The Photograph Thread - Own Works Only! [900 pixels longest side]

Started by Syferus, January 28, 2013, 01:53:43 AM

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This may sound stupid but......... is there a certain name for a type of photo which is taken which makes all the lights twinkle or run into each other. You always see them when the pictures of the city roads are taken and there are starkingly fantastic beams of lightswhere the cars have gone. I think these types of pictures are fascinating.


Quote from: theticklemister on January 28, 2013, 06:29:06 PM
This may sound stupid but......... is there a certain name for a type of photo which is taken which makes all the lights twinkle or run into each other. You always see them when the pictures of the city roads are taken and there are starkingly fantastic beams of lightswhere the cars have gone. I think these types of pictures are fascinating.

Slow Shutter speed. The longer you leave a lens open you can achieve shots like that and also slow water down like the one  I took below.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Je I always wanted to know that but was too afraid to ask mo chara. Good man laoislad. Thats exactly the kind of photo I was talki g about.


Quote from: Santino on January 28, 2013, 02:47:25 PM
Anyone ever done a basic day course in photography and could recommend one? I have an SLR camera but would love to know how to use it properly....

I taught myself using youtube videos and buying camera magazines and books.
Best advice I can give is take the camera off AUTO and play around with it.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.



Quote from: theticklemister on January 28, 2013, 06:35:13 PM
Je I always wanted to know that but was too afraid to ask mo chara. Good man laoislad. Thats exactly the kind of photo I was talki g about.
You can create some great photos by using a slow shutter speed. I haven't tried the lights yet but have a good few with water. This one is from Portmarnock beach in Dublin.
Sorry I know the photos are big for the page.

When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


How much ye chatting for an average joe to purchase a camera with shutter speed control who is only starting off??


Quote from: theticklemister on January 28, 2013, 06:57:28 PM
How much ye chatting for an average joe to purchase a camera with shutter speed control who is only starting off??

Any DSLR and maybe some bridge cameras will have it.
If your gonna commit to a DSLR make sure its one you like as once you start buying different lenses you are kind of stuck with that DSLR brand,unless you want to put big expense on yourself buying a different camera brand and having to buy all new lenses for it.
I have a Sony DSLR and I am very happy with it. Canon and Nikon are probably up there as the market leaders but too be honest IMO they are all pretty much the same. It's like anything you get what you pay for.
Anyway after awhile you realise its not the body of the camera that matters its the quality of the glass(lens) you put on it.
I've probably spent more on lenses than I did on actually buying a camera.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Quote from: theticklemister on January 28, 2013, 06:29:06 PM
This may sound stupid but......... is there a certain name for a type of photo which is taken which makes all the lights twinkle or run into each other. You always see them when the pictures of the city roads are taken and there are starkingly fantastic beams of lightswhere the cars have gone. I think these types of pictures are fascinating.

I think you've combined two different effects into one there - by twinkle you'd usually get something like this:

That's really simple to do that as long as your camera can be set to focus manually - you just need to turn the focus ring completely out of focus and all the lights will twinkle like your camera's got the most near-sighted eyes in existence. The problem being only DSLRs and compact system cameras (those aren't regular compact cameras) tend to have manual focusing, though there are apps that give some added focus functionality to iPhones and the like:

When you see lights, cars, whatever, trailing it's as a result of placing the camera down on a flat surface or a tripod and setting a long exposure that captures all the light that enters while the shutter is open, and the camera collates it all into something like what Laoislad took (great stuff the the way) or the one you showed. That can be done with most any camera as long as you find the exposure setting and the camera remains steady, though how good it'll be at night will depend on how well the camera copes in low-light situations.


I meant the the second one but I could not get the words out for it!


I should say that all sorts of things like aperture also effect it but really the best thing anyone interested in it could do is have a go and once you get an idea of how it works your technique and understanding of the process will get better. Even compacts are great of trying out a lot of the things that people use more expensive cameras for.


Quote from: Syferus on January 28, 2013, 07:56:59 PM
I should say that all sorts of things like aperture also effect it but really the best thing anyone interested in it could do is have a go and once you get an idea of how it works your technique and understanding of the process will get better. Even compacts are great of trying out a lot of the things that people use more expensive cameras for.

Good advice. Play around with the camera and take it off Auto.You'll make mistakes but it's the best way to learn.
It's funny or maybe ironic but I have spent a good bit on lenses but my favorite photo is one I took on my iphone a few months after my son was born,him grabbing my finger when I was holding him. Just proves you don't need a very expensive camera to take good photos or photos that mean a lot to you.

When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Thanks for the advice Ziggy and laoislad. Only getting started but could become a regular hobby

Myles Na G.

Quote from: Tony Baloney on January 28, 2013, 01:59:31 PM
Who is this Dermot C Devlin fella Ziggy is stealing photos from?

I also like the rusty bolt.
Good name for a bar.  :)