Gay marriage

Started by Eamonnca1, February 09, 2012, 07:35:33 AM

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Quote from: fitzroyalty on February 09, 2012, 08:23:47 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on February 09, 2012, 08:21:56 PM
Quote from: Jonah on February 09, 2012, 08:17:20 PM
Quote from: fitzroyalty on February 09, 2012, 08:10:39 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on February 09, 2012, 08:06:35 PM
Quote from: fitzroyalty on February 09, 2012, 08:02:41 PM
How many of you think you would have turned out any different had you had two das or two mas?
I do. I also think I would have turned out different if I had a different mother and father.
Elaberate. Do you think for example you would be in to GAA if you had two mothers or two fathers? Or sport at all for that matter?

So no Gay people follow GAA or any other sport! Are you for real?
The depressing thing is, I think he is for real. He clearly has a gay stereotype in his head. And that stereotype is too busy listening to Gloria Gaynor to even contemplate sport.
I have no such stereotype. I am all for gay-rights bar this one matter.
So why do you assume you wouldn't be into sports if you had gay parents? What if one of your fathers was Gareth Thomas or Donal Óg Cusack?


Quote from: The Iceman on February 09, 2012, 06:31:00 PM
Chistians are being forced to go against their belief systems.
Christian organisations are being forced to facilitate gay adoption, they are being forced to provide contraceptive and abortive medication to employees.
These instances and cases are what I have a problem with and this is where I would ask for exceptions to the law.....

Play me the world's smallest violin. Nobody puts a gun the the heads of these organizations and forces them to get into the business of providing social services or take on employees. If you can't provide social services without using your belief system as a means to discriminate against a vulnerable minority, or can't employ people without meeting your obligations to them, then you should not be in the business of providing social services or employing people.


I assumed nothing, I asked you a question which you didn't answer.

Quote from: Fionntamhnach on February 09, 2012, 08:24:53 PM
Influences that would be potentially missing through the  lack of one sex in this case can be compensated in various other ways  e.g. help from family members, teachers, sports coaches etc.
Doesn't wash with me.

The Iceman

Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 09, 2012, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on February 09, 2012, 06:31:00 PM
Chistians are being forced to go against their belief systems.
Christian organisations are being forced to facilitate gay adoption, they are being forced to provide contraceptive and abortive medication to employees.
These instances and cases are what I have a problem with and this is where I would ask for exceptions to the law.....

Play me the world's smallest violin. Nobody puts a gun the the heads of these organizations and forces them to get into the business of providing social services or take on employees. If you can't provide social services without using your belief system as a means to discriminate against a vulnerable minority, or can't employ people without meeting your obligations to them, then you should not be in the business of providing social services or employing people.

Yet when other people come back and remove the word Religion or Church and replace it with homosexual or whatever, you're all in uproar.
You can't call anyone a discriminate surely and then discriminate yourself in the next sentence?

Heganboy nobody called anyone a whack job.

It's ok for gay people to stand up for their rights. But not ok for Christians to stand up for theirs.
Nobody is putting a gun to any Gay person's head and telling them to get "married" or to adopt kids.

You can't have it both ways but it sounds like a lot of you's maybe would like to...... :P
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


There was a family kicked out of this apartment complex last year. They were the most anti-social good-for-nothing dole merchants you've ever met. Letting their childer run riot to all the hours of the night, screaming and abusing the wee ones, letting them run around outside naked, smoking around them, littering the place with their beer cans... etc.  That was one man and one woman producing a family.  But it's okay for them to have children?  Do we get into the business of assessing peoples' ability to raise children before we decide that they can marry or have offspring?

It's not the sexual orientation of the parents that decides what's best for the children, if you're going to use that argument against gay marriage.


Quote from: fitzroyalty on February 09, 2012, 08:35:31 PM
I assumed nothing, I asked you a question which you didn't answer.
Was that a response to me?


Quote from: The Iceman on February 09, 2012, 08:40:15 PM
Yet when other people come back and remove the word Religion or Church and replace it with homosexual or whatever, you're all in uproar.
You can't call anyone a discriminate surely and then discriminate yourself in the next sentence?

Heganboy nobody called anyone a whack job.

It's ok for gay people to stand up for their rights. But not ok for Christians to stand up for theirs.
Nobody is putting a gun to any Gay person's head and telling them to get "married" or to adopt kids.

You can't have it both ways but it sounds like a lot of you's maybe would like to...... :P

You can choose to be a member of a church. You cannot choose your sexual orientation.


Quote from: The Iceman on February 09, 2012, 08:40:15 PM
Nobody is putting a gun to any Gay person's head and telling them to get "married" or to adopt kids.
And nobody is putting a gun to any straight person's head and telling them to get "married" or to adopt kids.
Your point?


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 09, 2012, 08:41:49 PM

You can choose to be a member of a church. You cannot choose your sexual orientation.

In fairness for a lot of people they don't have a choice, its whatever they are born into and how good a job that environment does of passing that religion/ belief system along, and how much encouragement you are given to question the status quo and think for yourself...

However yes, in many cases you get to choose...

(quality fence sitting there I think)
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

EC Unique

It is obvious that people have strong views on this and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nobody, especially on an Internet forum, will sway me on the view that a child is better off in a house with a mother and father than a house with a gay couple assuming that both houses are of equal standing in terms of a good, loving environment. That is my strongly held beliief and I will take it to my grave.


Quote from: The Iceman on February 09, 2012, 08:40:15 PM
Heganboy nobody called anyone a whack job.

It's ok Ice- I am definitely calling people whack jobs. Actually most people are whack jobs, and indeed for many people it's their only redeeming quality
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Captain Obvious

Religious views on homosexuals adopting children forgive if i can only think of old Ireland where we had unmarried mothers and children abused under the guidance of religion. Thankfully we are more opened minded now and so long as the children get that loving care i wouldn't have any problems with the same sex couples adopting.


Quote from: EC Unique on February 09, 2012, 08:57:18 PM
It is obvious that people have strong views on this and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nobody, especially on an Internet forum, will sway me on the view that a child is better off in a house with a mother and father than a house with a gay couple assuming that both houses are of equal standing in terms of a good, loving environment. That is my strongly held beliief and I will take it to my grave.

How can you say they are equal on one hand and not equal on the other.

The issue here is adoption, the point is that the kids that get adopted do not have a good, loving environment and that is why their adoption is required. I don't understand why anyone religious or otherwise would object to the placement of a child in an environment where is would be loved and treated well. Baffling to me
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

Benny Sweeney

I tink dat gay weding shud not happen. It shud b between man n'd women only!


Quote from: Benny Sweeney on February 09, 2012, 09:10:45 PM
I tink dat gay weding shud not happen. It shud b between man n'd women only!
I tink dat u wil b a gr8 addishun 2 da brd.