that!


Some good advice here Benny. Get some sleep tonight because it'll be a while before you're getting the full 7-8 hours. Try not to worry to much when your sat outside theater while the wife is getting the epidural, it'll be over before you know it. Good luck till ye both.


The best of luck BennyHarp...hope all goes well.

My first was born c section, the doctor cut her and popped the head out and said to me "what do you think of that" and there was the baby's head sticking out of her belly and nothing else...was like something out of Mars Attacks. Then for our second it was a planned c section too but the wife's water broke at 2:15am and it was 4:30am before i woke up as i climb in beside the daughter for another few hours sleep as our bed was wet, by the time i got her to hospital the midwife said to the wife you're not having no c section love...the heads hanging out of ya love...disaster, but had it naturally. The blurt was never the same.
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch

Tony Baloney

Best of luck Benny. Game changer.

Dougal Maguire

Game changer indeed for the better of course. I remember vividly ours being born 20 years and 18 years ago. Good luck to you all tomorrow
Careful now


It's the most important thing we're here to do. Nothing else really matters that much, as long as we enjoy our time here, take care of each other and leave the place at least no worse than it was when we got here. Good luck, Benny.


Quote from: BennyHarp on March 17, 2013, 12:54:22 AM
So, my Wife is having our first born by c-section on Wednesday after it was clear it is in breach and couldn't be turned! I know this is a fairly routine operation these days but I'm still a bit worried! Any advice fellas on what to do on the day and the days after?

Benny, our third was breach and was born by c-section. It's a completely different experience than the natural birth and it is worrying no doubt, but just remember how many of these c-sections are done these days. Although it's major surgery, it's so common now it's like getting the appendix out (ok, a bit bigger than that but the same principle). It's over in a few minutes and when it is you'll think "what was I worrying about".
They days after will be a bit tricky as your wife wont be supposed to pick the child up or drive or do anything strenuous, but those are all just practicalities. A few weeks and she'll be flying.

We had our 4th and 5th by section too (twins) but for altogether different reasons as there were pregnancy complications and they had to be delivered 10 weeks premature. Even then though, the section itself was straightforward...even if daunting with about 6 consultants and a dozen nurses all in the room. It was difficult as the health of the kids was at risk and was done in an emergency so the sheer panic was more around will the kids survive. thankfully all went well and we've now got 2 7 month old twin boys. So what I'm trying to say is that yes it is worrying but even in extreme circumstances its straightforward and relatively routine.

It'll all be fine and congrats on the new arrival.


I understand congratulations are the order of the day and that big cigars are available.
Anyone travelling to Leeds to work/study are welcome to join St. Benedicts Harps GAA in Leeds.


Just reading this thread now so congrats Benny.
Is it a boy or a girl? Thankfully I didn't say the Dictator line for the same question?

My wife had 4 sections with only the 1st not planned.
Her recovery each time was very fast and no mention of any limits on having any more.

I think I'll take things into my 'own hands' and never let on.  8)


The mrs had 2 of these, first one emergency, the second was planned. Recovery thwarted by bad infection around the cut open area. Bastird doctors not cleaning hands or tools for the job, both sections I might add. This seriously f@cked things up for about 7 weeks, the mrs was in bad shape and had to get the wound area regularly cleaned and regular different types of antibiotics etc. If the infection went untreated could result in removal of part of the stomach and could also kill. So watch out for this, a bad smell with bad looking puss is bad news. Bedroom antics will also be ruled out for a fair while, at least it was with me >:(
Was left on my own in the maternity ward with a roaring wee one for 7 hours as the mrs lost a lot of blood during the first section and remained in intensive care. It is a worrying experience and the second time around I seen a lot of blood and guts, that I was not meant to see.
I hope all goes well for you.


First born, wee lad, was emergency C Section just after 12 at night after a hectice 12 hour labour during that day. Wee lad was very reluctant to come out and actually suffered some cuts to the head from a vacum they tried to use at one stage, not happy memories. Herself ended up out cold for the C-section, barely woke up after it just to know if everything was ok and what we had. She slept for the night and the wee lad was taken to special care, spent about 4 days in it cause of the cuts on the head. He was grand after a day or so but they kept him in to be sure.

The seond born, a girl, was a scheduled C section due to the problems of the first. Went very smoothly and was nothing compared to the first.

Herself will be sore for sure but my missus was determined to get mobile as soon as possible and back on her feet, it definately helped in her recovery and she was back on her feet fairly quick but everyone will be different.

Hopefully you know the good news now and all went as it should.


Our 3rd baby is due today. No signs yet. No doubt it will kick of about 3am...lol Hope everthing goes to plan Benny.

Dougal Maguire

Any word yet?  I've my finger nails bitten down to the quick. My guess is a boy
Careful now