Eddie Keher and Martin Storey

Started by Captain Scarlet, July 03, 2012, 02:09:23 PM

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Captain Scarlet

them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


Eddie Keher was brilliant. My auld fella used to hurl for Westmeath, and Eddie Keher gave me a sliotar one time after playing against them.

Bud Wiser

Eddies father was from Roscommon, not, as Micheal O'Muircheartaigh would say, a hurling stronghold,
Martin? That's another Storey.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"

Lar Naparka

Keher was as good as I've seen and his skill, allied to his cleancut image made him a folk hero while he was still in his prime.
But not everyone who came across him held him in high regard.
A few Wexford backs who played against him were none too complimentary when I asked them one day to tell me what he was like to play against.
I had met up with them in the bar of the handball alley on Jones's Road after they had been beaten once again by the Cats- this was back in the late 70s and Keher had retired by then.
As we sat there yapping away about handball, the bould Eddie happened to pass by.
The reaction of the three lads I was with was none too complimentary to put it mildly.
One said he's like to split him with a hurley, the dirty fecker, and the other pair seemed to share this view. I was curious about this deep dislike for the guy I always thought to be a sportsman.
So I asked the reason for the deep, personal dislike and all of them gave me the same answer.
According to the lads I was talking to, Eddie spent all his time on the field niggling and taunting his opponents; telling them where he was going to put the ball when he scored his next goal and the likes.
Obviously, I can't say that this was true of the man because I never played a game of hurling of any consequence, let alone mark Eddie Keher.  But the three lads who had played against him many times were deadly serious.
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Premier Emperor

Keher is another one of those players whose reputation is mainly built on his free taking stats and not his all round hurling ability.
Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but he was well known for being very sneaky off the ball.