Mayo v Down - March 11th

Started by Mayo4Sam, March 08, 2012, 01:17:59 PM

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Mortimer is a scoring forward, simple as that. Yes he has failed to do the business on final day for some reason or other but he had plenty of company those days, don't forget that. Horan has to get him and the rest to keep doing what they are doing, they can play fits and starts of lovely stuff, the thing is to play like that and then soak up the pressure from the likes of Kerry in championship.
Good luck to them against down tomorrow, a win would be nice.


Quote from: mannix on March 11, 2012, 01:19:01 AM
Mortimer is a scoring forward, simple as that. Yes he has failed to do the business on final day for some reason or other but he had plenty of company those days, don't forget that. Horan has to get him and the rest to keep doing what they are doing, they can play fits and starts of lovely stuff, the thing is to play like that and then soak up the pressure from the likes of Kerry in championship.
Good luck to them against down tomorrow, a win would be nice.



I think that James Horan has made a great start to his managerial career with Mayo and we have to trust that he will get it right with Conor. If come championship time, Conor is still in the team, it will be because nobody has stepped forward enough to keep him out.

Lar Naparka

Quote from: moysider on March 10, 2012, 11:29:48 PM

I dunno Lar. For a start I wouldn t give a s**** about the recognition and respect of people outside Mayo. And sadly about a lot of people inside either. Then there s 2006. Why 2006? News to me if we were producing top class forwards before 2006? Remember our forwards used to be laughed about back in 90s and noughties. I remember the Sunday Game having a 'shaggy dog' story about Mayo Forward Misfortunes.

The quality forwards we did produce last 20 years, like O Neill and MacDanger, we used them .... er sparingly. Before that Joe McGrath and Billy Fitz probably have more grandkids than Mayo appearances.

No wonder we have few forwards emerge since 2006 and are playing catch -up. Do we really want to review the Mayo threads and posts 2006-2010. A lot of stuff happened there.

As I said before I dont its fair that people diss likes of Conoreen. I ve seen the lad play since he was about 14 and I ve the height of respect for him. Saying that I think he has not been best served by successive Mayo managements who indulged/ tolerated his individualistic nature. As I ve said before about some Mayo players, they still play like teenagers when they re veterans. It does not reflect well on our coaches at county minor, U21 and Senior level. It often looks like names on a team sheet and no shape.

I wouldn t be gone on the scoring stats either. We all know the old saying about stats. The reality is that fellas in the ff line need to be getting a few scores. There s not enough goals either to be making a case on stats. How many were  frees? Has he been able to nail 45s.

Like you, I agree with what mannix has to say about Conoreen. Indeed, that is what I was sayingwhen I came in on this particular thread.
With tooing and froing over a series of posts and replies it's easy to move away from the original point(s.)
Mort is trying to make a comeback after a long layoff. He had a quiet game in Armagh but showed some lovely touches. Same goes for Andy—also easing himself in after injury.
Neither was spectacular but, IMO, both should be a lot fitter and sharper when the summer comes along.
My concern is that many Mayo fans seem determined to rubbish Mort's chances of getting back on the team without giving him a chance to show if he is still capable of producing the goods. He may or he may not but surely he deserves a chance.

I can't understand the anti-Conoreen business at all.

He has showed that he has serious scoring potential. He doesn't have the heft to be a forager but if he is fed the right (for him) type of pass, he'll convert a higher percentage than anyone I know.
Back in 2006 and before, with the peerless Mac outside him, he could kick 'em over without bother.
But he has been left to suck the hind tit since and go hunting for scraps.
I mentioned 2006 because back then we had at least four top notch forwards: Mac, Dillon, O'Neill and Conor.
We have produced only on since—Andy has made a name for himself as a forward in the interim.
So himself and Dillon are the only established forwards we currently and Dillon is only a shadow of his former self. Now, we have and had lots of promising youngsters since then but none of them is the finished article. Not yet at any rate so why the rush to get rid of the one who is possibly the most experienced we have?
I hope a few of the younger ones start to make a name for themselves this year. But none of them, O'Connor included, is the finished article yet.
Today could mark a step in the right direction.
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Lar Naparka

Quote from: Chimley on March 11, 2012, 08:40:15 AM
I think that James Horan has made a great start to his managerial career with Mayo and we have to trust that he will get it right with Conor. If come championship time, Conor is still in the team, it will be because nobody has stepped forward enough to keep him out.
Just spotted this as I was posting the one after it. You are 100% right!
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi


Quote from: rosnarun on March 10, 2012, 10:45:48 PM
Quote from: Mac2 on March 10, 2012, 02:32:41 PM
Most of the players we're talking about only came on board last year not 2006 so there hardly going to be established after one year. Nobody's writing off Mort's chances of making the team but it's not a crime to have an expectation that there are other players who would probably offer more. We probably wouldn't have had any sort of championship last year but for O'Connor's performance against Roscommon but he didn't come up to the mark and you think I'm being hard on Mort?

you wanna re-phase that or is that what you actually mean
I was paraphrasing Lar, it wouldn't be my view on his efforts.

Lar Naparka

Quote from: Mac2 on March 11, 2012, 11:45:26 AM
Quote from: rosnarun on March 10, 2012, 10:45:48 PM
Quote from: Mac2 on March 10, 2012, 02:32:41 PM
Most of the players we're talking about only came on board last year not 2006 so there hardly going to be established after one year. Nobody's writing off Mort's chances of making the team but it's not a crime to have an expectation that there are other players who would probably offer more. We probably wouldn't have had any sort of championship last year but for O'Connor's performance against Roscommon but he didn't come up to the mark and you think I'm being hard on Mort?

you wanna re-phase that or is that what you actually mean
I was paraphrasing Lar, it wouldn't be my view on his efforts.

Huh!  :o :o
Are you responding to rosnarun or to me?
I have had no problem at all with Cillian.
He's the brightest prospect we have and I expect him to take up where he left off last year.
But at the moment he has neither the age nor experiencing to be a leader and game changer. But give him time.
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi


aidan o shea red card after 5 min. mayo ahead 2 to 1


Couldnt travel so tuned into live commentary on for down vs mayo now....
You must see the Statler & Waldorf of commentary ("That's correct", sez Waldorf - constantly!!)
Great craic.
But at least a good effort at a service for us stay-at-homes and the far-aways.
Thanks lads.
Fierce tame altogether


eiled in the bushes

Quote from: Leo on March 11, 2012, 03:06:55 PM
Couldnt travel so tuned into live commentary on for down vs mayo now....
You must see the Statler & Waldorf of commentary ("That's correct", sez Waldorf - constantly!!)
Great craic.
But at least a good effort at a service for us stay-at-homes and the far-aways.
Thanks lads.
the day bus was full   " CLASSIC " ;D ;D
get some metal in your life


anyone got a link to a Connacht radio station with coverage of the Down v Mayo match?




Lar Naparka

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi