Belfast rioting over removal of Union Jack

Started by Maurice Moss, December 04, 2012, 02:04:23 AM

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Quote from: red hander on December 17, 2012, 09:13:52 PM
Yep, the dregs and scummery of loyalism are out again over their fleg... I'm sure their, ahem, fellow Britons on the, ahem, mainland are extremely proud of them and wish deeply to be associated with them ... keep banging the nails into your own coffin, you stupid w**kers  ;D

I read somewhere earlier, they had a protest outside Glasgow city hall which was addressed by some unionist politician or other - while the Scottish Saltire flew above them.


the centre of armagh was blocked tonight. the police were sending traffic including artics off into the wide blue yonder to get lost/stuck on little country roads around the city. this would never be tolerated in other countries out would come the rubber hoses and the arses would be red not orange
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


The root cause was the leaflet drop in East Belfast. Could the police not do some detective work, find our who was behind it and then send them the bill for the damaged building and police overtime bill?

Oh no wait, that would mean the police would be even handed.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


There's a bit of a furore about a few facebook groups.

I was reading a few comments... The theme seems to be about psni breaching their human rites. One poster made the point that the gates were closed at lanark way and the emergency services couldn't get through if people were hurt.

Once again you couldn't make it up...


Interesting to see how much coverage their comrades on the mainland gave them on the BBC 10'o clock news.

You guessed it. Not a peep. That's how much anyone outside gives a shite about them and their flag.


Quote from: 93-DY-SAM on December 17, 2012, 10:39:53 PM
Interesting to see how much coverage their comrades on the mainland gave them on the BBC 10'o clock news.

You guessed it. Not a peep. That's how much anyone outside gives a shite about them and their flag.

There was a feature on Newsnight about it
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Nally Stand

"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore

Milltown Row2

Quote from: Armaghgeddon on December 17, 2012, 11:08:00 PM
the PSNI are a complete joke.

They are only doing what they are told, they had the station road part of Newtownabbey closed off tonight, it didn't affect me but I was so tempted to stop and ask them why the road was closed and what are they doing about it, then I realised my tax was up and moved on!!  :o :o
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


That newsnight report was disgusting.

Working class protestants are suffering while middle class catholics, with the help of the uk, are thriving. Or words to that affect.

Milltown Row2

Quote from: imtommygunn on December 17, 2012, 11:19:08 PM
That newsnight report was disgusting.

Working class protestants are suffering while middle class catholics, with the help of the uk, are thriving. Or words to that affect.

So the working class catholics are doing ok then? Didn't watch it and I'd say the viewing stats on this show are shite. Be surprised if Paxman was backing that up, he'd done a few years over here as a journo
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

EC Unique

I think the police's current plan is to keep distance, make sure it is relatively peaceful and hope the whole thing goes away. It seems it is not just going to go away so a change of strategy is needed.

Start wailing the fcuk out of them would be my suggestion.

Quote from: imtommygunn on December 17, 2012, 11:19:08 PM
That newsnight report was disgusting.

Working class protestants are suffering while middle class catholics, with the help of the uk, are thriving. Or words to that affect.

That term would suggest work. How's about 'benefit class'


this would be laughable if it wasnt so serious. here we have a group of people who actually believe that they are more "british" than the queen of england herself. these folk cheer at the burning of the tricolour, the flag their monarch was delighted to bow before this year! 'our greatest friends' she said. it is time for a referendum! but nobody on this wretched soggy sod should have a say. the ordinary taxpayer in the uk should be asked is he willing to continue to foot the bill for this continuous shite, ground hog day dung, that is par for the course of daily life in this shit hole. if hes willing to send on his tax money week in week out while HIS public services hospitals etc are getting worse then fairplay to him! maybe thats the cost of having an empire or maybe hes like a mushroom.. kept in the dark and feed on shit either way it should be his choice 
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


I only saw the woman reporter and paxman didn't comment.

Protestants oppressed and unable to express culture. They're the victims in all this. People who don't believe in politics even coming to streets to protests. Republicans fighting a different war now and winning.

Young protestants feel polticians letting them down. Protestants in interface areas getting houses petorl bombed - 2 women specifically.

Didn't sound like they thought there was such a thing as working class catholics.

Protests peaceful in last week apparently too.

The situation is serious to be honest. July next year will be crazy on account of this whole thing. it needs to stop and they can not back down to these boys.


Quote from: EC Unique on December 17, 2012, 11:23:06 PM
I think the police's current plan is to keep distance, make sure it is relatively peaceful and hope the whole thing goes away. It seems it is not just going to go away so a change of strategy is needed.

Start wailing the fcuk out of them would be my suggestion.

Quote from: imtommygunn on December 17, 2012, 11:19:08 PM
That newsnight report was disgusting.

Working class protestants are suffering while middle class catholics, with the help of the uk, are thriving. Or words to that affect.

That term would suggest work. How's about 'benefit class'
benefit class is right. these bastards dont want work!! i listened to a dosser on the radio recently yapping about how he couldnt find a job for (wait for it)15 YEARS!!!  who in their right mind would invest their money in these areas? even if you did manage to pri their grubby hands off the dole and get them to work they'd trip and claim the living life out of you every chance they got. 
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once